The Class of 2024 -- Sharing, venting, discussing! MT

My D made it through all the CMU rooms last year, was asked for several extra pieces and did not get in. That was the experience of the majority of her friends, more of them got passed through than didn’t. I don’t know if that’s typical, but it was the experience of the group we traveled with. Her friend who did get in, got a handshake at the end of the audition, and a “see you next fall” along with a big CMU sales pitch from Barbara. We know one other person who got a “see you next fall” and the sales pitch from Barbara and did not even get a waitlist, so even that means nothing.

My D had worked with Gary and Barbara before at a summer program. She left the audition knowing she wouldn’t get in despite how nice they were in the room, because she’d seen the difference between their nice and their genuine enthusiasm. But a few of her friends were really convinced they’d made it because of the warmness in the room, and were really heartbroken when the results came out. CMU is known for being very nice in the room, and it’s a good thing to get passed on, but (and this is true with all schools, but especially CMU) don’t count on anything until you get the actual acceptance call. The best thing to do is use this as proof that they saw something great and interesting in your audition, and carry that confidence into all your other auditions.

@tygerpig My D sent thank you emails after each audition last year, much easier and faster since who knows when/where the mailed cards will land. Some responded back, others didn’t and that meant nothing for the end results.

What post # was the notification dates list?

@Jasklo the notification dates are a separate feed here:

Thank you!

@onette Thanks for CAP/21 Molloy tip. I am learning that not every school (especially the ones that are using suites on guest room floors) are listed on the master schedule they hand out…

@WDWMom Hope to connect at Wagner but I agree that my D may not make it. She just announced that she does not want to go to American next weekend. I am not going to push her (even though we don’t have any yeses yet) because we have been away for nine days and she has been so sick and when we visited American she hated it. I think she just needs a couple of weeks at home to get healthy, catch up on schoolwork and enjoy being a senior. Maybe then she will have the energy to go to Wagner (a school she loves so I’d rather see her put her energy there after a rest than push to go to American).

@Kkrazie Thanks for into about UMiami. We were not able to get a walk-in here in Chicago. They filled up fast. I think it is too late to apply and audition on campus but I will check it out online.

@AnxiousNovice - if she hated the school, definitely let it go. There’s no point in a yes from a school she won’t go to. I hope she heals and can get to Wagner! Hang in there!

@MTdreamin Thanks for Wagner info. You confirmed what I thought about timing. My D has a full day tech rehearsal that Saturday so we will be driving form Boston to Staten Island that night. It will make for a short sleep and a long day on Sunday (she is applying for a music scholarship so we will need to stick around for at least part of the afternoon) because she has to be in school Monday morning (start of tech week and not allowed to do extracurriculars if she is not in classes). Ugh. At least that will be her last audition.
And thanks for the good health wishes. My D is 95% recovered. Hurt her for her Montclair MT audition on Monday (voice was back but not her full lung capacity) but she was back at full voice for Ithaca this afternoon. She is still coughing up nasty stuff but now can at least control the cough in public, no longer has awful body and head aches and has her voice back.
Hope none of your kids get this. Looking back at intensity and duration of this virus I think it was probably some form of the flu (despite her flu shot). Glad we quarantined her away from Marymount kids and Roosevelt dancers over last weekend, when she was most contagious. The rest of the time, even though she has improved each day, I have had her sit as far away from the other waiting kids as possible and when she is not on her way to or from an audition I have quarantined her in the hotel room. It has not been fun but she gets how important it is not to have this happen to anyone else.

@tygerpig My daughter is writing thank you notes to each evaluator (except NYU where they don’t introduce themselves and apparently are indifferent to thank-you notes). Sometimes it is hard to get the names but we either ask the person at the check-in desk or look on the school webpage and find the people by face

S is sending them to the schools at which he could see himself. He either got the names of the panelists who auditioned him, or he’ll look them up on the faculty’s website. He’ll email the director if the director was in the room.

@AnxiousNovice …I get the sense that ALL the kids are hitting/have hit the wall at this point… whether you have no acceptances or many this process takes its toll…I dont know about others but we have been on the road nearly every weekend since October 1st ( Muhlenberg audition for scholarship) . I know when I travel for work its exhausting…now add in nearly 5 months of pressure and needing to BE ON , even longer if you factor in the 100s of hours for essays, practicing, pre screens, PLUS the demoralizing series of NOs even the most successful auditioners have- its hard to fathom a 17/18 yo not being fried at this point…And thankfully, we have avoided illnesses which is nearly impossible being on so many planes…missing school, sleep deprivation, not getting to be a normal Senior,school shows…should I keep going??

BRUTAL is all I can say.

@NYYFanNowMTdad Thanks for so accurately validating! It is nice to know that my daughter and I are not wimps. Sometimes it seems as if everyone around us is so much less frazzled and exhausted.

Heads up for folks coming to the LA Unifieds! Our one and only day of RAIN this year is scheduled for Sunday. It doesn’t look too bad - light rain - but any of you who have auditions away from LAX (our year it was Pace and NYU) make sure to leave plenty of time to get there and if you are driving - be careful! The first day of rain makes our roads slippery and there are usually accidents because people here don’t know how to drive when water falls from the sky. BAL to all the performers - relax and let your light shine! I hope you parents can relax a bit now that the end is starting to be in sight. :slight_smile:

@AnxiousNovice I am glad to hear your daughter is feeling better. Mine was sick the second weekend in Jan and did not do well in her two auditions that weekend. She was very upset and it made for a long car trip home. I try to think that things happen for a reason and maybe those schools were not meant to be for her. Tell your D break a leg for the rest of the season. We have to hope they land where they are meant to be.

Do most schools notify by email when they update the portal with a decision, or do they just update without letting you know? I’ve had one school email me, letting me know a decision was up, and another school just post an update with no notification. Just wondering so I know how often to check these portals. Thanks!

It’s been raining in Seattle for the last month and a half straight. Now it’s raining on my one escape to California. :tongue: I’m cursed!

jk. We do have a Pace audition, so thanks for the heads up!

@LadyMjolnir - I thought of you! We’re grateful you’re bringing some precipitation. :D. If Pace is downtown again you might weigh driving vs taking an Uber. Parking can be expensive and getting around DTLA is a pain. That way the Uber driver can navigate the crazies on the freeway. :slight_smile:

Thanks @CaMom13 , I think we’re definitely going with Uber. The last thing S needs is me getting lost and merging onto a freeway to Malibu or something.