The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Got waitlisted at Choate, Groton, and Hotchkiss. Tough day for me. I got advised to apply to some other prep schools for the 2023-2024 school year (idk the school list yet because my coach said that the Groton coach would give him a list this weekend). One of the schools Groton coach suggested is KUA would I have a chance at these schools since M10 already happened and I would be so late???

If you are the right fit for a school, it is not too late. There are stories of athletes being accepted to all kinds of schools even as late as the summer.


is there a way to check if you’re recruited for sports/music? do the department heads send you an email or is it with the acceptance letter?

Anyone else completely exhausted from the week and last 24 hours?


Does anyone know how many people applied to Hotchkiss and How many people got accepted based on the admissions letter (reject, waitlist). I am attempting to calculate the acceptance rate for this year as most schools have gotten alot more competitive and lower acceptance rates.

My son was rejected from Middlesex - WL and accepted at all other schools.


Either count other page or maybe pose a question and get thumbs up to avoid multiple answers in different places e.g., hit the thumbs up if waitlisted at?
Each would need to be its own post- maybe start a thread counting of results then do three posts per school
Just a thought

Just wondering is it worth to transfer to a higher ranking BS as a 10th grader after spending your freshman year at a second tier BS?

For all the students who did not get an acceptance; it stinks today. There are schools out there that take summer admits. If you are super sure you want to be at a different school next year, get to know some schools this month- search online. Search in college confidential on past threads about schools with summer accepts. I know a few that I’m certain years, know they get great students who do not know or follow the application schedule. I can recommend a great prep school counselor if you send me post to me. She just left a strong feeder school and had been the in house prep school advisor.
*** Take note to everyone***
At the high school application for colleges, there are kids who are hearing the same news- no accepts and or too many waitlists.
Applying only to the top prep schools or top 50 colleges and IVIES- too much demand and not enough supply.
Middlebury College Admissions counselor said why only think of Middlebury there are Middlebury quality colleges in the south and Midwest( talking to New England group of parents and kids)… so back to this thread-
It’s not what happens but how you respond.
And it’s not where you go but what you do to make it even better…


What determines second tier? I think it depends more how you do where you are? If you are at the top of a second tier school or the bottom of a so called top school? Are you challenged? Are you happy? Are you thriving? What are you missing that you will get if you transfer? Just as long as it is beyond prestige of name …

I can’t imagine that would be a good plan to go into boarding school with. You would never be able to actually try to enjoy your time at the “second tier” (how are you even determining that) boarding school. I’m just thinking that you would accept a place at a school that it sounds like you don’t want to go to or think is not a good fit in some way just to go somewhere, but knowing the whole time you’d rather be somewhere else. Sounds like a recipe for a lot of unhappiness.


@Sroo @RoonilWazlib99 Thank you for the replies!

how did they “express their disappointment and interest”? should I do the same to the schools I was waitlisted at?

No, it is not a good idea to plan to transfer. You should start at your new school with a commitment to making it the best possible experience in every way - in and out of the classroom.

If you find you are unhappy at the school where you end up, you can try to transfer. (The one person on the board here who did that left Andover for Mercersberg and has been so happy that her siblings followed her.)

There are not tiers of BS. If you are worried about college, BS are all well regarded. You will be the best college candidate by being your best possible self, and you will have a chance to do that where you matriculate. Congrats on your acceptance!


My understanding is that you should reach out to your AO and discuss it. Are you basing the 50% FA on what you are listed as being able to pay by SSS? FA definitely plays a role though, schools definitely uses the WL for students that they are interested in, but cannot fund in such a way as to support admission. And, because it’s about yield, they are less likely to offer if they think that you won’t come (for a number of reasons, but not being able to afford it without the necessary FA would be a part of that).

Some schools have rolling admission, and some schools may be looking for athletes of a specific caliber if those that applied and were accepted choose to go elsewhere. If your coach is able to get a list for you with assistance of the Groton coach, then they likely feel that these schools will still be able to consider you for next year.

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Is it possible to negotiate with the admissions office and offer to pay a little more in order to increase his chances of being accepted off the waitlist?

If you can afford to pay more than you had requested, you should definitely go back to the WL schools and let them know. It is not unusual for families to “find” money for BS (i.e., a grandparent offers to pay, a family realizes this is a greater priority, etc.) at this point, and if the WL was because they didn’t have the FA, this could move the needle. Unless they said so though, you can’t know that FA was the reason for the WL – that’s the hard part.

I would also be candid that you only had WL so are highly motivated to make this work. When schools make WL offers, they are doing so because they need another “head in a bed”, not because they want to have another offer out there.


Generally when you are being recruited the coach or teacher will be in regular contact with you about whatever it is you are being recruited for. In my daughter’s case they’d be in touch at least monthly, if not more often. Coaches would reach out asking how school was going, how she and her team were doing, etc.


We just did this, but it was not the plan going in! Once there she found the academics not to be where she wanted to prepare her for college. She wants strong math and science and while she loved the school, she didn’t feel she’d be as prepared for college as she would like to be. There were other factors that played into the decision (like distance from home) as well. Ultimately you need to make the best decision for yourself and your future goals.

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o nvm im dumb