The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@actornc My D submitted on October 30, and received her pass the next day. Maybe she just submitted during a slow time.

I wonder if the hold up is that their audition schedule was already almost full, as my daughter was assigned February 21st, which I believe was their last listed audition day.

We then saw UNCG at the local College Discovery Day and I specifically asked if their schedule was almost full. The representative admitted that they were, but told us they were looking at adding an additional day as they were still looking at prescreens. Maybe they just haven’t been able to schedule that day yet, so are holding off answering prescreens until they can assign an audition date?

@actornc I submitted to UNCG in September and got my pass within days.

My friend and I auditioned for the Hartt School on the same day (Dec. 7th) and she just got her acceptance email. Has anyone else heard back?

@jacobhendrickson , nothing yet. Is she acting or MT? And which are you?

@MTSthistime we both auditioned for both, but her acceptance was for Musical Theatre

I am so happy that I found this site. My S is in the process of getting prescreen results and scheduling auditions for MT. If this is the wrong forum to ask the questions below, please let me know where I should post.

  1. Has anyone here auditioned for Rider yet? Any insights or last minute tips? He is auditioning tomorrow and it's his first one.
  2. Does Hartt participate in Unifieds? He scheduled his audition, but now has a conflict and is worried that they will not be able to reschedule.


Getting academic acceptances and really generous (like, really generous) scholarship offers from schools that failed my daughter on the prescreen is really … special. :neutral:

(I’m looking at you, Pace and Coastal Carolina.)

I guess on the completely off chance she decides to switch gears, she has affordable options at some neat schools? Gah.

@Dance3Looks3 Oh gawd do I feel you there. But I wouldn’t expect DD to spend a second on any campus that tried to deny her dreams. That would be torture.

Exactly. My kid would take a gap year and try again before going somewhere for something other than MT. I guess this is a positive thing? Those big, pretty envelopes with the scholarship offers hurt. I can only hope a school she actually auditions for accepts her academically, artistically, and makes such a generous offer, too.

Hartt will be at Chicago Unifieds. My son is scheduled with them there.

@Dance3Looks3 I don’t post much but I wanted to share my D’s experience with Pace. She did pass her prescreen but was a “no” at the end, which was ok because it was not at the top of her list. She did get accepted academically with an extremely generous package. It was so generous, it was painful. We just tossed the package aside and forgot about it.

She did get accepted to her dream school. It came with a very nice scholarship (also a huge price tag), but not not as nice as Pace. They invited her to shadow some classes and meet with the head of the department. My D had not committed yet and she mentioned that we were still looking at the finances. She was told to write a letter of appeal and send in any other offers she has received from other colleges. My D wrote the letter and sent the offer from Pace because it was so generous. We were in shock with the extra money she received. Don’t get rid of any letters with generous scholarships…they may be useful.

Anyone auditioning at Penn State this weekend? We’re here for my D’s Design and Production interview in the morning.

Getting here from Texas was such an ordeal…she had better get an offer! ?

As I have posted here before, D had a very mixed bag of prescreen results, with no rhyme or reason…Yes from CMU, Coastal Carolina, Roosevelt, Millikin & still waiting on Elon ( january) but no from many others.

she is now 2 for 2 on live auditions. we are ecstatic to have received a YES from OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY last night!! ( email was in spam )…unreal the highs & lows this process can create as earlier in the day the BOCO waitlist for an audition turned to a NO… I have tried really hard in the years I have been here to learn to analyze, but there truly is no rhyme or reason to any of it.

Thrilled to have Yesses from Belmont & OCU before the holiday but still perplexed why we were not even granted an audition by many others…D is not the one who has gone 11-0 or 12-3 or whatever amazing successes many others have posted here…

She has done far better IN THE ROOM than via VIDEO…and many of your kids will too when we hit the height of audition season after the New year!! #thankful

Happy holidays & hang in there!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats!! Auditioning early sure did pay off!

Congratulations @NYYFanNowMTdad ! It must feel great to have a couple of acceptances before the holidays. I’m hoping for one for my son, so hard to be patient. Your experience with the prescreens is exactly what I’ve been thinking, seems so hard for them to see a person’s true potential from a short video, but I guess it’s a necessary thing with so many applicants. My son has done well with them so far, but I also know that doesn’t predict results from live auditions either. Yikes, what a process.
Happy holidays!

@MTSthistime - thank you, definitely feeling good this am, cant lie :slight_smile: .

@GeddyMcNutty I give a ton of credit to CC and those who have come before us. I have literally spent hundreds of hours over the past few years reading thousands of posts, messaging dozens of folks ( everyone of them honest and helpful). I feel through that knowledge I was able to identify several non pre screen, fall audition schools that would be a fit for my D who did rolling acceptances artistically…it could have back fired and we could have gotten a bunch of Nos which would have made the holidays & Jan/ February even more stressful. However, I felt we had a real good plan of schools that MIGHT yield a yes based on many factors ( Ie no pre screen, on campus only audition dates/ the fewer the better- therefore lowering total number of applicants) . & it seems only a handful of schools give Nov/December results. I never would have known these things without the help of CC and all the long time posters- I am actually on ZERO social media but I post so much here for good Karma and pay it forward. So yes the plan is working and I am therefore very grateful for all the help and knowledge I received. That said, IMHO NO ONE goes through this gauntlet of a process with out many highs & lows/ many bruises along the way. :slight_smile:

Congratulations to your D on OCU @NYYFanNowMTdad! That is awesome news for sure! My D has had a mixed bag with her prescreens too. And thank you for being willing to share with everyone!!!

Absolutely something to consider!!! Price is a huge factor. First of all even if you receive the best training at the top school, it’s going to take time and time in between to get jobs in the arts and you can’t do that if you are setting yourself up negatively from the beginning because you took out loans and therefore don’t have enough time to devote to auditions (because you have to take a full time job to pay back the loans!).

Secondly my son is looking for the best school for him period. And so he’s evaluating each program individually, as well as the college and location etc. He is thinking ideally a BFA MT program-but he can’t access them fully until he auditions. You can’t say that just because it’s a BFA program it’s better than ie one of several of the schools he’s already been accepted to - a highly ranked BA program with a minor in musical theater at a small college., that’s given him a substantial scholarship, building a relationship, tickets to shows etc. has established internships for their students etc. . And with a BA you could take another minor in something that would make you more marketable, give you a more sustainable income in your field between jobs. I want my son to be smart and make the best choice. You have to thinking about after graduation not just college.

So don’t think of not passing prescreens as a negative.,easier said then done. That’s why we apply to many. BAs are safeties but they can be blessings in disguise. My friends son just graduated with a BA, performed at a popular amusement park all summer and ended up on TV in their Christmas special. Btw. My son also didn’t pass Coastal which that one we were disappointed. He is going to audition for their BFA acting. Trying to find out if they have a minor in MT or if can still take voice etc. if go as BA. My son does need to sing. But he does really like that school but right now has better choices and lots of auditions coming up.

BOL to your daughter.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats to your D!!!

Congratulations @NYYFanNowMTdad ! Such a helpful story. The prescreens have been hard for us, but also I definitely think some were just a bit of wishful thinking and frankly can’t afford most of them anyway . We have a dozen or so auditions scheduled but it’s hard not to wallow in the no’s a bit. We also got a no from BOCO and I’m really scratching my head on that one. I definitely think my D is far better in person so your experience helps me feel so much better. OCU is a fantastic program, you both should be incredibly happy!