The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

It’s a mix. They do go to w/l—had an older child get off a top academic several years ago because it was the only school he applied to since he was content at our local public and playing club for his sport. But he definitely filled a specific profile as a recruited athlete, who could contribute to multiple teams, was a strong student and just a good kid. He had developed an awesome relationship with the AO who was also and assistant coach for one of his sports.

We do know of a few kids in the last few years, and to be fair recruited athletes, who applied and were accepted at very competitive schools in the spring/summer before they started. Again, my guess is the school unexpectedly lost a student athlete and needed to fill that gap. The thing with sports is that BS coaches participate or host camps and attend showcases, etc and all of a sudden are exposed to new talent. My guess is the same happens with performing and fine arts.


Congrats! Some tough choices ahead! Don’t forget to go over to the Decisions thread and add your results so they don’t get lost in the Freakout thread!

got one WL and 4 rejects😭any suggestions?

rejected from northwood school…werid

Accepted to Exeter!!


Yes! We are on vacation, but I will definitely reach out via PM when we return in a few days! Go Seawolves!


Congrats! (I’m an alum — great school!)


You could reach out to admissions for the one WL school and let them know that if offered a spot that you would definitely accept. I have been told that to get off of the WL you often need to let the school know that you would be a definite (or have your school admin/counselor do it). It can become about yield, so if you were to commit as a yes, it might get you there.

They emailed you.


Should I wait a few days before sending an email?

No, I wouldn’t wait because others will likely be doing this today as well. School counselors are scrambling today, and over the next few days, to get kids settled into schools off of the WL.

Ok, I will email them today. Thank you!


WL from Choate, Accepted to Andover and Exeter!


My understanding is that they will come back to you around April 10 to ask if you want to remain on the WL beyond then.

For hotchkiss, who should I email for the letter of interest?

If you’re interested in the w/l school let them know they’re your top choice and you’d go if accepted. Maybe wait until early next week so you’re not lost in the mix. Also, there are some lesser known schools that aren’t always at capacity—look at the “hidden gems” thread, check out their websites and if any look interesting reach out!


I just filled out the Hotchkiss WL from. They asked if they are my first choice which I selected yes. I also emailed them the updated grades.


At most schools that would be the AO you worked with.

I know 2 people, personally, last year who were offered spots at Mercersburg the same week they were WL so it does definitely happen that they do take WL people. Both of these people called the day they got the wait list and spoke to AO’s and expressed their disappointment and interest and to get feedback on what to do to push them over the hump.


The AO i worked with for Hotchkiss is titled Admission Associate. Will that be the person I contact?