the most abstract question

<p>how hard is to get into columbia SEAS?</p>

<p>not much easier than college (if any)</p>

<p>The applicant pool is much more self selective, so it is just as hard despite the higher acceptance rate. However, it is still a tad easier for girls.</p>

<p>go girls? .</p>

<p>how much easier, would you say?</p>

<p>its an basic assumption that girls gets in engineering schools easier than guys because schools want a relatively balanced ratio. however I dont know about columbia since they do count college and SEAS together in terms of admission so the ratio is balanced overall. and since columbia never released the acceptance ratio for female in SEAS, this point is never proven/disproven.</p>

<p>I'd still say girls are a bit easier because overall the girls sci/math avg are lower than guys'. (... 26% girls in SEAS...)</p>

<p>Impossible to quantify how much easier, but I knew a number of SEAS girls with SAT scores well below the range that Columbia wants. They're still shooting for a balanced SEAS ratio, regardless of CC balancing it out.</p>

<p>any support for that claim?</p>

<p>I meant for a boy...
I am a boy as vgboy says.
How good should your stat be?</p>