the drive from westwood to USC

<p>does anyone here commute from westwood to USC on a daily basis?
Hows the drive?
Hows the drive during rush hour times and non rush hour times?
What if I skip the 405 and just take wilshire up to westwood after getting off of the 10?</p>

<p>THanks for the help

<p>I go from Brentwood to the USC/West Adams area every morning around 8am, and the traffic flows until Beverly Hills. I take Sunset to San Vicente to Pico to Normandie. The total trip takes me about 45min to 1 hour. Taking the 405 to the 10 is about the same time on most mornings. From Westwood I would take Wilshire to San Vicente. Sunset seems to flow better than Wilshire in BH, However, traffic flow in West Hollywood is terrible.</p>