The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

My kid. Financial Aid verification form. Pulling my hair out. That is all.
(It’s done now). Happy Friday everyone!


Nodding in understanding and sending hugs. If I get one more, "oh I forgot to -tell, give, mention - statements…:flushed::roll_eyes::zipper_mouth_face:

Happy Friday to you too! Spring Break starts in 6 hours. :tada:


NYU for sure!


DS just got a call - offered a spot at Ball State off of the WL!!! He’s had lots of ups and downs, as many others have, but it is nice that this has been a good week for him!


Woohoo! What a great way to start the weekend! Congrats to him!


Yay!!! What a way to start the weekend! Power to the waitlist!!!


There’s a separate post from a senior looking for advice on Muhlenberg, Slippery Rock or Arcadia. I just want to give her a signal boost here in hopes someone will see this and find her thread since a lot of individual threads are going unnoticed.

NYU parent here, happy to answer questions.


D is a MT kid but applied to both Theatre and MT programs. So far

waitlisted at Tisch (dream school)

Accepted at

CSU Chico
UC San Diego (current 1st choice)
Cal Poly Pomona

UC Irvine
Loyola Marymount
Cal Poly SLO

No’s from
U of Mich (she knows 5 kids from SD that got in!)
Penn State
San Diego State
Carnegie Melon
UC Santa Barbara

I beleive she will be in NYC at Tisch


I’m curious as to why the parents on here say NYU. I’m trying to help my son decide between USC MT, NYU Tisch MT, and Northwestern.


Mmm I’m from southern CA and NYU is in a lovely part of town, with great public transportation. USC you would do well to get a car eventually, though there is public transportation you can use between the train lines and dash buses (I work downtown), but I would pick NYU if all else is equivalent. Only caveat is the strength of USC’s Hollywood connections are pretty great, if your kid is thinking more film/tv vs theatre/stage.

Dear All:

I want to encourage anyone who feels comfortable doing so to tell their story on the Final Decisions, MT class of 2025 thread.

It’s an opportunity to tell the story of your son or daughter’s process of applying to and deciding upon a school, from start to finish, and I have a feeling it’s enormously therapeutic. (No, I didn’t do it yet, b/c my DD has yet to make a final decision!!!)

Also, I know it’s really helpful for future years’ parents to read through others’ struggles. To know that the “dark night of the soul” that happens sometimes around December is not the end of the story. I know it helped me A TON.

Here’s the link if you’re ready to go on it: I look forward to reading all of these, it helps me to keep processing whatever it is that we just went through!!!

Cheers and happy Monday!


Where is everyone? What’s going on? We are stuck on a couple of waitlists and still waiting on some financials. She’s sitting in on some classes for schools she is in, but still holding out a couple of weeks before really deciding between schools that aren’t the waitlist. Anyone else in a similar position? We aren’t visiting anywhere, so I think it’s really hard to choose between similar schools!

Yup, in a holding pattern here too. My student isn’t particularly inclined to move toward making a decision at the moment, which, frankly, is killing me!!! :crazy_face:


Same! Down to two, but she’s taking her time (which is probably very wise of her). I just want to KNOW!!

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is there one of these for acting programs? We are almost there and would love to share.

omg guys that’s us! four contenders and a wait list. and i’m not allowed to discuss it with her. there is a meeting set up with her coach on wednesday. i also just want to know!!!

but of course it’s her decision not mine. all the financials have come in very close to each other so that’s not really the issue.

of course the wait list is syracuse which will
be an arm and a leg! not sure where she is with that but her coach will know anyway lol…

right now she and her dad are visiting colorado! so far i know that she loves the jeep they rented :rofl::rofl::rofl:


This stage is the fun part for the kids - the tables have turned and schools want THEM right now!


We are waiting here as well. DD knows where she will commit May 1 if she has to. She is waiting on that one waitlist- hoping to get off it. So not a lot of decisions to be made just playing the waiting game.

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We are down to 2! The waitlist is #1 of course so we wait. We are visiting #2 tho on Friday since we know that ones a distinct possibility. She would be happy at either one…but a little happier at the waitlist…hoping it starts moving soon!

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