The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

Does anyone already have kids in any of the programs most discussed in this chat?

@Jasklo Does anyone already have kids in any of the programs most discussed in this chat?

BoCo here.

I’m not sure about most discussed but I have a freshman at Rider who is loving it. Break legs at Unifieds and make sure your kids are open to all schools. Some of my daughter’s favorite auditions were walk-ins. Remember that today’s newer program or lower tiered program could be tomorrow’s next big thing. Getting into a top 10 is great, but not the only path to a successful career. Plenty of kids booking work that did not attend college or did not attend a top 10. Find the program that best fits them and they can grow with. My daugter’s program is on the newer side, but this year alone, several alums and students have been cast in broadway shows, national tours - alum is Angelica in national tour of Hamilton, current sophomore is cover for Evan, Jared, and Connor in Dear Evan Hansen national tour, 4 alums including two leads just closed Once national tour, current freshman has original musical he wrote performed at Feinstein’s 54 below, professor has a musical on track for broadway (Chasing Rainbows). Her program is definitely up and coming and she hadn’t heard of it before last year. Sorry, this isn’t meant to be a brag post, because lots of schools are doing great things. Only meant to reinforce to have your kids go into auditions open to all schools. Tell your kids to enjoy this period in their life. Can’t wait to read everyone’s stories!

“In verse” has always been the expectation/our experience.

D is a freshman Acting at DePaul - though they don’t have an MT program, MT kids apply/attend- they do have one city-wide MT-oriented production at the Merle Reskin per year and several productions I’ve seen so far incorporate singing. D is extremely happy, it’s been a great fit and the most fun audition she had. To note though- she’s alway been an actor, not MT.

NYU MT mom here! A lot of veteran parents mostly read and only “decloak” when there’s a program-specific question but we also lost many long-time participants to last summer’s redesign.

Molloy/CAP21 mom of sophomore here.

just curious if anyone has heard anything since the BOCO Dec audition?

@speezagmom my D has applied to Molloy. Do they not have an applicant portal like the other colleges? Got the email that says common Application was received but nothing else.

@cs01234 We have not heard anything from BOCO. I believe they said results would be released on January 31st.

@ASwimDad My D attended the Michigan MT audition LAST year, so, of course, things may be different this year. All the events of the audition day were held in the Walgreen Drama Center. Check in was at 8:30 am. There was a check in table with students: they were very nice and helpful. The check in table was staffed all day in case people had additional questions. There was also a food table (decorated in blue and gold, naturally!) stocked with snacks/refreshments and available throughout the day.

The day started with an information session in a small auditorium/theatre where they welcomed the students and parents. First, there was a U Mich MT student panel presentation- I don’t think the faculty weren’t present for this. After the U Mich MT student session, Vincent Cardinal welcomed the auditioning students and told them: if you are here, you are academically and artistically qualified to attend here, and that’s a huge achievement. Now it’s just about fit. We are looking for students that fit in to our program, and, as a student, you should look for programs that feel like a fit to you. After his brief talk, some faculty from the MT department joined him on the stage and spoke briefly. Students from the panel and the faculty were available afterwards to answer student and parent questions. After this information session, there were optional sessions for parents to attend while their students were auditioning; one session was on financial aid.

Auditions then began. First were the song and monologue auditions. My D could not find an open warm up room, so she warmed up in a bathroom in the basement which worked out fine. The auditions were held in the larger studio classrooms on the first floor. There were two different rooms (each containing two faculty members), and we were told that people were assigned randomly to one of the rooms. My D was assigned to a room (Towsley Studio) with Vincent Cardinal and Catherine Walker. You waited outside the room until it was your turn to audition, and then there was a student monitor (very friendly and supportive) who took you into the room and introduced you. The auditors chatted with my D briefly about some non-MT things. She did two songs and one monologue (they let her pick which of her two monologues to do). Catherine worked one of her songs with her. After the audition they had her wait outside the audition room until the next person came out, but she wasn’t called back in.

My D’s audition was before lunch, so we had lunch, and then she had nothing until her dance call at 3 pm. They were running a little late, so the dance call started after 3. There were two dance calls: half the students were at 3 and half at 4. There were around 30 students in my D’s call. The dance call included a ballet portion where students were at the barre and then an across the floor portion with pirouettes. The jazz portion was next and was to Transylvania Mania. My D felt it was one of the more difficult dance calls that she had done (again this depends on which schools your student is auditioning for).

After the dance call, we were free to go. She really enjoyed the day, and we felt it was very well-organized and informative. Again, this review is from LAST YEAR, so things may be different this year, but, hopefully, it can give you some idea what to expect.

BAL to all auditioning this year!

@MTdreamin…thank you!!!

@ElizaDoolittle Did you hear from Hartt today? We didn’t…maybe January 15 was a “goal”.

@MTMom2024, nope. Frustrating given that they volunteered that date and so many others have heard. I suspect you are right about it being a goal. Keep us posted when you do hear and I’ll do the same

@ElizaDoolittle and @MTMom2024 I’m guessing you have both already checked the Hartt portal, right? Not sure if you saw that upthread somewhere, but someone mentioned randomly checking their portal and having a decision there (no email was sent), so that prompted me to tell my D to check, and her decision letter was indeed in the portal once she clicked on her application. That said, I do remember the gentleman at the parent presentation saying it was his goal and intention for everyone to have an answer by January 15, but that it was possible that a few might not make that date due to delays in the university admissions and financial aid offices, because if you get an offer they send all of that information together.

My fingers and toes are crossed for both of your kids! Hang in there, and hopefully you will both have answers very soon!

I’m posting this in two places - kinda freaking out.

I was reviewing the NYU website and have a question on the Resume and Headshot. Website states that:
You are required to bring both a photograph and a résumé to the artistic review, in addition to uploading them digitally. A snapshot is preferable, as long as you are recognizable in the photo. Please use the industry standard for a performing arts résumé (example here).

Headshot - are you to bring a smaller format than 8x10 to the audition?

Resume - Is everyone following the sample format?

Link to Example

My daughter submitted both on-line already. Resume is not in this format…Do we fix it and bring the correct formatted resume to the audition???

@muttsandMT , thanks for the info, but yes, we’ve checked the portal (obsessively, LOL). Just for good measure, my D called and was told that there was no decision yet.

@ElizaDoolittle I’m so sorry, and I hope I didn’t offend you…I figured you did hear about the portal thing and have been checking, but I wanted to say it “just in case.” So sorry it’s taking so long for your D to hear…I’ll continue to think good thoughts that she gets a decision soon! :slight_smile:

@LamaDrama - yes, I would fix the resume since NYU gave you a format. I would even see if you can update your uploaded materials - I seem to recall you can. I would bring whatever photo your D likes best and if that’s a headshot, so be it. Just make sure it Looks Like Her - no massive retouching or special effects.

Question about Penn State MT auditions at NYC Unifieds. I can’t find any information on the website or on the email audition confirmation whether or not there will be an accompanist provided. Does anyone know?

@FingersXd20 Penn will have accompanist in Chicago. Email John Simpkins to confirm NY is same. His email should be on GetAcceptd message.