The "I Got in without a 3.7+ GPA" club

<p>level 4
ucla notre dame bc unc</p>

<p>3.1- Middlebury, Bowdoin, Hamilton, Wesleyan</p>

<p>y7bbb, all those out of state? Pretty hard to believe</p>


<p>Yeah, oos admissions at Carolina can be pretty tough but you probably have a better or equal shot than someone who lives in Mecklenburg County (the largest county in the state where it is ridiculously hard to get in form). Iā€™m one of the lucky ones who lives in a not-so-competitive county, and have legacy and extenuating circumstances.</p>

<p>uw gpa: 3.55
weighted gpa: 4.30
accepted: UMD college park, penn state, virginia tech, GWU</p>

<p>So a 3.75 is a good GPA for UCLA?</p>

<p>Yeah it was out of state</p>

<p>and haukiā€¦ 3.75 isnā€™t too low for any school on this planet. You got goods to back it up?</p>


<p>Yeah, I think I do, I have oustanding APs, come froma school of only 6 AP classes, top 10% of class, tons of ECs (marching band, wind ensemble, music, drama and theater)
and over 500+ hours of Rural-medicine community service and hospital volunteer.</p>

<p>iā€™m also 1st generation Mexican Legal immigrant and 1st in my family to study in the states.</p>

<p>are those goods?
My only ā€œbadā€ is my SAT I score, which is a lil below average</p>

<p>Is your 3.75 weighted?</p>

<p>I donā€™t consider myself qualified to say yeah youā€™re going to get in or no youā€™re not; only the admissions officers at LA can tell you that.</p>

<p>But I can say that if itā€™s UCLA weā€™re talking about, the low SAT will hurt you. The cali public schools are pretty numbers oriented, but of course you shouldnā€™t let that stop you. Who knows if youā€™re going to get in? The only thing you can do is give it a shot.</p>

<p>3.59/3.67 (dunno what it was) - Got into Hamilton EDII. Eff yes, it was my dream school.
4.0ā€™s are overrated, in my opinion. I did better on my first time taking the ACT than my friends who have 3.9/3.8ā€™s (except for my friend, who is a genius and has a 4.0 and a 36 ACT). They were baffled.</p>

<p>But if u guys look at UC stats, their holistic review process lets this out</p>

<p>It shows students with low SATs 1,500-1,800 are admitted on a pretty considereable percentage</p>


<p>University of South Carolina
3.45 W GPA</p>

<p>S is very happy!</p>

<p>Le Moyne College acceptance letter came today! (I actually was about 90% sure about 2 weeks ago that I would get in, and was told last Wednesday, but now I have it in writing).</p>

<p>This might cheer some people up and not give up hope! Here are the average GPAā€™s to the acceptances to come great universities at my school. </p>

<p>University of Southern California - 3.67
UCLA - 3.65
Penn State - 3.45
University of Maryland - 3.39
Johns Hopkins - 3.77
Clemson University - 3.42
College of William and Mary - 3.85 (2117 SAT) (33/97 Accepted)
Carnegie Melon - 3.76
Boston University - 3.64</p>

<p>Are these stats unusual? Because people on this site are saying you need a lot better GPAā€™s to get into some of these collegesā€¦</p>

<p>in my school the people who got into UCLA had 3.7-4.0 GPA</p>

<p>and for UCB 3.6-4.2</p>

<p>itā€™s not unusual</p>

<p>whereā€™d you get those #'s yhsa2nd?</p>

<p>(Again, sorry):</p>

<p>Level 3 and just got an acceptance letter from Temple University!</p>

<p>^ Amazing UCLA one up there, I would like to know why you think u got accepted?</p>