The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

My D graduated Purchase in 2020. She got 0 financial aid (we are out of state).


Did you receive an acceptance at Rutgers already?

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My understanding from Rutgers in general is that they dont give out merit aid until later. We live in NJ and I dont think it comes out until later in the spring.

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Yes, I think it was last Tuesday when L got the call and then portal updated a few days later.

Awe that’s awesome!!! We’ve got crickets over here!


I really do think no news is good news for a lot of these programs, especially as the calls don’t always seem to take place all at once. :crossed_fingers:


It really is a roller coaster isn’t it! Thanks for the encouragement!

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Folks who have heard from SUNY Purchase BFA Acting: out of curiosity, when and how did they contact you? Still waiting to hear after getting some last minute stuff submitted (applying as a transfer).

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I think it was a phone call on the 19th followed by a portal update a few days later. I know some students have received a no in their portal and have read that if you haven’t received a portal update, there’s a strong chance of waitlist.

I’m not sure if the process is the same for transfer students though? When did you audition?

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Callback on the 5th, and then admissions reached out for additional stuff (paperwork) from me on the 18th, which I was finally able to get submitted after excruciatingly long waiting periods for various things to process.

I saw someone on here (or one of the other two threads with active posts) who was a senior in high school posting about possibly taking a gap year instead of rushing into a program without 100% certainty - which I could not recommend doing ENOUGH. Even if a school is “top tier” or “prestigious,” it doesn’t mean it’ll be the right school for you.


Any news from Otterbein?

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Requesting the additional paperwork seems like a good indicator. Maybe transfer students get notified on a different date? :crossed_fingers:

Purchase sounds like a great fit for our kiddo - they were soooo happy to get the call & had a wonderful audition experience - but we are still waiting on a few admission decisions still, and net price and ROI will also play a big factor.


Otterbein “no’s” started rolling yesterday. I know three students who got one…


does silence from otterbein likely mean still under consideration ? i know some yesses were called and some
no’s weee sent. we’ve got nothing here!

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We’re the notifications from Otterbein for MT, Acting or MT w/dance? Or a mix of everything?

Does anyone know if Pace’s theater productions are open to all students? I know some schools, like Rider, do allow non BFA students to audition for their stage productions.

Previously there was no mixing, dance showcases are for the dance majors, musicals are for MTs and plays are for acting. However, when I auditioned there, they said that is changing a bit since covid, they had their first mixed show where the dance majors choreographed for the acting majors to create a show. They also said that in very specific cases, you can request to audition and the directors can consider it, but it is very case by case. The only other cross-over is that commercial dance minors can do the dance showcases, but to answer your question, I think they primarily limit the musicals for MTs.

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Acting and MT

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based on last years dates, there’s a chance that michigan calls could be today or tmrw, but i’ve also read that they always announce the call date in advance. is it true that they’ll tell us the date that calls will be going out, or could they just start coming at any moment?

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Its on MT Facebook page that Mich calls have started to go out. BAL