The George Washington University 2022 ED I and II

I was deferred :confused: congrats to the people who were admitted!!

@HalfwayThereUni1 Congrats on your acceptance!!! What direction did you go towards your supplement? And did you apply to any of the special interest programs?

Does that same percentage apply to ED II?

@names47 Does this apply to ED II? That percentage?

What percentage…? @physics007

Applying ED II to Elliot with a major in International Politics/Comparative Political/Social Systems. That decision date is sketchy but I guess late February it is sigh

Applying ED II to Columbian. Anyone get their banweb financial aid squared away? Mine updated recently and is showing me cost of attendance without award info?

Just got rejected from my #1 state school so I’m not feeling too hot about GWU anymore lmao :confused:

Applied for Early Decision II Does anyone know exactly when it comes out? I heard it was Feb 14th last year

@fearlessK I heard that as well, have no idea on word but I called admissions and they said Early March?

@physics007 Really? That’s almost regular decision. Do you think they’re just saying that to be safe?

@beantown22 I have no idea. Another girl I called today said that most likely on one of the fridays this month ? So confusing LOL

@physics007 Well, since GW Admissions just tweeted it’s mid-late February, that hopefully means it at least won’t be dragged out into March.

where do you see that? i don’t see it on their twitter

@physics007 @beantown22 Crossing my fingers it will be this Friday ! I wish you guys the best of luck!

it’s @GWAdmisssions on Twitter, not the University account

Has anyone’s financial aid account refreshed and grayed out the award letter button? I was able to click it before but now I cant!

Hi! My name’s Sean and I got in ed I. Lemme know if you wanna talk!!

Did you get an e-mail first or was your decision just in your portal?

I got in ED1 and I got the email, which prompted me to the portal. I know friends who checked the portal and say they got in before the email was sent. It depends on when you check.