the difference between a B-, B, and B+

<p>does it matter to adcoms whether an applicant has a B-, B, or B+ on the transcript or mid year report or is it all the same (meaning a B is just a B, less than an A but better than a C)?</p>

<p>thanks :/</p>

<p>please guys i really need this :/</p>

<p>B+ > B > B-</p>

<p>pretty simple. if all B’s were B’s then there wouldn’t be pluses and minuses, right? seems like you are trying to comfort yourself over a B-, its not the end of the world.</p>

<p>wrong, he is trying comfort himself over a B+</p>

<p>so it REALLY matters to adcoms what the sign is? i know what it signifies, but is it enough to sway adcoms?</p>

<p>sorry i’m really paranoid :/</p>

<p>Dude maybe it varies from adcom to adcom, but at the end of the day a B is a B. An A is an A. A C is a C. The sign just shows how close you were from breaking away from it.</p>


Or to put it another way: A B+ is almost an A, and a B- is nearly a C.</p>

<p>My school does not have minuses and pluses. A grade is the grade. even if it’s a 90.03, it is still an A.</p>

<p>a B is a B.</p>

<p>now personally, that kinda sucks if u get a B+, because in the end, its just about the same as a B-.</p>

<p>except for the 0.6 GPA factorization o_o</p>

<p>Well of course it matters. B+'s are better than B’s which are better than B-'s. Does it matter significantly if you got a B- in a class instead of a B? No. Relax.</p>

<p>thanks guys.</p>

<p>Depends on the college. For some I believe B+ = 3.3, B = 3.0, B- = 2.7.</p>

<p>If a college computes its own GPA, and uses the above or similar conversion, then yes it matters. If not, then not.</p>

<p>this is one of those “it is what it is” situations</p>

<p>You have the grade you have, and the college deals with it however they deal with it - differently for each place.</p>

<p>There is no good purpose to stressing over it.</p>

<p>If you are wondering if you should put that extra effort into turning that B- into a B or a B into a B+ - no brainer - just do it, can’t hurt, could help</p>

<p>I remember at a U Michigan information session (about 3 years ago), the admissions officer said that for their admissions formula, they disregard + and - signs in computing the GPA.</p>

<p>my school does not have + or -'s either. A 100 average counts the same as a 92.5 (minimum A grade).</p>