The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

My DD has majority A+ and couple of A’s. She secured 99% in SSAT. She has stellar recommendations from principal and teachers. She did not get in to Pingry (we are assuming that her brother already senior at Blair Academy and we also asked for little (15k scholarship). We are not sure whether she would get in to 6 other BS that we applied because of scholarship request. We are mentally ready to either decision because BS have their own advantages and NJ public schools have their own advantages.

Relax and leave it to destiny. Whatever happens is good for the kids. Wish you all the best and take both outcomes as a blessing.


Acceptance boxes for Lawrenceville are being packed rn!!


Because it’s like waiting for Christmas. :joy: The waiting is part of the fun. Is this the year I finally get a phone, a puppy, and those new American Girl twins from the 90s (which I am NOT okay with them being “historical,” okay?)?


Since I have no dog in the fight this year, I am mostly looking forward to the Admission videos. It seems like with each passing year the schools get better and better at this.


yes sadly yield protection is a thing at BS too not just college - but for BS in many cases it really is “i need to fill this seat - will she come?”


I totally feel this! I was thinking the same thing this weekend. Or being excited for a big vacation. “5 more sleeps!” (Or maybe lack there of!) :rofl:

When you look at those UPS/FEDEx/DHL+ notifs to find nothing but then you remember not to lose hope but then you want to remain delusional :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Well said! Just curious, is the anxious mostly from parents or the kids?

hard to say
imho feels like either both or neither

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for me, my parents don’t even care but I am sososo anxious

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interestingly enough, my parents and i are much more nervous than my sister, who’s the actual applicant :laughing:


In our house it is one parent and the applicant. Other parent doesn’t get nervous about this stuff.

I am worried about potential disappointment of my kid and making a decision (will be happy wherever kid gets up)!

Kid is nervous where they will end up, even though realize all will be OK.


in my case it’s just whoever put in more time commitment (applications, finding out more about the schools)
so I’m more anxious

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And I’m cheering everyone else on. Over in the FedEx thread, I’m super invested in whether Andover has, indeed, entered tracking numbers… we didn’t even apply to Andover. :joy:


Where is the tracking thread?

I’m assuming the FedEx / UPS thread


Same here, @Nantar !

As we’re an international family, registering for notifications would probably have been an exercise in futility! We resisted the urge and are waiting patiently! :hourglass_flowing_sand:

I’m truly excited for everyone receiving notifications though! :tada: :tada: :tada:


I found it. My page isn’t set for every thread to show up.

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I’m super intrigued by how many schools are still sending me emails about how “it’s not too late to apply!” Today alone I’ve gotten them from Simon’s Rock at Bard (Subject: “Apply by March 15 to start in August!”), the International School of Boston (Subject: “Still looking for Private High School options? You’re in luck.”), and Winchendon (Subject: “What will you invent?”)

I had 2 kids take the SSATs this year, so I get 2 copies of most of these.


Ditto, I got one from Chapel Hill Chauncey Hall that also said it isn’t too late…

ISB doesn’t even bother with M10 and standard admissions cycle, I don’t think. I signed up for a list years ago and somehow never got off (not that I have anything against school, just wasn’t for my kids). Clever of them to have an open house next week for HS;)