The March SAT is history and now its time to focus on APUSH

<p>The March SAT is now history. Now its time to focus on the APUSH exam. I now have copies of Amsco and Crash Course. Is this good? Is there anything else I should use?</p>

<p>I hate studying for History. =[</p>

<p>are you self-studying? because I am and I have AMSCO, going to start today.</p>

<p>AMSCO takes forever to read lol. I’m only half way through and I started back in February.</p>

<p>I’m self-studying for ush. My regular history class (not AP) started at the constitution, skipped to the civil war, and spent 6 weeks on WWII. I’m worried about the DBQ and free-response!</p>

<p>^Ouch! You really should be worried. You are clearly going to have to do this yourself. I strongly recommend that you buy REA’s AP US History Crash Course book (just $9.32 on Amazon) and Amsco’s review book (just $17.00 at the Amsco site). In addition, go to the College Board Online Store and buy the 2006 and 2001 released tests. Since you have a very limited chronological foundation, I recommend that you begin with the Crash Course chronological chapters. Let them guide what you focus on in Amsco. Then check your progress with the released tests. Crash Course has three very good chapters on how to write DBQ and FRQ questions. And finally, go the AP Central and take a look at graded essays for recent tests. Good luck!</p>

<p>I’ve got the same combination…REA Crash Course and AMSCO. According to CC, that is the winning combination.
My APUSH class is pretty good, but I forget stuff from that class really easily…I also made a really good study guide for the first semester final, so hopefully going through that will be a good refresher for the older material.</p>

<p>^Me too. Im hoping Crash Course + Amsco will equal a 4. I really need to save $$$ on college credits.</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat. I bought Crash Course from Borders, because it was only $11, which is less than what I would pay on Amazon after shipping, plus I get it immediately. I just ordered the Amsco one as well, so I should be good to go.</p>

<p>I’m in Honors US History, so we don’t practice any DBQs or anything. Guess I’ll have to do that myself.</p>

<p>Thanks guys for the recommendation of Crash Course. I literally just bought it off of Amazon. I’ll look for Amsco now. :)</p>

<p>The Amsco book is on Amazon, but you can save about $10 by ordering it straight from Amsco Publications (</p>

<p>This may sound like a stupid question but I can not find the answers to the multiple choice questions that are at the end of every chapter. Even looking back in the chapter there were a few I was not sure of.
Anyone know where the answers are?</p>

<p>[AP</a> US History Review Question…](<a href=“]AP”></p>

<p>where did you find them? I looked everywhere in the book I thought</p>

<p>It’s not in the book. There’s an additional answer booklet provided only to teachers.</p>