<p>yeah, a lot of my friends who applied wesleyan got their decision letters as well.</p>
<p>Oh Gosh, my heart just stopped for a second. I looked at my emailaccount and there was a mail from Vassar with (no subject)…fortunately (or unfortunately) it was just a confirmation that they have received an email which I sent yesturday. That cost me at least 2 years of my life :-)</p>
<p>All this business about Wesleyan letters isn’t boding with me well. I applied and still nothing :(</p>
<p>Hehe, I think I remember my Vassar letter coming about a week before my Wesleyan letter did. Don’t worry! :)</p>
<p>they emailed me back and told me that they will send out the decisions on 3/26! Goood luck everyone :)</p>
<p>^who? wesleyan or vassar? im just confused cause the ppl before me were talking about wesleyan</p>
<p>No Wesleyan letter here yet either!</p>
<p>if you’re referring to vassar, a march 26th mail date would be FANTASTIC! what exactly did the email say? (sorry lol) it would be SUCH a relief to know the exact date!</p>
<p>I’m talking about Vassar. Here’s the original email :
Students in the US are notified via US mail only.<br>
Our decision letters will be sent out on March 26th.
Best wishes from Vassar! "</p>
<p>well yay! i feel like i can breathe now. thanks so much for posting that email!</p>
<p>So we should get it by the 28 or 30th? Yay!</p>
<p>really? babyloutattoo
i have just received a letter saying that wesleyan’s decision will be out on Friday, March 27 at 2:00 PM EST through Friday, April 3rd at 5:00 pm EST.
HAHA~ Anyway ~ good luck to everybody~</p>
<p>LesleyG - Does that mean internationals are notified via email? PLEASE, GOD!</p>
<p>Is it not like the longest two weeks of our lives? :)</p>
<p>I thought I’d share a funny story with you all about Vassar. A week or two ago, I was called out of class to a room I was not familiar with (we ALL know our counselor’s office room by heart, I’m sure! LOL). </p>
<p>I arrived at the door which was the previous In-School Suspension room. I thought, “What the heck?”. I was wearing my favorite worn jeans, a t-shirt, and my hair up in a half ponytail/half loose with a hair clip thingy with my usual mechanical pencil stuck through it (oh just lovely). I also looked so pale (and no make-up) because I had just returned from a severe bout of bronchitis.</p>
<p>I entered the room to find – a Vassar interviewer!!! Yikes!!! I was in such shock, I didn’t even ask any questions. Duh!!</p>
<p>Well today I received an email from the Admissions Office telling me they were sorry I couldn’t have an interview during the application process but there just weren’t enough people in my area to conduct them! </p>
<p>I’m not even trying to figure out what it all means. I just thought I’d share that story to try and keep your mind off decision…time ticking by soooo slowly!! ;)</p>
<p>Good luck to all! May all your envelopes be fat ones!</p>
<p>I recieved a similar email apoligizing for not being able to interview with me. Do you think it means anything? I don’t wanna read to deep into it, but I can’t help it haha</p>
<p>And awesome news on that decision date!!!</p>
<p>I got that email too…</p>
<p>Lol I don’t wanna read into it either…BUT (haha) does anyone think perhaps it means we might get a favorable decision? I mean why would they ask us to ask questions this late?</p>
<p>I also got that e-mail apologizing for not offering an interview.</p>
<p>Hopefully, we get accepted.</p>
<p>Eeeek! I got no such email, and I also checked the interview box and was not given an interview! I hope that’s not a bad sign.</p>
<p>Actually, I ticked off Vassar so much during the last few months. My essay was more than two pages (quite a bit more). I sent two essays for the Your Space because I didn’t know which one they’d like more, and the two were so different. I emailed them about additional honors several weeks after I sent in the midyear report. My financial aid information was a few days late.</p>
<p>There is no way I’m getting into this school.</p>
<p>I got the email about not getting an interview, but I thought it might have been sent to everyone. Could it be in your spam folder, sstGO27?</p>
<p>Yay! I just got it.</p>
<p>Maybe I have a chance after all. :)</p>