The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Still nothing from CCM MT here. I’m glad to hear they’re still rolling out, though. It would be great to get some closure soon.

@toystorymom Regarding Wagner, last year they told us that if you were invited to audition, you were cleared for admission to the school and could attend with any major except Theatre, Performance Concentration (and I think also the Design/Technology concentration, which requires an interview). The audition in March is specifically to be accepted into the Theatre, Performance Concentration major. So, if your D was invited to audition, she is accepted to the college. Congrats!

Same here - I guess we must be in the same “maybe” pile !

Please reassure your kids how great and talented they are. Can’t wait until this is all over. D has actually done quite well from a big picture perspective yet she focuses on the rejections.

Her “big picture” is literally a big chart she has posted on the wall with all the requirements (application, prescreen, LORs, etc.) and she checks them off as things get knocked off and she hears repsonses. 21 schools total and only 4 crossed off (waiting to hear back from 3 more, so worst case 7 crossed off). So I literally have to walk her over and look at the big picture, 14 auditions, be happy!

I think the breakdown is:

4 Prescreen "No"s
4 Prescreen "Yes"s
2 Prescreen redirects to acting
8 direct auditions
3 still waiting

1 of the auditions is an acceptance (not a pure MT program but a pretty interesting option with a nice scholarship)

I look at this and say Great!. She sees the "No"s and gets bummed out. Hoping for two more acceptances. You can’t go to more than one school. Would be nice to choose among three.

Keep the faith!

@toystorymom Congrats on Wagner! D was wondering the same thing with that email. I think she was expecting an email/letter similar to the others… Particularly whether or not she would receive a merit scholarship. Perhaps it’s all at once? This actually feels a little kinder to me. These huge scholarship offer letters for an Undecided Major after prescreen rejection seriously sting.

@MTDreamin–Thanks for clarifying about the Wagner audition. That’s basically what I thought, but always nice to get that academic acceptance nailed down…

Though @Sitzprobe is right! D has received at least one academic “yes” after getting a prescreen “no”–with a big scholarship offer–which definitely muddies the waters… For now, she’s keeping that school on her list, just in case, but not sure she would attend if she can’t do MT, so it’s a little frustrating…

Nice to be wanted though–and D is happy to have some news she can share with non-MT friends who have heard from colleges about ED/EA acceptances. We’re just keeping fingers crossed that she has some MT offers down the line!

@CBSQandA any feedback or advice on your post #815? im wondering the proper way to do this aswell

@NYYFanNowMTdad No advice yet…and we haven’t done it yet either. I’m thinking we will just be honest that the logistics don’t work, and maybe the second school will offer a video audition. I want to do it early enough that they can offer the spot to others, but I am weirdly nervous about getting the language just right! It’s a small program that we are turning down and if it had been a bigger less personal one, I wouldn’t be sweating it so much!

@CBSQandA understood…our situation is slightly different…incredibly fortunate to have 3 yesses from fall auditions, looking at the remaining auditions ( 14 more) and thinking about a) freeing up audition slots for others b)which schools would realistically be in consideration vs. those currently with acceptances, also considering scholarship opportunities, potential leverage, etc…but I guess we are just a bit paranoid how to do this without burning a bridge or missing out on a great unknown opportunity???..or to steal a line from a Bronx Tale " don’t wanna get mushed" :slight_smile:

@NYYFanNowMTdad I cancelled about 8 auditions once I had 2 yess to programs I thought would be a great fit. I simply sent an email and said thank you but I needed to cancel my audition. They responded quickly and said thank you and good luck. No big deal.

I will just throw this out there for all of the students and parents navigating this crazy audition process-you are learning great organizational skills that will definitely be helpful in the coming 4 years as you or your student sets out to try to find summer (or after college) work. My D is graduating next December with a MT BFA and believe me, it is beneficial to have these organizational skills to keep track of when and where all of the audition conferences (and prescreens for those conferences) and local professional auditions are and when everything associated with those auditions is due. Break a leg to all of you and enjoy the next few months of High School as best you can. College is awesome but there is nothing like having a support system like parents within arms reach when things get crazy!

My daughter has an MT BFA offer from Rockford University outside Chicago with a nice scholarship. Has anyone heard anything about this program?

@NeensMom we know someone who is a freshman there this year. All I really know is that it is small - she enjoys it and has had time to also play soccer!

For those who applied at Hartt…How long after submitting the application did you get an audition time? Was it sent as an email or on getacceptd? Thanks so much.

@mamoboyz, we were noticed in 8 days through an email.

We were also notified in 8 days and the confirmation came in an email attachment. The email is titled “The Hartt School - Audition Confirmation”

@NeensMom congrats on Rockford. Their program is good and they’re continually working to grow it. The college is small, and the city of Rockford itself feels even smaller than the school, if that’s possible.

Pros are the teacher:student ratios are awesome, and because it’s smaller the MT students get to know kids from other programs, not just each other.
Cons are it’s not easy to get away to big cities, such as Chicago. During the semester a lot of students tend to feel a little “stuck.” :slight_smile:

For those of you who had a fall audition with Hartt - has anyone heard back?

@MTMom2024 my friend heard back the 13th and i heard back the 24th. She was accepted, I was rejected. Both were for the 8th audition. Hope this helps!

@MTMom2024 my D has a friend that auditioned on the 7th and heard back on the 23rd with a rejection. My D auditioned on the 8th but has not heard anything.