The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

What you just detailed is what we just went through. My S26 got 4 acceptances and three WL. Two of the wait lists were surprises because one he was told all along that he was a top recruit. I called and spoke to the admissions officer who is also the assistant coach, and he apologized profusely and said it just came down to numbers and financial aid, but that there still might be a chance. The other was not our top choice, but they had made no bones about it and even put on their financial aid page that decisions would be based on financial aid. However, the four schools he did get into very very generous with FA. Now is the hard part deciding whether to go out of state as a boarding student or to stay in state as a day student, each school is so unique and they all offer so much. It’s so hard to make a choice. But he will be playing lacrosse at one of them in the fall.


I know many people have gotten acceptances and rejections today and some may feel happy and some sad, but don’t let this day and it’s results define who you are. It is your continued hard work no matter where you go that will be the greatest factor in your success.


I don’t have a feedback on any except Portsmouth Abbey. My daughter’s best friend absolutely loves it there (freshman)! Id be happy to put you in touch with them if you’d like.

I just got back home and checked my application status; I got into Choate and Groton!


Curious - are there any Middlesex denials/ no or just Middlesex only say yes or waitlist?

I just checked everything. I applied to 16 schools and got waitlisted at 11.
St. Mark’s
St. Andrew’s
St. Paul’s

This is not what I was expecting but I guess there’s a higher chance I’ll get off the waitlist somewhere.

My son is a lacrosse player also. The thing that boarding school gave him was enough opportunity to discover all other aspects of himself - he found a love for science, he participated in chapel, he ended up developing art talent. These things he absolutely NEVER would have done at our local public school. So he walked into this school with the identity as a lacrosse and football player and graduated as so, so, so much more. Feel free to send me a message if you want to chat about our experience further. Best of luck.


Impressive…are you leaning one way or another?


Although this might be a dumb question, can you negotiate how much money it costs for the enrollment deposit?

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I think I would rather go to Choate because of the sports (I do competitive swimming), but Groton had this super nice, personalized acceptance letter and arghhhh I dunno what to do :sob:

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I think they waitlist too.


MX is the only school that rejected me. Others gave me WL or acceptance.

Anyone got waitlisted at Andover and rejected by Choate?


my daughter was one of 4 merit scholarship winners in 2019 for Mercersburg and got a call three days before

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No scholarship offers for my daughter, but she did get acceptances to all of her schools, so now we enjoy the weekend and then dig into lots of self-reflection and research!


other way around here…

I think it really helps to go to both school’s revisit days if it’s possible for you and your family. Choate and Groton are both excellent and different from one another.


what a wonderful way to spend the next few days! Congratulations to her and you!

Great news - congratulations!


Today is a tough day for my son. We got a late start on the application process and ended up only applying to four schools. We just received the results, and unfortunately, he was rejected from Andover and waitlisted at Milton, Deerfield, and MX. Based on what I’ve read online, the chances of getting off the waitlist are not very good. We also need about 50% financial aid to afford any of these schools. I wonder if our financial need played a role in my son being waitlisted. Is it possible to negotiate with the admissions office and offer to pay a little more in order to increase his chances of being accepted off the waitlist?

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