The Most Extreme Haiku Challenge

<p>Wow, I really suck
I miscounted syllables
AGAIN! in the post</p>

<p>That is so freaking
bad. I really suck at this
game. I should be banned.</p>

<p>I feel very sick
Give me ibuprofen now
gotta go to sleep</p>

Wow, I really suck
I miscounted syllables
AGAIN! in the post</p>

<p>That is so freaking
bad. I really suck at this
game. I should be banned.


<p>Those are not haikus.
They need logical cut-offs.
Yes, you should be banned.</p>

<p>Yes, pokemon wins.
Yu-gay-hoe is made of fail.
Pikachu is god.</p>

<p>I procrastinate.
But just a couple of times.
Including this one.</p>

<p>Should do my homework.
Hard Shakespeare test tomorrow.
Have head full of "meh."</p>

<p>I just died. It sucked.
Ogres, kiss my dwarven ass.
I shouldn't play this game.</p>

<p>Really? I didn't know.
Each line has to be one thought?
I mean, one statement?</p>

<p>That's what makes it hard.
Haiku is a form of art.
But it's quite alright <3</p>

<p>Hehehe, thank you.
I feel extremely sheepish.
Oh well, I will learn.</p>

<p>...Hey there neethus1.
What does your account name mean?
Enlighten me please :D</p>

<p>I'm not creative.
Neethu is my real, first name.
I am indian.</p>

<p>wow that's pretty cool.
i wish i had name like that.
my name's very bland.</p>

<p>Sweet, my name's Cameron.
Best friend used to date diff Cam.
Boy, that was awkward.</p>

<p>Should not these haikus
Include mention of seasons
As is tradition?</p>

<p>Nevertheless, I
Write these haikus because I
Must procrastinate.</p>

<p>I hope the High School
Life forum still remembers me.
I used to post a lot.</p>

<p>I remember you.
Hi, proletariat2.
Are you communist?</p>

<p>Hi to everyone!
How are you doing today?
I am quite hungry.</p>

<p>I am doing well.
I have history homework,
but my cold's dying.</p>

<p>I think it's fair to
break the nature rule for this
so there's stuff to say.</p>

<p>Trees trees trees flower!
Soon winter will be over.
Break out the t-shirts.</p>

<p>this thread has been quite
entertaining to look at
now i'm writing one</p>

<p>spring summer autumn
these are the better seasons
i hate you winter</p>

<p>you make me so cold
sometimes i fall on the ice
once i got a bruise</p>

<p>Tell me about it.
When will February end?
Winter is the worst.</p>