The Most Extreme Haiku Challenge

<p>meatball sneeze hello
meat sauce Kleenex and goodbye
spaghetti snot now.</p>

<p>Winter really sucks.
I hate you February!
Go die in a hole!</p>

<p>Wherever I go,
Next year will be much colder -
So I can't complain.</p>

<p>Guess it's what I get
for only applying to
schools north of my home.</p>

<p>It's really cold, sure,
But I don't really mind cold.
Sweaters over shorts!</p>

<p>Tomorrow's Friday!
So how was everyone's week?
I'm dissatisfied.</p>

<p>Class registration,
all summer program apps due.
Stepmom might hate me.</p>

<p>I remain happy,
life is good. I smile, because
all is as it should.</p>

<p>Dinosaur Shaped Food,
I eat those chicken nuggets.
They're pretty tasty. </p>

<p>Dinner now is good.
I love chicken nuggets
shaped like dinosaurs.</p>

<p>Failed my APUSH test.
Not for sure, but fearing worst.
Need C to get A.</p>

<p>My day was okay
I towed an airplane around
it was difficult</p>

<p>You are a fish-whore.
Jew cookies are too baller.
Pikachu wins again.</p>

<p>You towed an airplane?
How did you manage that one?
Was it a real plane?</p>

<p>Dear Mrs. Teacher,
Don't want to research Stalin.
Kthxbye. Love, me</p>

<p>It was a real plane
a really small cessna plane
I did it at school</p>

<p>aircraft mechanics
it is an amazing class
we learn to build planes</p>

<p>now learning ground ops
towing, cleaning, taxiing
it is pretty fun</p>

<p>It would not be good,
and in fact would be quite sad
if this were to die.</p>

<p>So thus I proclaim:
This thread shall not die! Ever!
That is a command.</p>

<p>Haiku is lovely :)
And makes the conversation
more creative, friend.</p>

<p>Obama is on
A bad citizen am I
switch to Bad Girls Club</p>

<p>Can you rephrase that?
Your phrasing has me confused.
Can't tell what you say</p>

<p>Homework sucks, I say.
My teacher is really gay.
Well, how was your day?</p>

<p>The forum was down.
That fact causes me to frown.
Now I must leave town.</p>

<p>May I say this thing
U-C-L-A is the Shiz
I want to go there</p>

<p>Block huggin all day
got away on Saturday
Monday back on it</p>

<p>Done clapped your whole crew
now its parking lot p!impin
sizzurp im sippin</p>

<p>Oh it's this again
more haikus more more haikus
and yet more haikus</p>

<p>It is really late
I never stay up 'til one
my brain will hate me</p>

<p>Camp Anawanna
We do hold you in our hearts
when we think of you</p>

<p>Makes me want to fart
It's "I hope we never part."
Camp Anawanna</p>

<p>You're still in our hearts
But when we think about you
this thing came apart</p>