The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Correct, that has no correlation with admissions decision. Best advice is to not read into these types of things :wink: good way to drive self a bit wild!! Hope the process goes well for family.

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Nope. I was just looking to see that we still have correct passwords and noticed pages have changed from the checklist. If this was M9 then maybe I would panic, today, nope. I don’t even know when they changed. They may have been like this for a month now.

Nice to see another overseas family! Our daughter approached us about going to a US boarding school last January, so we had some time to adjust to the idea and to get some research in. It definitely took a bit of time to become comfortable with the idea of sending her so far away when we had not planned for it at all (plus paying for what ends up being the equivalent of another college education for her when we only planned on paying for one four years from now!!!).


Hi everyone,
even though it’s way too early, I got an email about processing financial aid docs from sss (fixed, don’t worry)

Could this be a clue to see if I got in somewhere? They didn’t specify which school, just one of the outstanding documents isn’t good (said before, fixed)

Not at all, it’s too early to read into things like that.

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Copying my earlier response

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No. As you said, they emailed you to tell you your document is still outstanding/isn’t good. It is information from SSS that you need to address because their system shows your file incomplete without all the required documents. Their email did what it was intended to do…get you to fix the problem.

Do the parents who have had kids go through this process before have any suggestions on how to not dwell on results during this waiting period? My daughter is mostly aloof but it’s driving me crazy

Add me to the list of parents who can speak about Williston. My son was a 4 year boarding student and graduated last year. He had an amazing experience and is at his first choice college now.


The best advice I would give parents (and students too) is to refrain from doing any research on schools from now until decision day. Wait until you receive acceptances to read every word of the handbook and search for dorm tour videos on youtube. That way you can focus on all the great things about the schools in which your child was accepted, and not be sad over losing out on the awesome closets (or whatever other mundane thing) at the school that waitlisted your kiddo.


My DS is a senior in Blair Academy. My darling daughter is applying to 9th grade. She has all A’s and A+s and SSAT 99%. Except art (3D design) she does not have ECs or sports. We have applied to Tafts, Loomis, Lawrenceville, Peddie and Blair. We are not worried because we feel the current public school is also good in NJ. Wish you all the best


Hi, I know it’s a bit late, but I applied to

Emma Willard
Ms. Porter’s



My daughter applied to Emma and Porter’s as well!

@RoonilWazlib99, we have benefitted a great deal from your candour and by learning about the thoughtful way in which your daughter selected her schools. :owl: Thank you for sharing your family’s journey and we shall be cheering for your baby on 10 March! :sparkles:


Awww. That’s sweet of you to say. Even though we’ve come around and are just as eagerly awaiting decisions as she is, I still find it hard to believe that she could be leaving in August! Six months away! Ack.


As Int’l student, back in 2017, my daughter applied to 13 schools (unlucky no): Andover, Blair, Choate, Deerfield, Exeter, Hotchkiss, LV, Mercersburg, Middlesex, St Andrew’s, St Paul’s, Taft, The Loomis Chaffee. Until 6 pm of 10M she received 3 rejects, and 8 waitlists. How disappointed she was! No 12 was offer from LV before going to bed, so happy and could sleep well that night. Early morning 11M we received acceptance from Andover, which was hard to believe as well. As this year, we are going through that long waiting process again for our son. Pray to get an offer, from any school in his list of 10.


What is LV? Is that Lawrenceville?

I can’t imagine how hard that day was for both of you - getting all of those results. What a happy moment it must have been to get that first acceptance!

Where did your son apply this year? Is he applying for 9th grade?

@RoonilWazlib99 yes Lawrenceville. My son applying to G10, 10 schools Andover, Choate, Exeter, Deerfield, LV, St Paul’s, Hotchkiss, Middlesex, Taft & Groton. Very challenging, however he is happy with his current school if gets no offer, unlike mum, looking at the forum everyday and count down for M10!


Hey! May I ask what grade your daughter is applying to to?

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Hi - she is in 8th grade, applying to 9th. In addition to the all-girls schools, she also applied to Pomfret, Proctor, Suffield, and Millbrook.