The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

How are these all day student applications? Some are over an hour and half apart from each other so even if you live dead in the middle it is over 45 min (in Boston suburb traffic) to get to them. Are there no limits at these schools where you can commute from? That’s going to make for some really long days for you guys :sob:

St. Marks
Lawrence Academy
Worcester Academy

Sometimes parents move to a location depending on where their child is accepted. I know several families who rent in town.

Pretty sure people are aware of how far away schools are once they get to the application submitted stage.


Pretty sure we have seen people here not aware that their residence required them to be a border for certain schools, as well. There are many people as mentioned time and time again on these boards who don’t do an interview with some schools nor do they ever visit. Those are not always required by a school. Just as we have several options to be day students in the Boston area, doesn’t mean I plan on driving everyday to get my child there nor have him take the T. There are definitely options to be a day student at places an hour away which doesn’t sound like a bad thing for some of us who grew up in or live in areas used to commuting until you actually start doing it and people have warned others about the time commitments in relation to distance from campus for day students before. So no, it does not preclude this person is definitely moving based on the selection of school.

Best of luck to your student!

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My school district has an issue where they end up sending ALL your records when sending. I’m saying your wee kindergarten days. Most school excluding Lawerencville are asking for my 9th grade grades. But, I have the same weighted GPA but a lower unweighted GPA due to my 8th grade grades coming in. I managed to get a group of schools who haven’t gotten my full record and sent report cards (downloaded from school system) to the lady that does transcripts so they only get 9th and 10th.

My main issue is some schools looking at my transcript and seeing that D I got oh so long ago, or some think im looking like a fraud or something bc how does your weighted GPA stay the same?? But ur unweighted isn’t?? or me obviously clearing it up but having to provide proof of it (showing them the bad B and C in biology and algebra 1 that brought my grade down in the first place)?? life is hard


Thanks and exactly- we have done our homework! :slight_smile: We have a vacation home near their top school and our current primary residence is under an hour (with traffic) to each of these locations except for BB&N and Dexter (not top choices either way mostly because of the commute). I know many families of day students who commute an hour each way, rent an apartment or an office in that area for the four years of high school. Right now we drive 25 mins each day for our current private school.


Does the freakout start on March 10? Because I thought there’d be more panicky doomscrolling to keep me company from now until then. :wink:

Let’s keep each other company! I’m feeling a little stressed waiting for the decisions and find myself checking in to see if anyone else is also feeling panicky waiting and it has been crickets. I thought I was the only one!


With you. Kid only applied to one school. Otherwise wanted to continue at current school.


My daughter applied to six and has already said that if she isn’t accepted, she will reapply for next year.

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I’m just chiming in to congratulate all of those who have completed the application process! My son grew and learned so much about himself when he applied two years ago (ex. skills in taking standardized tests, needing to reflect and define who he is as an individual, engaging with teachers and adults in a different way in requesting recommendations and interviewing at schools… etc… etc…) I guess I would say don’t forget to celebrate what has been accomplished so far. Best of luck to all! I hope everyone ends up where they best fit and can thrive.


Usually it kicks into high gear a few days before M10 when results from some schools come out. It peaks on M8 when people start to report mail carrier notifications and lasts through M10.

I remember the 2021 thread was crazy.


This is so true. Mine are already seniors in high school, and we are exploring a post-graduate year to make up for the disaster of the past three, and the process alone has been a good one for my twins. It’s the journey, not the destination, that matters. Glad to hear that freakouts will commence as planned in March, though. I’ll pencil that in. :wink:


i am somewhat on the other end… my daughter said she doesn’t want to repeat this again next year so she applied to 10+ schools… We are a FA family so I am not sure how that will factor in since we do not have any of those “hooks” that people talk about but half of the schools we are applying are not in the top ten. Hopefully she can get into one with a FA package that make it economically feasible for us.


Maybe there will be more after Feb 1. At that point, most the ones that didn’t have Jan 15 will be closed, too. There are probably a few last minute submissions that some may be busy with. The freakout thread’s definitely seemed more busy looking back at the last few years. Does that mean there are less people applying again that schools have gone back to “normal”? It’s funny watching schools pulling data from EMA for sending information and admissions materials when their deadlines have already passed and we’ve already applied to several of the big names that keep pulling his info past their deadline :woman_shrugging:t2:. Figured they would be more busy this time of year than to worry about pulling info for mailing lists :thinking:

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Anyone else received BIPOC event invitation from Taft?

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We chose day student for some, boarding for others, and then since my S26 is trying to enter in as a 10th grader (currently a 10th, will re-do) we ended up calling/emailing admissions saying we would take a boarding spot if it made him more competitive!

In no particular order:
St Marks School
Portsmouth Abbey
Lawrence Academy
The Winchendon School
Kimball Union
Brewster Academy

Recruited by a few schools for lacrosse but as we are new to this process not sure if that means he is 100% in or if it gives him a good edge but seemed promising when speaking with admissions.


I chose day student for all schools, as I’ve been told that applying as a boarding student is much more competitive.

I have quite a short list – I am being very ambitious, but here it is (in no particular order):

  • Andover
  • Choate
  • Middlesex
  • Hotchkiss

Good luck to all fellow applicants! Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

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I supposed it depends on the school and the year you are entering. Middlesex admissions told us in person that there were only a few day student slots open and most likely over 20 boarding. So for us, Middlesex boarding was the only way to go - same with Lawrence Academy. For most schools from what we have been told by prior headmaster’s families and teachers - “heads in beds” is the quote I most often heard - they want the boarding school kids but again maybe not for Andover, Choate and Hotchkiss.


Not being sarcastic but where do you live that all those schools are commutable?