The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

We are an international applicant (from an under represented city/ country). We applied to 4 schools: Milton, Hotchkiss, Westminster and Andover.

We were slightly late to the 15Jan deadline of the 1st 3 schools to due a couple of factors (besides the Gateway system slowdown) - Math Teacher saying he did not receive the recommendation even after resending several times from Gateway so had to send him a manual copy! School also late in sending School recommendation and Transcripts after repeated follow ups. Good thing all the 3 schools were understanding and we were in communication with them until all documents were received in order. We also completed Andover last 1st Feb (no email confirmation yet that it’s complete - not sure if they send?).

Our DD interviewed with an Andover alumni in our city. Went for over an hour and he told us our daughter fits in well to Andover, sees her maturity, etc. Not sure how much he says the same things to others he has interviewed so we’d take it with a grain of salt. She also interviewed with one of the Admissions team in Westminster. They really connected well and been in contact after. Hotchkiss was with the Head of Admissions - my DD said he seemed to be in a rush as we took this last minute slot that opened up. Milton - no more slot :frowning: so unable to speak to them. Not sure if this is a deal breaker.

Now it’s a waiting game for us like the rest. Good luck to everyone! Hope our kids find the best fit for them.

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i’m so nervous and excited! i applied as a 10th grade boarding applicant to both andover and exeter. best of luck for everyone!


They said ill be a late applicant:(((((((( if I dont submit before feb 8 for current grades lmao

Funny, yes. I seemed to remember telling you guys that they will not wait forever for you to turn in your late things and that at some point they will keep you in the incomplete pile but then move you to the late pile when you finally get around to turning things in. But I got poopooed with that comment.

There is absolutely no way you have no current grades by this point. If you live somewhere like Australia where the school year IS different and the year just began, yes things may be different and harder to produce anything other than a form that each teacher fills out with your current class grade. But these schools are very well versed in international applications and schools that do not have a school year like ours here. They should have knowledge in how to deal with kids in countries that start school in January. However, it does not at all sound like your story and if you cannot produce grades, how do you expect them to make any other decision on you without them? I can’t recall if you mentioned how several of your classmates have applied to US BS as well. If they could get their grades in on time, then why is it that you cannot or are you ALL having this problem? The places you apply would be skeptical at best to wonder why your grades aren’t in and won’t give you a special pass.

Did anybody else here receive a happy birthday email from Loomis or any other schools?


NOOOOO, I don’t know anyone who is applying to US BS in my school, most of them applying to UK or Australia… I might be able to send them out on time and the schools has told me to send out unofficial grades, I also told my school, somehow they said they cannot proceed like this or smt along the lines like that, but I WILL TRY MY BEST TO TELL THEM TO SEND IT :(((

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Its not really my choice:( the school only has it on feb 11 but the due date is feb 8, they have to do an entire procedure to check every student’s report. I ALSO think that’s really weird since it was way earlier last year…

Ask to obtain an unofficial grade report with a message saying the date they are to be sent officially. Maybe if the school sends the unofficial report it will be enough (though I don’t know why it would be unofficial at that point if it comes from the school, just not “final” grade report). What do the other students do who applied to other BS even in other countries? What are their application dates/deadlines and did they run up against this same issue?

crying screaming throwing up because my counselor hasn’t written my letter, has to write senior letters, which means I can’t get my parents involved, which means ill be a late applicant, which means I cant escape the hell hole of my state!!

only option rn is to suck it up

double homicide is when she actually tried to do it, it was the 13th, aka the day gateway was down, and now college applications are surprisingly open? idk about the application process. i keep checking gateway just to be met with “in progress”

Their workload is not your problem. And should not deter you from involving a parent


Agree - you absolutely can get a parent/guardian involved.


my counselor hasn’t written my letter, has to write senior letters, which means I can’t get my parents involved

You are not making it clear as to why you can’t get your parents involved.


Translation - Seniors in high school need their recommendation letters done, so she needs to prioritize them

And you need your info submitted as well. They are equal. You need your parent to intervene.

@christiania , if you are serious about this - you need to escalate with the help of your parents. They wrote parent statements, they paid application fees, do they not support this?


They already have a scheduled email for Monday so she sees it the second she clocks into work🤷‍♀️ count your days counselor

I’m surprised that said seniors haven’t had their recommendation letters done yet; the latest college app deadline I know of is February 1, and almost all of mine were due by January 10 or so. Continue to bug your counselor—that’s not a good excuse on their part.


Mid-year reports. Regardless, not an excuse


Predictions for Fun:

Accepted: Andover, Taft
Rejected: Loomis
Waitlisted: Choate

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We have a huge financial aid need…but here it goes…

Gunn: Accepted or Waitlisted (heavily recruited athlete but will depend on FA)
New Hampton: Waitlisted or Rejected: I honestly don’t know - they want her to repeat 9th grade (for sport purposes) which we have opted not to do.
Westminster: Rejected


You’re definitely NOT alone. After the huge flurry of activity, the calm is eerie.