The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Hotchkiss has about 100 spots to fill for 9th grade, at least that’s what we’ve heard over the last few years, and then adds students in 10th, 11th, and 12th (PGs) to get to about 150 total.


It would be unusual for Hotchkiss to cut the incoming boys. They should have planned ahead about dorm closures, and may be able to change some singles to doubles or doubles to triples. There’s usually some flexibility that a school has in finding beds. Having way more girls than boys is not ideal for the community, even just one year.

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Stop! I guarantee you Hotchkiss planned ahead!

They have been doing this for a long time, and I have been through several dorm rennovations and/or replacements, and they have planned well every time. They’ve been known to reconfigure faculty housing, turn common rooms into multiple dorm rooms etc.

And @westernNY1 has it exactly right. There are about 100 spots for 9th grade, and they add another 50 for 10th.

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More like 130, of which 65 would be male.


Thanks for the clarification @cinnamon1212 @G07b10 @westernNY1

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Yes, most BSs are on spring break but my guess there are people working in admissions. But, I’d wait until early next week to reach out and wouldn’t expect a response until the end of next week at the earliest.


Hat tip to all the people (like me) on this board celebrating their CC “cake day” on March 10. Kind of cliche, but I’ll wear it.


Happy Cake Day


Got it from a classmates of DS. His pal was rejected and this was the reason given. I’m going to assume I was told the truth so I decided to pass it along as it seemed important. That’s all I know.

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We received the same! Hope to see you there in a few weeks.

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Anyone receive anything in mail from nmh?


@odysseydad congratulations to your daughter! It’s a great school and fabulous news about the scholarship!

DS received an acceptance from Peddie too.


Thank you @DrPrimo You are always generous in sharing information, and it is appreciated.

It’s been wonderful seeing all your DC’s acceptances roll in! Congratulations to you both! :tada:

You bet! And thanks for the congratulations! This forum has been a godsend during this process and I’m grateful to everyone sharing their insight and knowledge!


Look at that, PA kids upvoting. Even they know… :shushing_face:


yes. That is what that means. I will tell you, my son who has since graduated from a boarding school, was a recruited athlete as well. All signs pointed to acceptance during the process but ultimately he was rejected. I emailed and asked why and they said they couldn’t meet the need. I called and discussed it with Admissions and we decided we could pay more than originally as this was super important to us. They sort of met us half way. One of the most difficult things in our journey was the implication that full need would be met and that they wanted him so desperately. I assumed all of the applications would be acceptances and close to full need. They were not. I wouldn’t change a thing. I have all my kids in boarding schools and my son is absolutely thriving in a top college. But I do think they dont do a good job of explaining no matter how amazing, it comes down to numbers. And it makes sense, bc the only kids getting accepted to BS are kids who are phenomenal and/or fully able to pay. (I assume your kid is a lax player based on your name, so that’s why I responded) I hope you guys get a lot of acceptances.


I already sent the email out a couple hours ago (uh-oh). If I don’t get any response in two weeks, should I just send the exact same mail again?

At parents’ weekend this past fall at HK, the head of school discussed how HK’s yield has been higher the last few years so they were adjusting for that in admissions - he stated that they would be likely accepting fewer this year to account for the higher yield. In addition HK has been trying to reduce their overall student body to get to under 600 total I believe. So that coupled with being overenrolled the last few years likely has led to lower numbers of accepted students this year. I don’t think this year’s dorm closure/renovation would have had much to do with it as it is slated to be open this fall?


Does anybody know where Thacher puts their financial aid package?

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You should contact the school to confirm that date. I would think you can revisit the school before committing. At least that has been my experience.