The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

ACK! One the schools my kid applied to just posted a photo of current students making welcome packages for accepted students…


not a common school for this board, but it is starting!! (the are a m10 release)


I helped write some congratulations postcards last week, but they said they didn’t know who was getting them yet, just the approximate amount they’re accepting.


Got the first “our decisions are coming out March 10” email with instructions on where to find the contract and financial aid results as well. Very exciting.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if above doesn’t have final list either, but seems close when they are doing these things:)


I got that reference - don’t know did anyone else? And no we have no rich Hartford area grandparents, most are passed away as this is our youngest …

totally got the reference!

Grandparents paying for private school is quite common, actually. The tuition is exempt from gift tax (if they pay school directly) so part of people’s estate planning strategies.

i thought it would’ve been easily deciphered :') Fun fact: Chilton’s inspired by Choate??

Is it? interesting. No boarders at Chilton, though. (Of course that would complicate the storyline!)

The inn and town were inspired by a visit to the Mayflower and Washington/Woodbury/new milford, I believe. (Read that once AGES ago, so may be wrong).

That is up very near Gunn and quite close Canterbury and Taft (not day schools either of course).

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Definitely did not get the reference, but I was very young when that movie came out and have only seen it once in my life about 20-something years ago, so I guess that’s fair. :grin:


@CuriousBunny gosh what a nice thing to say! I had forgotten all about donuts and M10! That was at least two years ago…three maybe? Anyway. as for the kids and their essays – their mom is a writer for a living, so they definitely have some of that in their blood. But more than that, I am a big believer that what you write about is more important than the mere craft of the writing, especially at the age of 13. So I actually think my writer mentality helped them mostly as we brainstormed around their life narratives, and explored who they actually were, and what were some powerful examples of who they are in this world. I have a little system that I use to help them brainstorm (I’ve written about it here a few times). As DD3 said to me when going through this process: “When I first started, I thought I had done nothing all that amazing with my life, but now I suddenly realize: I’m actually pretty interesting!” I think THAT is the magic – when kids fall in love with themselves, as the imperfect, young, wonderful beings that they are.


@G07b10 Oh gosh I remember that whole SNAFU!!! what a stressful little blip!!

TIP for checking the offers –
in order to see the financial aid/scholarship offers at MANY schools, you have to click a button that makes you FEEL like you might be accepting. Like it says something like “contract” or “proceed to contract” or other language that has you wondering: am I committing by clicking this? do not worry. You truly cannot “accidentally” commit by clicking one button.


Not enough FA is entirely possible for my daughter’s chances. I have been very upfront about it with her so she knows this and is very understanding about the situation. She is currently at school that did give us the FA we need so if push comes to shove, she can stay there if none of the schools pan out for next year. However she is also considering some options at home.

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Speaking of FA, on SSS, where can you find the award on M10?

“failure as a provider”?? Seriously? Just because someone cannot afford for their child to attend prep school does not make them a failure of any kind! Wow.


Does Salisbury have a portal or do they send an email M10?

Haha if you remember that, you probably also remember the FedEx tracker problem that year. A master tracker number appeared in and then disappeared from many people’s FedEx accounts on M8. It caused a lot of unnecessary anxiety. 2021 was so eventful.

It’s just March 1st and this thread is exponentially gaining replies - - -


This is relatively quiet compared with past few years actually.