The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Congrats on your SPS acceptance! Last year there was a QR code in the box they sent for the welcome message. My daughter who is a Third Former (9th grader) said to tell you “Welcome to SPS!”


Thank you!! I applied for entry in 10th grade, so I might see her next year :wink:

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… apparently over 2,400 applications this year.

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FYI just found out that there were only 50 boy spots at Hotchkiss due to them closing a dorm. Wow…


shameless upvote farm incoming

Congrats to everyone that got in! If you got into Loomis, I better not see you committing to Exeter or Andover - mediocre schools, frankly :grin:. To those still waiting on decisions, good luck!

To those without acceptances, life is not over. Don’t let these decisions get to you. Make the most out of your time at high school. This does not determine your value as a student, let alone a person.



There is a thread for St Georges. As you think of specific details you want to know, it might help others to ask there - future families with the same questions can see the responses. Plus, there are other SG parents who follow that thread and can chime in.

I have a DS who went to Williston. He was a 4 year boarding student, and he graduated last year. He had a great experience. The vibe on campus is very collaborative rather than competitive. He made friends. He took a lot honors/AP classes, and he did well in them. He worked on independent projects in junior and senior years that were a great experience for him and of course helped with college admissions. I found the teachers did a good job of keeping me updated as well, so my experience as a parent was good. Feel free to reach out and ask me any questions.


@DrPrimo wow, this makes us appreciate DS’s Hotchkiss acceptance all the more!

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wow… so they won’t add more?

@helllo123 I’m not sure what the position is, or where @DrPrimo got this information. When we visited Hotchkiss in (last January) one building was cordoned off for what looked like an extensive renovation. I would have expected this to be completed before the start of the next school year though? Sorry, not sure.

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I See, I would expect them to finish the dorm renovation by next year too! Which means they might’ve still accepted the boys that they expect to have rooms for.

I dont think so. I signed up for Fedex and UPS with my full name and the package was to my nickname/preferred name but it worked anyway.

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I just emailed my AO letter of interest. When should I expect a response? Are they on break?

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Apologies for not being clear. I was talking about very rejective schools – it was in my first sentence, but not thereafter. I stand by what I said about those schools, which is not every boarding school, or even most boarding schools.


My son was accepted to Mercersburg this morning, it was his first choice and he’s so excited to join his older sister there next year!


But that’s about what they normally take for 9th grade. This isn’t wildly different than other years.

When Hotchkiss has a dorm renovation they don’t cut the number of students, they reconfigure other housing so the same number of kids can be accomodated, though in different places than the dorm under renovation.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Hotchkiss usually have 150 spots for 9th grade, and about 75 would be boys?


When are decisions to accept offers of admission at schools generally due? One of the schools that accepted my DS seems to have a decision date PRIOR to revisit days. Is this normal?

this isn’t completely true because I applied late (July late) to Andover and Choate – might have just been allowed because of Covid but yeah

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