The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread



I’m not sure if it’s true, but people say international students don’t get pacakges. I’m not sure though.

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I posted on the FedEx/UPS thread, but we got a notification today that our daughter has a package coming to us from one of her schools. It was a DHL notification and we didn’t sign up for them, but DHL gives customs notifications here where we are (not the US), so we got the notification anyway as the school used DHL to send the package.


gasp not in the US?!


Crazy, right?


can you liink the thread plss

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do you mind sharing (or private messaging me) the school name
because im also international applicant

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I shared it in that other thread - it is Miss Porter’s. :star_struck:

@uare Thanks and that’s my understanding too! We’re not going to hurt out heads with this and didn’t bother registering! :upside_down_face:

Wishing you the best of luck! :sparkles:

I tried for a second to set up something with FedEx, but got very confused very quickly and abandoned that. Just lucky that DHL sends us customs notices here!

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Ugh. It sounds like the school wants someone like your D. They can’t risk making her an offer and having her say no and having nobody like her, so they accepted someone with her profile they know will come. If she ultimately decides she prefers this school over other offers AND if they have the space, they may have two kids with this profile, but they won’t have none.

That’s enrollment management. Kind of like managing your guest list for a dinner party. Guessing it wasn’t your top choice (and that it’s lower down the list than your “whatsapp school.”) But it’s lousy your hand forced have like that. So sorry!

Yes and yes.

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Good then. No harm done since you like the bird in hand.


How much time could they possibly have going around calling everyone so that they are sure they offer a spot to someone ”they know will come”? At some point they have to simply admit kids and see where the cards will fall.

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Is it usually a good sign if my video links were visited multiple times by a school on four different dates? first before 1/15 then around 2/4 and the last around 2/25

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@Pharmingturtles it does sound hard to believe, doesn’t it, but I also know of families who received phone calls exactly like this on 9 March last year.

Calling consultants they know, which is what they did, isn’t a big deal and preserves that relationship. This goes both ways. They didn’t blindside someone who recommended them. But you’re right, they aren’t calling random applicants.


Were they private or open links? How were they clicked into (direct link or clicked in from another video recommended it)? How long were they visited? What’s the geographic location they were viewed from? (Yes I monitor my son’s videos that aren’t sent to any of the schools he applied but other sources).

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Private links. I can see They each visited about 2 mins per video.