The "I Got in without a 3.7+ GPA" club

<p>last year</p>

<p>level 5: uw gpa 3.58 nyu</p>

<h1>98 squadus, Congrats, can you please tell me your SAT score and how many AP/Honor classes you took?</h1>

<p>ma friend level 1
to usc</p>

<p>woah level 1 and got excepted to usc?</p>

<p>what level one usc lucky how did that happen?</p>

<p>I’m a level 5 and got in UCONN, Colo State, UColo-Boulder, and Bradley so far. CONGRATS to everyone who’s “in” somewhere!</p>

<p>3.1 GPA - Emory College.</p>

<p>Wow Emory with a 3.1! Congrats johnwycliffe!</p>

<p>usc with level 1
b/c the interview and the major was theater design :)</p>

<p>Thanks stillnadine. With my D weighted v. unweighted does make a difference: 3.23 to 3.77.</p>

<p>3.38 into SUNY Binghamton, SUNY New Paltz, Fordham.
Not much, but we’ll see how I do EA</p>


<p>Are you in-state? If you are your chances of getting in vary widely be county, because Carolina has an unofficial quota policy requiring so many students from each county (so basically your competing with people from your county, not the rest of the state.) For example, someone from Anson County with a 3.5 and decent SATs has a high chance of getting in, while someone who lives in Meck. with the same stats will not likely get in (this is very general.)</p>

<p>Oops I meant RD</p>

<p>Wow USC with a level 1?</p>


<p>I should’ve applied to SC then, hahah</p>

<p>unweighted level 5 cornell >_></p>

<p>and I was also in level 5 first semester gpa wise at cornell</p>

<p>3.69 uw Vanderbilt</p>


<p>Pepperdine doesn’t offer early.</p>

<p>TonyBallioni, I am out-of-state. I know how ridiculous they can be with OOSers but its very refreshing to see people w/ under a 4.0 getting in.</p>

<p>I want to see someone get accpeted to Yale with a 3.5</p>

<p>i’ll lower my gpa a bit and give it a go</p>