<p>or a motorhome of some sort, while going to ucla i think...what happened to him?</p>
<p>did he end up doing that or what?</p>
<p>i want an update!</p>
<p>or a motorhome of some sort, while going to ucla i think...what happened to him?</p>
<p>did he end up doing that or what?</p>
<p>i want an update!</p>
<p>He now lives in a van down by the river</p>
<p>^ is that a joke?</p>
<p>it probably is...</p>
<p>It could definitely be true. There was an NYU student who lived in the library, due to lack of money for housing, and a few Berkeley students have been known to live on the streets.</p>
<p>Yeah, I know there have been homeless students at U of M, too... They either stayed with friends for a while or lived in the library, and showered at the gym...</p>
<p>Live in the library!! Awesome idea!</p>
<p>^ Wasn't there a movie based on that???</p>
<p>no, it was at an airport^</p>
<p>No, I am almost positive I saw a movie about a student living in a campus library!</p>
<p>ah, it is I.</p>
<p>well I’m going to transfer in the fall (I’m applying right now) and I really want to go to Berkeley. So, I’m pretty sure I going to do it there, and MAYBE if I go to UCLA.
If everything works out and i get proper parking permits and all that i going to get a VW Westfalia (is ugly but highly functional)
Hers a pic:</p>
<p>tell me what you think!</p>
<p>sounds like a plan...especially since you'll be showering in the gym...then you'll be more motivated to work out and stuff too...what are your main concerns with your plan though, since you must have thought it over quite a bit?</p>
<p>My concerns are that I wonder how long I can take it (I think I will only be able to do this for a year or so). but, I figure that I will only use it to sleep and study a bit. living in such confined quarters will motivate me to get out more. I also figure I will spend most of my time studying in the library.</p>
<p>One thing I like a lot about this is the money I’ll save. The car costs $4000-$5000 and the and I can always sell it back for about the same amount. As for the parking permit, it costs around $800 a year and I will be able to “live” nearly on campus. And utilities (gas) will only be $100- $150 a month because the car is a 4 cylinder 1.6L diesel and I imagine I wont have to drive it all that much, I will only use it to charge the battery for lights and my laptop. Overall I think I can get way with only paying under $2000 for the whole year.</p>
<p>anyone have an opinion.</p>
<p>I want to hear if you guys think its possible or not; just anything.</p>
<p>I think it's cool. I'd use you as a subject for my film project if you were anywhere near me. Let us know what you do/how it goes.</p>
<p>I will, </p>
<p>i love alias and it thee coolest show on tv until the third and fourth season.</p>
^ is that a joke?
<p>are you gay?</p>
<p>are u asking me if im gay </p>
<p>The reason why I said that is because the persons name is sydney_Bristow87 ant that’s a character from Alias,</p>
<p>and if you are talikng to me, no i am not.</p>
<p>Ha, Alias rocked... I definately agree that the first and second seasons were the best... it kinda went downhill from there, but I still watched it till the end... have you seen the series finale?</p>
<p>Ha, I should get you a boxed set of Alias DVDs as a vanwarming gift :D</p>