The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Thank you for the feedback! Have a CCM audition Friday in New York then Baldwin Wallace sat on campus in Cleveland. Just trying to make sure I’ve planned the flights accordingly… at least until the thing I can’t control becomes a factor … snow!!

They can’t do that. Just politely request an extension to May 1 in writing.

Are those auditioning for BW going this Saturday or next?

@Jasklo My daughter will be in CA for the Baldwin Wallace audition next weekend. She will be at Unifieds in NYC this weekend.

@lkcmom My S auditioned for UCO at Moonifieds so it was a group dance call followed by private auditions. I never get much out of my S but he came back pumped up after this audition. It was these usual (2) songs & (1) monologue. They had a nice conversation afterwards and discovered that he composes and writes his own music which they had him perform. He loved the people in the room…overall a great experience and he was accepted into the program last week to boot.

@NeensMom OMG. Good Luck! I wish ours was over sooner rather than later. All the best. Can’t wait to hear about it.

Is anyone scheduled for the CCM audition in NYC THIS FRIDAY the 17th? S is scheduled but i keep seeing unifides dates for NY this weekend are sat and sunday. He was emailed to be there Friday.

@cs01234 yes, my daughter is auditioning for CCM this Friday too. I’m glad they are starting a day earlier! Between CCM on Friday and Pace on Monday, the 2 day unifieds became a 4 day opportunity to fit in a lot of schools! :slight_smile:

Vent: the next steps are endless! You finish your apps, prescreens, auditions scheduled. Now endless emails about applying for more things like honor colleges, financial aid (some want EVERYTHING) and scholarships etc. I wish some of this stuff could wait till after acceptances, like after May 1 so it would just be for 1 school not double digits. This might not be as bad if we had an avg number of schools applied but for us MT people, it’s more more more! Ok end vent.

new to this - looking for advice. DS has his first on-campus auditions shortly at Mich.

1/ guidance is (as I understand it) 32 bars/60 seconds. How’s that measured/enforced? He’d like to do a song cut that’s ~50 bars in ~54 seconds. (it’s essentially in cut-time). Acceptable, as long as it’s under the timelimit? Or a definite no-no.

2/ any guidance on types of interview questions he should expect?

@MTMom2024, have you heard from Hartt yet? We are at close of business on Jan 13, so I guess it’s going to come all the way down to the wire.

@ASwimDad It’s the time limit that’s the big deal. It’s generally said that 32 bars is about 60 seconds, but that may not be true in all cases. As long as you’re under 60 seconds, you should be good.

@ElizaDoolittle No we haven’t heard anything yet. I hope they keep to the Jan 15 date - or sooner :-).

OK - Dumb question - What does DS mean and BAL?


DS = dear son and BAL = Break A Leg
And it’s not a dumb question. ?

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Does anyone know if Otterbein audition for MT requires a Shakespeare monologue? I just re-read the getacceptd email and saw this in an attachment, but have not seen this requirement anywhere on the website.

Shakespeare vibes must be in the universe today because I was just logging in to ask a question regarding the classic monologue too!! My S has a non-Shakespeare classic prepared for those school that are requiring a classical piece, and when I asked him if he had a Shakespeare for backup in case he is asked in the audition he said no because his coach told him schools want to see Shakespeare monologues that are written in verse but all of the monologues he has in his book are prose…I have never seen such a designation on ANY school website that is requesting a classic monologue…anyone have any thoughts? I’m sure this is just me being overly anxious about the first “big” weekend of auditions coming up in a few days for him!

@cs01234 My S is auditioning for CCM Fri, but he does audition for UNCSA Monday in NYC. He made the conscious decision not to audition for schools at Unifieds so I was originally concerned this was part of that, but seeing that the dates for Unifieds are Sat and Sun, it seems like some schools out of the area just bookend Unifieds to help get a few more auditions done?

@theatrekidmom - Two years ago Carnegie Mellon required a Shakespeare monologue. The verse vs prose thing? That doesn’t make any sense to me!

Otterbein does not require a Shakespeare, per se. It does require a “pre-1900 classic”. That could be a LOT of things, including Greek tragedies. I assume many people DO a Shakespeare however.