The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Got my acceptance to U of Tampa BFA today - so happy to have two yes’s so far! It’s a great Xmas present !

@DramaLlama18 I’d like to hear who offered on-the-spot offers at Unifieds. I think we all know not to expect anything going in, irrespective of what others may have experienced in the past. I also don’t necessarily know which schools are considered the “elite 20.” I could make some guesses, but if there is an actual list I’d like to know where to find it.

Congrats @DramaLove2020 !

@NeensMom - that’s always a contentious topic. I will PM you with some background. Congratulations @DramaLove2020 - that’s wonderful!!!

Quick shout out to any lurkers who feel as if they or their kid is the only one with no acceptances and poor prescreen results - please know that You Are Not Alone. Hang in there, keep the faith! Don’t let comparisons with other people’s posted results make you feel as if you or your child will be left in the cold in April. It’s a marathon trying to find the right fit school and many, many performers hit rough patches and personal crises going through it. Be the cheerleader! Be positive! Know that many people (including my own kid) had no acceptances up until the Spring and still ended up HAPPY, CHALLENGED and THRIVING in their college MT program. You only need one good fit, you can’t attend more than that anyway. Keep up your spirits and may your performer absolutely kill those auditions!!! :slight_smile:

Here’s another question: has anyone actually been accepted to a program based on a digital audition only? Due to live spots being completely full, my daughter had to submit a digital audition as her only audition to Marymount Manhattan. Now she has received a callback to BoCo and due to her Unified audition day already being full, we are considering submitting a digital for her final audition there too. Is that a big mistake?

@NeensMom I’ve definitely seen postings from people that have received offers from digital auditions, but we’ve been told by coaches that if it’s a top school, you are definitely better off doing an in-person audition.

@DramaLove2020 CONGRATS & AGREED!!

DramaLove2020, congratulations on the acceptance to BFA MT at Tampa! My younger daughter got her acceptance yesterday too. My older daughter is a sophomore in the BFA MT program there and loves it.

@secondtimeMT. thank you !

Thanks for your reply. Seeing your a Yankee fan, as a former player, I am superstitious as heck. So, I am not going to name schools , but we have been very fortunate on pre-screens so far. I will share results a the end, but for right now I am hopeful for great outcomes for all who are kind enough to share here.

Hi, I’m new but I stumbled across this, enjoyed it so thought I’d share… I especially liked the “College audition Tango” at 2:55. I think we can all relate. LOL

Its almost surreal for me this early to be posting the following note…we applied to 30 schools out of pure fear of getting shut out, 17 pre screens with mixed results & now to be 3 for 3 on auditions- Yesterday D got a YES from CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF AMERICA… really feeling grateful that we are at this point before the holidays…in that respect, I hesitated to post this as I am super thoughtful for the many people who have had a hard pre screen season & knowing most people wont get their first yes till Feb. or March.
I considered not posting and never want to make anyone’s kid feel less than, trust me we are pulling for each of you over the next 3-4 months

…that being said I would consider starting an alternative thread like these 2 from last year as I found them VERY helpful in creating our game plan this year…

Exciting times, nearing half time- long way to go!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats! Don’t ever apologize for sharing successes - that’s what keeps us going. Yes, it’s a long wait for most of us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate with you. Very exciting!

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad! I love reading about all of the decisions for everyone else and really believe this is such a supportive community. In fact, I think I might be a little addicted to finding out more about everyone’s stories!!

D did 15 live auditions (mix of live pre-screens and final auditions at Moonifieds). From those auditions 1 Acceptance, 6 pre-screen no’s, and waiting on 8 decisions.
She is happy to have 1 yes before Christmas. And she has passed 3 other non-Moonified pre-screens.

She has been admitted academically to 7 schools, some with honors and scholarships so it had been hard for her to see her friends pass so many pre-screens before she started getting the passes. I keep reminding her that it’s a casting decision. Some people will be as talented or more talented that you are, but ultimately they are casting the class, just like shows are casted and you can’t take it too personally. And at one point when she felt she wasn’t enough, I also reminded her that if this process is going to be hard, then she needed to take a hard look at whether she would be able to do going out for jobs this once she graduates from school. She then sucked it up and finished the other applications that got her 2 of the passes.

BAL to all who are still waiting for their first yes. As others before me have stated, your child will land where they are meant to be.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats!

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad ! I am sure this is the first 3 Of many more!

@HAHCx4 @DramaLove2020 @MommaCat @PNWdrama Thank you ALL!! not getting cocky & the painful “Nos” in prescreens are a constant reminder of how quickly things can turn, some of her " favs" or “lottery schools” are in the new year!!

Congrats to your D on American @NYYFanNowMTdad !

@anastasiasmom while American is in DC as well :slight_smile: we didnt apply there, we got a yes from CUA :slight_smile: thanks!!!