The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

No, just got an email notification that there was an update to the portal. Only call so far has been Otterbein.

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Well I guess first Syracuse batch wasn’t yesterday. :slight_smile: Maybe they’re doing it different this year and releasing all decisions today? :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Go Orange!

Probably not today. MySlice has a message that indicates it is offline from 5 a.m. - 8 p.m. today for a software update.


When do you expect for Syracuse results to come out then ?


I totally understand how you feel. Something similar happened to me. I live close to Shenandoah and as someone who wants to pursue a career in music I always knew it was a great fit for me. I was not exactly sure of what to pursue in music because I have so many interests. The president approached me to suggest I apply for MT. Surprised by her suggestion, I thought about it and submitted my pre screen the day of the deadline. I made it passed! I knew there were going to be really talented people auditioning who had more practice under their belt since they applied to multiple MT programs. This was the only one I applied for because I wanted to try it out for the experience. The things the professors verbally said in my audition sounded like I had a shot of getting in. I know everything is not guaranteed, but two of the professors in the audition room even contacted a relative of mine that works at Shenandoah (they did not know I was related to this person until after auditioning) to tell them that I did a fabulous job and would be in contact with me soon. I understand that there are going to be lots of heartbroken people rejected, but do not give people false hope. Furthermore, I truly think that the rejection letter sent out by SU admissions could have been worded a lot better. I understand that I am not going to get picked for everything. I tell myself all of the time ‘for every 10 no’s you get 1 yes.’ I can take a loss, but this loss really did sting. Anyways, just keep your head high and know that everything happens for a reason. Things just sometimes aren’t meant to be. God has a plan for everyone and I know that he will guide you into the program or place you need to be. Always follow your dreams and never give up. :heart:

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At this point, it’s anyone’s guess.

I’m so sorry that’s so messed up. It’s almost like a marketing strategy to keep people interested.

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syracuse website now says decisions will be released starting on March 24

Don’t know if this group is interested in sharing this type of information, but this was done last year under an MT Acceptances type thread which doesn’t seem to exist this year. I am lurking as my son is a college freshman that reauditioned for MT at BW and is currently waitlisted. These are his results from last year as an example. He applied to 8 schools.

Rider (MT)
Hartt (MT)
Cal State Fullerton (MT)
Baldwin Wallace (Acting BFA, but this year waitlisted for BM MT)

Oklahoma City University (Acting BFA - didn’t actually apply but auditioned at Unifieds) - turned to acceptance in May, but DS already decided on BW

University of Oklahoma (made it to final consideration list - this was a painful no as it was a top choice)

Didn’t Pass Prescreen:
Penn State


So many questions! Did he like BW Acting. My daughter also wanted MT and got redirected but she says it’s not part of the conservatory so she’s not sure she wants to consider it. Rider is another option. Any red flags there?

BW Acting is an up and coming program. They are trying to hire new faculty so it is kind of in transition. He has loved voice lessons through the conservatory, as well as the dance classes through the Theatre and Dance department. He has also had the opportunity to be in two shows (not musicals) and sings with an ac capella group and the university choir. So plusses and minuses like any school. Rider seemed nice on our visit. It has a large class and they can’t audition for the first year or two (unless this has changed), which he didn’t like. The campus seems nice but is about an hour from the airport. In contrast, BW is super close to the airport.

There was recently a post in the parents BFA Acting Dreams FB group about BW acting (written by a parent of a current student). Are you in that group? It was a very informative post.

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I just read it. It is very accurate except for the part of acting students not being able to audition for musicals. My son was able to audition and they always typically cast at least one student outside of the MT program per show.

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We still have not heard from Hartt. Someone told me Facebook chatter says decisions are rolled out until April 1. I have heard of some yes’s, but not of any no’s yet.

Last year it seemed like a continuous process of rolling out yes’s or no’s. But I also read that someone talked to their office and they should be rolling out the last batches soon. I think they put all of the financial information together when they make an offer so it takes time to process them. Good luck!

Edited to add: didn’t get in :frowning:
Nervously awaiting Northwestern today. Would be so nice to have a win. But ofc this is another one that’s so very hard to get into. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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Syracuse just released results. My D got accepted!!


congratulations! for MT or acting? I was just accepted for MT.


For MT


Congrats !!

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