<p>UK national, just applied for the University of Chicago and Northwestern University :)</p>
<p>I don’t have a GPA of sorts (some calcs say my grades are equivalent to 3.86 unweighted), and no class rank or size because of the nature of the 6th form college I attended.
SAT: 2070 (680CR/700M/690W)</p>
<p>Not great ECs, but awesome references and what I like to think are good essays :)</p>
<p>I know it sounds totally stupid, but it’s so exciting to have the application status accounts set up. I keep checking them to see if they finally got all my stuff. I know, I’m strange. xD</p>
<p>What’s your feeling about your chances? </p>
<p>I know that my chances for Harvard are around 0, but it doesn’t hurt to try. Tufts is the one I’m not sure about, it’s definitely my top choice, but my scores in CR and W are below their average. I hope that my story will be convincing. BU, NEU and Simmons I’m pretty sure I’ll get in, possibly with a scholarship (Based on what I read in the EA Decision threads).</p>
<p>I’m refusing to check any application statuses now - I jsut got over my UCAS Track addiction and I’m not going to do it again with these ones! They’re gone, and once I’ve finished off my finance forms, I’ll be leaving the forms for the admissions tutors to pick the bones out.</p>
<p>I don’t know what my chances are to be honest. I’m not going to get my hopes up, particularly due to the funding I require (Chicago is my best bet because they say they’ll cover the full costs of attending if I’m accepted). Just gonna wait and see.</p>
<p>You definitely have to try these things, because if you don’t you’ll just never know!</p>
<p>It is really hard to guess your chances without a guidance counselor who is familiar with the whole thing. And things have changed so much since my parents went to college that they’re not great helps either. It is helpful to look up the stats, but that’s not all that counts.</p>
<p>After the holidays my obsession will have to stop I have an Abitur to prepare for. I’ll be right in the middle of the exams when I get the decisions, I hope I won’t be too crushed if I don’t get accepted at Tufts, because that could ruin my exams. Maybe I’ll just make a resolution to stay away from the internet until I’m finished. By the time the letter arrives in the mail I’ll be done with everything anyway. </p>
<p>Thank you! I’m in the fortunate position to be taking a gap year, A-levels/GCSEs in hand So I don’t have anything to do but look for another job… I quit my last one after I heard my boss scream that she was gonna kill me.</p>
<p>It was really difficult to sort out all the forms. I had to bug my school to no end, research all the common app stuff, look for universities, revise for and take the SAT… nightmare. Maybe they’ll find that endearing. :)</p>
<p>Eh… I found that one of my recommendations stated that I was interested in majoring in computer science. I said I was interested in math on my app <em>facepalm</em>.</p>
<p>I’m also from Germany. Application process was sooooo stressful, I’m not a Native speaker and neither my Mum nor somebody at my school could give me advice^^</p>
<p>Schools I applied to:
<p>GPA: 4.0 (= 1,0 in Germany)
Rank: 1/89
Recs: Great
SAT: 1960 (awful, I know!)</p>
<p>I do some great and extraordinary extracurriculars
I guess my essays are good and personal</p>
<p>I applied to Yale Early Action and got deferred
However, I should be happy that they didn’t reject me because of my SAT score.</p>
<p>Haven’t received my ACT scores yet, but I’m guessing they’re not that brilliant
I would say very good EC, could pay up to 10k per year, essays are uhmm fine, recs are still in progress (whoops!), because of the translation needed, but will be submitteed asap. I would guess they are good as well.
Class rank: top25% for the 1st semester.
GPA for the first semester 7,44/10 (attending a rigorous school + skipped the junior year by going on exchange to Denmark)
English not native, IELTS score 7<br>
Applied to Lafayette, Bates, Agnes Scott, Duke (my MEGA reach :D), Smith, Vassar (another huge reach), Wesleyan, St. Lawrence, Trinity.
TBH I’m not giving too much of a chance to none of the schools, because there are many brilliant applicants, with a smaller amount of FA required.</p>
<p>Will apply also to Bard, Bryn Mawr, Colby-Sawyer, Wooster, Dickinson, Kenyon, Knox, Gettysburg (most preferred), Rhodes, Skidmore, Wofford.</p>