The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Got a email saying I was accepted into the kent school (which I did not apply for) then a hour later got a email saying that was a accident so weird


There’s no way

I can post the emails, it’s very strange

The same thing happened to a BUNCH of kids that all visited or joined the University of Tennessee’s mailing list. They got an email congratulating them on their admission a few days ago and then another saying, “Oops! That should have said, ‘Thanks for joining the mailing list.’!” :rofl: Mistakes happen all the time. You would not believe the number of errors admissions offices at the college level make with emails that are sent out by mistake to the wrong group of students. Something similar could easily happen to a boarding school. Did you indicate an interest in them at any point in the process so they had your info? Could have been a mailing list error and the wrong email went out like happened at UTK.

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Same thing happened at University of Florida this year. Emails were sent out two weeks before decision day congratulating kids on being a Gator, and asking them to set up their Gator account. Then two hours later, they sent a new email saying to disregard the previous email as it was a mistake. There was a lot of speculation as to what those emails meant, but in the end, there was no correlation between applicants who got that email and who were admitted. Mistakes happen!

We received an email from Cushing telling us our Admission file was received and complete, but we still needed to schedule an interview. We never completed the paperwork, just added it to our profile in the Gateway, then decided not to pursue it! Things do get mixed up!

It never ceases to amaze me the way schools are so awful at what amounts to simple database management and mail merges.

Sort of like when you hear students at MIT and Stanford complaining about the awful wifi. Like…those schools can’t figure it out. Yikes.

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Those schools just have huge campuses I think. Living next to Stanford and being there for a couple hours every week for some reason or another, I’ve never dealt with bad wifi. So it must be in less trafficked places where it’s harder to extend signals. Which is the same as any other large university campus.


Check out r/stanford if you’ve not - it’s a surprisingly common post topic which usually gets a lot of affirmative comments

Any one have any idea when waitlists could move?

It may not happen at all, but two dates may have higher chances of seeing some movement. One is days around A10 when deposits are due. The other is 7/1 or whatever day that full amount or a significant amount is due.

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When are deposits due?

April 10.

Oh I get it - A10. Thanks

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Go to the exeter website. You can see their course book and graduation requirements. My daughter is a prep at PEA and is very “mathy” (taking Honors PreCalculus). The way the course requirements are set up, most kids are addressing graduation requirements during their early years, which frees them up to focus on interests in the upper/senior years.


My husband and son got to visit Williston the other day outside of revisit days and they both absolutely loved it. My son will be a repeat 10th grader and you mentioned that your son started as a 10th grader. How did his adjustment go in regards to being the new kid? Was he able to get involved in all the activities he wanted on campus? Was he welcomed into friend groups? My son is coming from an academically rigorous school but we don’t know if that means anything compared to bs! How do you feel the school is academically? Random question regarding preparation for SAT/ACT…does Williston offer test prep classes? I haven’t seen anything but I don’t know if any bs offers them or what. Sorry I am just rambling but trying to find out as much information. My son just wants to press yes but we are nervous. Thank you!


Happy to chat more outside the board if helpful- send me a PM and we can talk.

To answer your biggest question: YES! My son has thrived at Williston. The thing about joining as a new 10th grader- you are not alone! They do a fantastic job building community. My son had no problem making friends, didn’t feel outside of anything, had been able to join activities etc.

The biggest thing I can say about Williston is it truly a welcoming community where each student is recognized for the whole self not just an athlete, or artist, or academic superstar.

There is absolutely academic rigor- they will challenge each student and the advisor works closely with teachers to ensure leveling- they can move if needed. The support is built in, regardless of how academically strong or developing your kid is in any subject.

SAT prep- we are just starting this path so I can’t share much yet as to what the school does vs individual student. Each case/need is different IMO.

No regrets! We love Williston. And most importantly- our son loves it!


H! Williston Freshmen parent here (from above) - your son will join my daughter’s class next yr. As far as rigor - you can pitch for the amount that feels right. I know for next year my daughter is aiming to take 6 classes (all honors/AP excp english which is only english 10). Obviously everyone takes placement tests in math and language to ensure that can be properly places.

As far as SAT/ACT - i think i saw some mention of prep classes at W. Some schools def offer classes or some individual tutoring as part of tuition and then i think you are prob doing self scheduling. THanks to Covid and Zoom - we all now know this can be done very easily!


I just stumbled on this and I think anyone new to bs world or considering applying should read it … especially the part about athletes. Far too many parents and students believe bc the coach wants them that is enough and are lead to believe the application is a formality.


I’m honestly surprised by some of the wording in this blog post…some of it kind of “off” and maybe even offensive? I’m surprised the IECA authored this. Some of it IS good info…meaning accurate. But it’s strange to me that they would consider “Boarding school is for kids with problems or kids whose parents are divorced” as being a prevailing “myth” that needs busting. (Like, so what if kids’ parents are divorced…how does that put them into some sort of “less than” category.). Or the “myth” that “boarding schools can be pressure cookers.” UM…that is not a myth. They absolutely CAN be! (“must” they be? no. But “can” they be? yes. that is not a myth. It’s a real thing that people should consider.). Anyway – it felt off throughout the whole piece for me.