The epitome of social ineptitude?

<p>So, three friends and I started a country, which consists of a hallway in our school. (Our hallways have names, so our hallway's name is the name of our country). We wrote up a Constitution, signed it, and gave ourselves titles. I'm George Washington, one person is Abraham Lincoln, another is Thomas Jefferson, and the fourth is Barack Obama. I'm in charge of Government policies, legislation, and judicial review, Lincoln is in charge of domestic affairs (keeping the students united), Jefferson is in charge of expansion (forming alliances with other hallways, gaining more territory), and Obama is in charge of foreign affairs, making sure that other hallways don't wage an attack against us.</p>

<p>The 4 of us think that this is possibly the greatest idea we could possibly come up with. We want to continue it through senior year (three of us are Sophomores, the other is a Junior), and make it a legitimate organization through our school. We even are planning on having a Biology teacher sign our Constitution. We have different levels of Government, we've distinguished parts of the school as different parts of the world (one hallway is Cuba, so we can reenact the Spanish-American War, etc). </p>

<p>I was thinking of writing my college essay about this all. </p>

<p>So, while reading this - do you think that this is just incredibly pathetic? Most of my friends (besides TJ, Obama, and Abe) think it's really quite sad. I think it's gangsta'. </p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>I’m not doing it any justice with my lame summary of it, but it’s pretty intense.</p>

<p>this sounds amazing. i’m not sure about the college essay part, but please update when you take over the world. =]</p>

<p>I actually think it’s really creative and you could use it to show a lot about your character (leadership etc.)</p>

<p>@serendipitE - In due time, in due time. LOL.</p>

<p>I think this idea is hilarious and awesome, but I think you might have too much power, lol</p>

<p>Would this be an after school acitivity? I don’t really understand…</p>

<p>We really don’t know at this point. I think it could be an after school activity. We could basically act as a Government who would decide on certain hypothetical legislation, such as abortion, anti-trusts, tariffs… everything regarding social issues, politics, and the economy. Have debates, political parties, a Congress.</p>

<p>…I’m getting ahead of myself.</p>

<p>@BioGen - Hey now, this was outlined in the Constitution, and all members signed it. Shush… LOL.</p>

<p>I’m a regular female student and if kids were doing this in my school, I might find it a little weird. But at the same time, I feel like I’d be doing something similar with my friends. It’s the kind of thing where you knock it unless you try it.</p>

<p>There is no point sugarcoating it, of course it’s lame and nerdy. But if you feel like it will be alot of fun then go for it, it’s not like anyone is going to stop you (unless one of the other halls is China).</p>

<p>@djamieson - I appreciate the honesty. I mean, of course I’m not doing this to move up on the social ladder. </p>

<p>45% of my school is Chinese. I think we might have a problem.</p>

<p>I wish I were cool enough to do this…</p>

<p>You should definitely write about it: it’s creative and out of the ordinary. Exactly what they want. :)</p>

<p>@collegeluva101 “I wish I were cool enough to do this…” – I can’t tell if that’s sarcasm or not, LOL.</p>

<p>I’m sorry but if i saw a bunch of kids doing this I would bully them all unmercifully.</p>

<p>Let me tell you about a place… a place called Molossia…</p>

<p>@jd989898 - One of my friends who is a football player (and pretty much fits most aspects of the stereotype) “joke” bullies me about it. But I don’t understand why it would incur legitimate bullying. I would think it would just weird people out and cause them to turn their heads away in shame.</p>

<p>haha i was just kidding… you guys wouldn’t get bullied unless you go to a complete ghetto school. I think it sounds like a decent idea, but I don’t know when or how you would do it.</p>


Way to insult another community by trying to save your a$$ from insulting another…</p>

<p>^ Way to clearly extrapolate stereotypes from a non-racist comment.</p>


I’ll have to think of another “way to” statement before I respond. But don’t worry… I’ll get it…</p>