The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Same. She had a bit of a freakout right after January 15, wondering if she should apply to more schools that had a February deadline because “what if she isn’t accepted anywhere”.

She said she would definitely reapply next fall if she is not accepted anywhere.

Now she’s either hiding it well or not freaked out. And I am the one looking at websites, watching YouTube videos and recordings of virtual events/panels from the fall, etc.

But hey, we’ve all made it more than halfway now! Only slightly over three weeks to go!

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LPS is very much an option for our kid, too and have been keeping tabs on processes. (They are in a private school for 8th).

I think the week before my kid will start freaking out-- especially as most of their classmates are waiting on M10 too. School tries hard to keep talk of it down, but hard to avoid the group stress rising…

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Do any schools actually let one know before the M10 date? A few my son applied to imply they are “rolling” or you “may” find out earlier. Anyone have any experience there? I also think it is not the most competitive ones that do that but I would take at least one “yes” to stop freaking out a bit…

No LPS here - only private, but we’re overseas so it’s different. Even if we had moved here when she was in elementary school and it would have been easier for her to learn the language, we still would have put her in a private school as the local schools here are not awesome.


Not that it would matter to your son, but Miss Porter’s releases on March 9 in the evening to commemorate their founding year (they release decisions at 18:43). I love that fun detail.


Ah, got it! that is higher stress if you really need a private school. Our LPS is solid and a fine option. My kid really prefers a smaller school/community (and think they would really thrive in such a place) thus applying to private HS, too.

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Our private school here is amazing (and goes through 12th), but my daughter is pushing for boarding school back in the US. There is a chance we will be moved 1-2 more times while she is in high school, so this current private school is not a guarantee for her and she wants the stability and strong friendships that she can get via boarding, among other things. Most people at the current school leave after 2-3 years because they have a new posting in another country. It’s great for lots of things, but stable, long-term connection is not one of those things. :blush:


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense --wanting to stay at one HS for all 4 years! I can totally understand why someone would want that!

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Haha - super question. We live in a rural area where most towns support an elementary school, but not always their own high school because they just don’t have the numbers to justify it (our local K-6 has maybe 40 kids attending right now). Some towns form unions to share the cost of a high school (which is what our town does); some towns just elect to offer school choice (so you can send your kid more or less anywhere, up to a certain $ figure), and some towns designate a high school in a nearby town. Those towns and the school choice towns are called “sending towns”. Students from these towns do not have to go through a formal application process any different than you would at any public school. We are not residents of a sending or a choice town, so we have to apply to attend - for boarding or day, the whole process with recommendations etc. - but kids from sending towns are typically day students. It’s a little complicated, but so is everything related to school in rural areas.

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There may be some schools that release early.
Soon, someone here will start a new thread like this one from last year.

Once schools start telling applicants how and when decisions will be released, then parents/kids can update the master list. I’m guessing that it probably doesn’t differ much each year so if you look at your schools on this list, you’ll get a good idea if you might have some early acceptances to take the stress off somewhat.

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Schools that are on Ravenna, already have times on the “decisions” page for all our schools. Boarding ones here:

Cambridge School of Weston - Decision will be released after 4:00 pm on March 10, 2023
Concord Academy Decision will be released after 9:00 am on March 10, 2023

I am NOT sure if these will change or some do email as well…but that is what is posted as of now.

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Is it typical for schools to ask for mid-term or 2nd semester grades during the Admission review process? Can’t tell if this is a good sign (eg. not rejected yet!) or for some schools if this is just a typical part of their process.


Many of our schools stated this in their docs required list when applying. These were supposed to be sent in for the app to be complete.


This particular school didn’t, so I was just curious. Thanks!


My child applied for six boarding schools, none of which asked for anything after the Jan. 15 deadline.

Good luck!


Thank you! This is the only school we have heard from asking for additional info so far. Good luck to your family as well!

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None of the schools my daughter applied to needed second semester grades. They just needed first semester grades by the January/February deadline.


Thank you, but my child went through the process two years ago!


None of our schools have asked us for anything additional beyond the transcript they received upon applying.

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A few schools my DD3 applied to had earlier release dates (mostly girls schools, but also Culver and Fountain Valley) but we knew it from the get-go. In other words, no one said “March 10th” and then released earlier as a fun surprise.
Well, that’s not 100% true…the year my DD2 applied, she got a welcome swag package from Kent a few days before M10, so that was her first acceptance. The rest all came on M10, which made for a VERY exciting but tiring M10 day. I remember clearing my work schedule a bit that day, and I was SO glad I did because it was a FULL DAY of portal checking, starting at 9 pm on March 9th (we are west coast so a couple of midnight M10 decisions arrived for us the night before).

And just while we are on the topic, note that we have all kinds of mail notifications at our house, and several of the packages did NOT show up in the notifications. Namely, everyone was talking about Andover’s package notifying, and we got no notification at all. But the admission letter showed up in the portal on M10, and the package showed up that afternoon. So my advice: do NOT go bananas trying to figure out the mail situation ahead of time. :).