The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Anyone going to Chicago Unifieds and applying to both Rider and Montclair State? Rider just changed their one dance call to a time that directly conflicts with the dance call for Montclair State. DD would like to audition for both but we’re not sure what to do, she doesn’t have much wiggle room in her schedule. TIA for any advice you may have.

FYI for CCM auditions at Unifieds: “At regional sites, no piano or accompanist will be available. Applicants must bring recordings of the accompaniment on iPod or CD. Musical numbers should not include choreography.” In Cincinnati, they will have an accompaniment.

SO glad I went and reread LIVE requirements again. YIKES! Make sure you have all your cuts of music 16 and 32 for the “extra” songs too ready to go on your recording devices.

@BoogieMa if you’re going to NY unifieds too maybe you can ask if you can do their dance call there instead but keep your audition in Chicago???

If your D or S has applied to NYU Tisch, would you please let me know if for their photo they uploaded a professional headshot or less formal photo? NYU states “snapshot is preferable” so my D, who just applied regular decision and needs to complete the artistic part of the application, isn’t sure what to upload. TIA for any advice.

My S applied to NYU Tisch and uploaded a professional headshot and it was fine. It’s not a perfect headshot (we didn’t retouch, his hair has “flyaways,” and his shirt is wrinkled) but it’s definitely a picture of the kid the auditors would meet, so we rolled with it and it worked out well in the end. Good luck!

@flippedout - quite sure my D uploaded a headshot when she applied (she is a sophomore at Tisch). I think the message they are sending is, like @tsamwic says, they want a photo that shows the student they will meet. I wouldn’t sweat it one way or the other, choose a photo she likes.

@flippedout, we used a cute snapshot for the upload, but I think we need to bring additional pictures so now I’m debating if I need to go get that snapshot printed. I’m wishing we’d just used the headshot.

Question about Belmont auditions:
One of the requirements says to bring a list of music activities (choir, band, etc…) Can my daughter just use her Artist Resume, or should she type something up specifically in list format? What did other people do?

Has anyone had a D or S receive an acceptance to Wright State? If so was it only an academic acceptance or was it also an artistic acceptance? My D isn’t sure if her acceptance is just academic like many of the others where she is waiting until Feb/Mar/Apr for final offers.

We got an academic acceptance from Wright State that is separate from the artistic acceptance. It came before she’d even submitted the BFA application, so it’s clear it’s a separate acceptance.

@BoogieMa Let the colleges know there is a conflict. This happened last year and the colleges usually made it work.

@jupdancemom at the October audition they did not ask for it but we did prepare a separate 1 pager. they did collect headshot and resume in the audition room…BAL it was D first acceptance, great campus, great city. really liked the program director Nancy Allen

@NeensMom We were at Unifieds last year and do not know of anyone who received on the spot offers to the top tier schools.

Anyone going to Point Park Jan 11?

@peacemama Did you mean to tag me? I didn’t ask about on the spot offers at Unifieds.

Thank you @NYYFanNowMTdad. We’ll bring a separate list as well as her artist resume, headshot, etc. She’s got the rep list by instructor as well… We’re both rule followers and like to be prepared so if it says to bring it… For our auditions that require your own speakers I bring everything short of our own piano just in case her phone and the bluetooth speaker doesn’t work for some reason LOL

Specifically for BFA Musical Theatre - Has anyone received an invitation to the on-campus Call Back Weekend for USC? Notifications were to go out by the end of December. And does anyone know what the dates are for the BFA MT Call Back Weekend?

@24mtjourney My D asked and an in an email from The Associate Dean of USC SDA dated November 14, "currently, the weekend is planned for 2/15 and 2/16.

@flippedout My S received academic acceptance letter prior to his audition then then received an artistic acceptance a few weeks after his audition.

@TheatreDad69 My D received an academic acceptance prior to audition. Still waiting for artistic acceptance.