The Great Game of Chance

<p>Now that most applications are in, and a long waiting game begins, how about we play the greatest game of CC chance ever? Everyone should post their stats in this thread and chance others, and come April we can see who was the best chancer, and how accurate chancing ever is. I'll post my stuff and I'll chance anyone else who wants to post theirs, I'll try to give percentages too instead of just "high" or "low," I'm curious to see how accurate I or anyone can get. Anyway let the games begin</p>

GPA 4.0 (unweighted)
Public school with no class rankings
Course load-
last year: AP BC Calc and Physics (4's on both), IB Math SL (5), IB Econ SL (6)
this year: AP Chem this year, IB English HL, IB History HL, IB Chem HL, IB Japanese
Also am taking IB TOK this year though it doesn't have an IB test, this year and last year took IB English and History, the tests are just this year.
Taking a term of math at the local university since BC calc is as high as my school goes
Have taken journalism and then newspaper throughout school, am Editor-in-Chief this year
ACT- 34 (english 35, math 35, reading 36, science 30)
SAT II's- Literature 800, Math 2 710, Chemistry 640 :(
EC's- Debate (4 years, team captain), mock trial (2 years, team captain), JSA (president and founder of local chapter), intern for a senator, MUN, NHS
Essays- pretty good I think, talked about my passion for debate (debate's big for me, I'm pretty good at it, won some tournaments and awards, and have an article I wrote I'm working on getting published in a nationwide high school debate journal, and I have a supplemental letter of rec from my debate coach).</p>

<p>I think that pretty much sums up my entire life. Anyway, here's where I applied</p>

Washington University in St. Louis
University of Chicago
University of Pennsylvania
Claremont McKenna
local university for safety
(as you can probably tell, I took the shotgun approach: apply to a ton of reach schools and hope I get into a few – not very smart, I know. I don't even want to go to Harvard, much less think I can get in, but applying to schools like that is part of the idea.)</p>

<p>I think you’ll get in everywhere, except for maybe Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford. Those are just crapshoots for anyone. But definitely great shot at the rest!</p>

<p>You make me look bad…</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8 unweighted. Top 5% class rank.
Courseload: Very rigorous. Unfortunately my school doesn’t offer very many APs though, so I have 3. The rest are honors.
SAT: 2040 (640 CR, 660 M, 740 W)
SATII: 630 Bio, 670 Math II
ECs: Editor-in-chief of Yearbook, Science Club VP, Research at URI’s Genetics Lab for 6 weeks, Violin, and Model UN. Also, a TON of communtiy service including the local hospital, soup kitchen, pediatric office, special olympics, etc etc. I also went to India in summer 2006 and volunteered at a medical clinic in a small village there. Oh, and another big thing I forgot…paid internship at a biomedical research company in Silicon Valley, CA during summer 2008. Few other minor clubs too but that’s the main stuff.
Essay: Common App one I worked VERY hard on and got tons of help. JHU supplement was about my passion in Biology and research. My teacher said it was excellent. Tufts supplements were uh…very different. Hah, let’s just keep it at that.</p>

Brown (applied ED and got deferred)
Johns Hopkins
Boston University
UMass Amherst (my safety)</p>

<p>Tell us more about you - sex, race, family education background, etc. </p>

<p>What are you planning to study - did you apply to Engineering schools, Business, Nursing or what?</p>

<p>Also - how did you pick this list?</p>

<p>Both your posts make me look bad, I am not even in the top 10 percent…</p>

<p>South Asian, live in Houston, Texas</p>

<p>Sat Score(Super Score)
Math- 720
Critical Reading - 750
Reading and Math-1470/1600

<p>Gpa - 3.8 (Unweighted), 93.8/100(weighted)
Rank-86/438----I know this is bad, but my school is compeitive, my counselor said in her rec, that I would have been in top 10 percent in surrounding schools…
****10 A.P. Classes + 7-8 Honors Classes/28 classes total…</p>

<p>A.P. Scores

  1. World History-4 (10th grade)
  2. U.S. History -4 (11th)
  3. Calculus AB - 4 (11th)
  4. English Language - 3 (11th)----I know, I know, but I didn’t pay attention in class the whole year…</p>

<p>2008 - Busido Karate-Black Belt
2008 -AP Scholar with Honor
2007 – Hosa Concepts of Health Care Area Competition- 2nd Place
2007- High School Science Fair -2nd Place Environmental Sciences
2006- County Science Fair- 1st Place Overall Ninth Grade Division
2006- County Science Fair –2nd Place Environmental Sciences
2006- High School Science Fair – 4th Place Ninth Grade Division</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities
(2005 – 2009) – Karate Got my black belt
(2005 – 2009) – Youth Group----Mentored people to live more ethical lives…
(2006 – 2009) – Pre-Medical Club in School
(2007 – 2009) - National Technical Honor Society
(2008 - 2009) – National Honor Society </p>

<p>Community Service
2006- Memorial Hospital – 50 Hours
2008 and 2007- 203 Hours at Neurologist Office
2008- 83 Hours at Internal Medicine Office
2005-2009 - Youth Club Volunteer (5 Hours a week)
Total- 340+ Hours</p>

<p>Schools applied to

  1. Rice E.D. -Rejected
  2. UPenn-Cousin goes there — ( I know this doesn’t help me much)
  3. Columbia-Dad used to work there----(I know this doesn’t help me much)
  4. Brown
  5. Cornell -College of Arts and Sciences
  6. WashU
  7. Duke
  8. Johns Hopkins
  9. Northwestern
  10. Vanderbilt
    11 Emory
    12 Boston College
  11. Texas A &M - saftey</p>

<p>For Sak09, good chances at BU, Northeastern, and UMass Amherst
Brown, Tufts, and Johns Hopkins are the only ones that may be hard for you, but you have good chances there…</p>

<p>For Atlanta Braves, you have good chances everywhere, HYPS are crapshoots, but you are a strong applicant…All the rest your chances are good…I took the same approcah as you, apply to as many schools as possible, and see where I can get in</p>

<p>hahaha, thanks guys, but your stats are real good too. Sak09, I’d say you have a real good chance at most of those schools, your SAT scores are probably your weakest area but they’re not bad at all, and your EC stuff is all pretty amazing, a lot of unique, out-of-the-ordinary stuff that will really separate you from the herd I think. I’d put you at a good 80% for BU, and NE, 70% for JHU and Tufts, and though Brown’s definitely a little tougher, come RD time when they look more in-depth at your activities and not just your numbers, I’d say you have a good 65-70% shot. ftx2009, your list is a little longer so I’m not gonna go as in depth :P, but I’d say you have a strong shot at most of those (don’t worry about rank, colleges know some schools are way harder than others, for academic strength they’ll see your good SAT scores and transcript), some of your EC’s, community service, and awards are pretty unique and you have a real strong theme in medical science, I don’t know what’s up with Rice, but I’d put you at a good 70% for even the toughest like Brown and Columbia if your essays are good and maybe expand on that passion for science</p>

<p>“Tell us more about you - sex, race, family education background, etc.”</p>

<p>Can’t forget your social security number and mother’s maiden name while we’re at it. </p>


<p>I picked the list through the shotgun approach, apply to a ton of good schools, pretty much randomly as I haven’t researched them intensively, and hope I get into a few and then do the research on the ones that accepted me!</p>