The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

@NYYFanNowMTdad Your kid rocks! Congrats to your D!

Like you we have had quite mixed results with prescreens and wanted to get some early auditions as well.
At least the process has helped to pare our list of schools ?.

I can’t say this enough: unless your son or daughter is a pro, mock auditions and live auditions are the only way to practice auditioning. Only when your kid feels comfortable with the process will they be able to relax and show who they really are in that brief few minutes. We have learned from each opportunity. We know better what we are looking for as well, and again you can only learn this from experience.

BAL everyone!

One question about pace Chicago unified auditions. My daughter has scheduled for 2/3 at1:30 pm. But it doesn’t say how long it lasts and what exact time each student does the monologue/songs? Does the student need to sign up the time on the audition date or Pace will specify a time for you? How about the dance call? Does anyone have experience on Pace Chicago unified? What time is the dance call?

Shenandoah Musical Theatre also told us that singing/acting audition appointment is scheduled for January 19 at 9:30 AM at Chelsea Studios and information session and dance call will take place from 1:30 pm-3:00 pm. It seems to me that 9:30 AM maybe the starting time for all the kids. Don’t know how the exact time of singing/acting for each kid is determined.

@MTisNutz thanks man, my kid is just like all of yours just have had some early success… A LOT of hard work and a little bit good fortune…

re: early auditions, I couldn’t agree more. even a simple example like Muhlenberg a highly regarded BA " non audition safety" . they offer auditions for scholarship that you can schedule ANY weekday, they don’t have set audition dates, so we did that one October 1st…these other opportunities like Marcas or Cleveland unifieds many people rave about…even if we had no yesses right now like MTisNutz just said I know that we would be in a better place going into the busy audition season having 6 of them under our belt already

@NYYFanNowMTdad Does Oklahoma City University Musical Theater program need prescreen? I believe that it does not.

@jianzhou nope OCU does not require a pre screen, there are MANY really good programs that still do not prescreen: OCU, Belmont, Baldwin Wallace, Montclair State, Juilliard, Arizona, Miami, Catholic, Ball State, Cap 21, - just to name a few. as you can likely tell I’m not a fan at all of pre screens, think they don’t accurately reflect talent nor success, am I a little bitter?- perhaps :slight_smile:

A HUGE CONGRATS!!! @NYYFanNowMTdad amazing!

thanks @HAHCx4 your insights on this 3rd round for you has been an invaluable resource for us

@Davale22 Thank you so much for that encouragement. Yes, the scholarship offer from Pace was painful having gotten a no on that prescreen … same can be said for Coastal Carolina, which was on the same level of magnitude. There have been two other schools she did pass the prescreen for that have also offered huge academic scholarships and admission to honors colleges, etc. I do believe it will all work out in the end and we’ll look back on this fall with a whole new perspective. Thank you also for the advice to keep those scholarship offer letters. It would be wonderful if somewhere she’s accepted artistically becomes affordable because of these other offers.


Posted a comment for you yesterday but forgot to attach your name.

@Loganator We live in DFW. State College PA is just plain hard to get to from anywhere, to some that’s part of the appeal. Our older D had an on campus interview there a few years ago; part of the decision process was just that it was too far from home (the other part was that their FA wasn’t competitive). I wasn’t that upset when they rejected DD’s prescreen.

@jianzhou my understanding is they do singing first and (and maybe monologues ), then ask some people to come back for dance, so they cut along the way. It’s more like a group/cattle call audition. If you search old posts it should come up.

@MTisNutz Getting in and out was definitely challenging…I am not a fan of airline travel that requires a connecting flight in general because there is too much room for error. However, we learned a lot and could make it work if it’s the right place. It nearly killed me, though!

@intheburbs you mean Pace has a callback for MT?

So if my portal says Accepted and Musical Theatre - but I haven’t received official word from the college yet, does that mean I got in??

D20 accepted at OKCU for Vocal Performance but not MT (was auditioning for a double major). She only applied MT here and at St. Mary’s Minnesota (scholarship for BFA from her International Thespian Festival audition) as she is more of a vocalist who happens to be able to dance and is in the theatre magnet at her high school. She is thrilled as this was her first choice and her voice teacher has a good friend on the voice faculty there. Hoping to be able to make it work out for her financially, but in the meantime we continue auditioning. BAL to all! We don’t have any other MT auditions ahead of us, just vocal performance auditions at UT Austin and UNT (and maybe TCU if she finishes the application and passes the prescreen), so we’ll wish you all the best of luck! BAL to all!
By the way, we looked and looked for the OKCU letter yesterday and did not see it until today when it showed up in spam (though it was dated 12/13). Another fried that auditioned in Nov. also cannot find an email from them!

Congrats @OrangeJacket ! Great news :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update on the OCU emails. And congrats on the acceptance!!!

Hi @jianzhou, I double checked and think I must have old information. See thread here:

Everyone does monologue, singing and dance call for MT. So I would plan to be there the whole time.