The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread


Same here - we applied by the Jan 15th deadline and I just got the invite addressed to me (parent) which freaked me out a bit as I was then worried MY name was on the application as Applicant! But luckily it was just sent to me as a parent. We still only have 3 out of 7 portals actually.


There were a couple of schools that specified in their “application complete” email that they do not have portals and will only be releasing admissions decisions via email. I guess I should go back (or have my daughter go back) and make sure she knows where to find the info on March 10.

So far, out of six schools, she has three portals and at least two schools that said email only. Now I’m curious about the sixth school and need to go check my email to see what they said!

Portal update:

Invite to portal received:
Miss Porter’s

Email decisions only:

No indication from school:
Emma Willard - I checked my email, but I haven’t had my daughter check hers yet. Perhaps she received something at some point that says if she should expect a portal invite prior to March 10. :person_shrugging:

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Gateway, which previously said that one daughter’s math rec was in, now says both are “in progress” and two schools have now let me know that the missing rec means the application will be discarded if the rec isn’t in by the end of next week. Now I have to beg the teacher (again) because clearly something has gone terribly pear shaped. How awkward! I will owe her wine or flowers or both.


So schools confirmed it was missing? Blargh. So glad they contacted you (or you noticed it) before it was too late. My daughter had a lot of issues with SAO this year as well, including one section of an application (the student writing supplement) for a school that suddenly wasn’t there when she went to submit her application. She contacted the school and they said they were having issues with the SAO and that she could just send her essays directly to the AO and the AO would add them to her file. But what about kids that never saw that part originally to even know it was missing? This school doesn’t have a portal, so a kid could assume they had done everything correctly and then not know they had several essays missing!


good luck to everyone! does anybody know if exeter/andover email you your decisions (ex: “Congratulations!” header) along with your regular portal decision? thanks!

No idea at all! But welcome aboard!

Just don’t stress about it – I’ve started picking up some old hobbies for the past few days and they’ve helped me relax a bit. Good luck!

My daughter just started her track season and got a part in the musical, so she’s distracted, too.


hows the bs process for your kids so far?

No. You get an email to check the portal, but the header on the email is not a clue on the decision.


I know someone else accepted and I think if you’re accepted, in the portal, they’ll say “YOU GOT IN, [name]!”

that’s portal not email, email’ll probably just say something like your application decision is ready

Portals for all 4 schools applied are available now!


im having a freakout moment… my current school cant submit the grades on time lol I MIGHT BE A LATE APPLICANT :sob: HELPPPPPPPPPPP

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If it’s grades/transcripts for the semester that just ended, you can breathe. You submitted your part of the application, right? You shouldn’t be dinged for that. Did you get emails from the schools you applied to saying you’ll be a late applicant?

Just be proactive in letting the schools know that your current school can’t get the grades to them until X date. Ask them if they will accept a screenshot of your online system in the meantime or if they are okay waiting. The schools want as many applicants as possible, so they are usually quite flexible and understanding if you just keep them in the loop.


they said ill be a late applicant:(((((((( if I dont submit before feb 8 for current grades lmao


Did your school confirm they will not be able to upload grades by 2/8? If so, did you ask the boarding schools if they will accept a screen shot of your grading system or a downloaded “unofficial” transcript which will then be confirmed by the information your school sends? At the very least, can your school upload the previous two years now?

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Soooo- THEY HAVE TO CONFIRM ALL ON 11/2 but then- they will try…
on Monday I’ll try to contact them to tell them to send it out immediately if possible.