<p>Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was hell to go through but I managed to read the whole thing before the due date in the library.</p>
<p>But ugh… Deathly Hallows… 700 pages? It’s not necessary. I just want to get the story over with and I gave up after reading 350 pages. I surrender Rowling.</p>
<p>@Gerontius: How can anyone manage to write a 700-page book, 7 times? The books get longer and crappier every year. The Philosopher’s Stone was great. Yes. So is the Chamber of Secrets. Until then, the movie started to come in. The quality of the book lowered ever since. And then at the sixth episode, there’s now Horcruxes. 7 of them! Instead of answering previously unanswered questions, she introduced even more questions. Believe me, once you lose interest in a book, you won’t understand one word the book is saying.</p>
<p>The Prisoner of Azkaban was okay. Goblet of Fire not so much. And it plummeted at the Order of Phoenix. Maybe everyone else has a different set of tastes, but no, not for me. No thank you.</p>
<p>I just started reading My Antonia for AP Lit, and I really like it so far.
It’s not something I would read if I had a choice, but it’s pretty good.</p>
<p>The best book, on the contrary, has got to be the Kama Sutra.</p>
<p>Simple language, easy to understand, and best of all, full of pictures! What’s more, you can even apply the book in practical situations. It’s altogether jampacked with fun and exercise! What more can you get?!</p>
<p>^ What are you talking about? Of Mice and Men is an amazing book!</p>
<p>The Scarlet Letter, on the other hand, was just horrible. Hawthorne needs to be introduced to the joy of punctuation marks. And that book literally had no plot. Beautiful language, though.</p>
<p>I think I’m gonna write a book about everything.</p>
<p>I think I will start with this:</p>
<p>"In the beginning, there was nothing. And then there was dog. And dog said ‘Woof woof woof!’, and there was God. Shortly afterwards, dog died, and God said, ‘Let there be everything.’ And there was everything! I felt lost in the everything. The sky was so wide that it was like there was everything. The corn went on forever; I felt erased in the everything. I sat in the garden. There was everything. I took a nap. I woke up. There was still everything. I had everything. There was everything in the field.</p>
<p>But. In this world of everything, I became an infinitesimal fraction of this everything."</p>
<p>In this world of everything, everyone is nothing. It is very ironic and it is the reason why I am here writing all about our world, of everything. Let me show you.</p>
<p>Chapter 1: This is not everything</p>
<p>It was a cold and dark night. Thunder rumbled at the heavens…</p>
<p>“In this world of everything, everyone is nothing.”
But ‘everything’ is finite. So everyone is just close to nothing, not actually nothing. Is this what you are talking about?</p>
<p>I was posting at College Confidential. And I realized something incredible:</p>
<p>It’s over NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!!!</p>
<p>But this excitement was short-lived. I was startled by a black cat walking past my door of my room. I looked away, and looked back. And saw the cat walking past my door again. I felt uneasy. A green tinge. Yes, that is correct. A green tinge. Appearing in my sight. Something wrong with my glasses? No. Something on my eyes? No. There must be something going on. A conspiracy perhaps. Ha. Impossible. This is a world of everything, I said.</p>
<p>chococookie: I didn’t even mention Of Mice and Men in my post. In fact, I like that book a lot. What were you trying to say?</p>
<p>MrPropapanda: I have no idea what you are talking about, but it is hilarious!
“And saw the cat walking past my door again. I felt uneasy. A green tinge. Yes, that is correct. A green tinge. Appearing in my sight. Something wrong with my glasses? No. Something on my eyes? No. There must be something going on. A conspiracy perhaps.” I really LOLed</p>
<p>I went to my usual habit onto hacking other user’s accounts on CC. Today I was lucky to obtain MrPropapanda’s account. His password was quite easy to obtain shall I say. But I better not tell you the details. I worked on to find out that in real life his name is Panda Man, and he was a terrorist. So he says… you’re right… How pathetic someone calls himself a terrorist.</p>
<p>But wait. The green tinge appeared again. Stronger in intensity than ever. I was mesmerized by this strange light. Hypnotized, yes. I could feel the energy… I can feel the power of it. I could - BA DA BING BA DA BOOM! I nearly had a heart attack. It was my cell phone ringing. I picked it up and said ‘Who the *** is it?’</p>
<p>‘Asato ma sad gamaya’
‘What the hell?’
‘Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya’
‘Who are you?’
‘Mrutyor ma amritam gamaya’
‘Don’t call back again’
‘I just wanna tell you how I’m feeling… =(’
‘Aww… don’t be sad. Hey, why can I see that sad face?’</p>