The Official M10 2023 Freakout Thread

Deerfield has 18 tennis courts. I don’t remember seeing so many in Milton or Middlesex.


I was wondering if Choate was going to send something as we got some from others. Did it come USPS? Our Informed Delivery has shown absolutely nothing during this whole M10 process.


Yes, I believe it was USPS. It was in our mailbox.


We got. From USPS


If it helps, we received two packages through USPS and neither showed up on our notifications (and we have been signed up for the last several years, not new users).


For future freakouts, I will share that USPS Informed Delivery (which we already had) and signing up for the FedEx one definitely helped deflate my balloon before March 10. You have to approach Great Unknowns (having a baby, running for office, applying to schools/colleges) with 100% optimism and assume that it’s gonna be all good. But outcomes are often different. Just different. So while I had helped my twins each juggle around 8 applications for Post Graduate years at Boarding Schools, I felt confident that they’d be looking at least four options on March 10. That is not what happened. They do have options–4 for one twin, and 2 for the other.

As a parent, we have to walk such a tightrope–cheerleading going out on a limb, and then being ready to temper expectations or sooth hurt when things don’t work out as planned.

So if you’re a Parent From The Future trying to decide whether or not to peek inside Santa’s sack before M10, I’d say the positive is that you could prepare yourself for any gut punches.

Oh. The punchline? Their awesome boxes from one amazing school arrived on M10 having slipped through the notification cracks. :wink:


Definitely, the acceptance rate for Groton is very low though.

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My daughter is currently having a great experience at NMH. She likes the block schedule, which is more like a college schedule with longer classes than a typical HS schedule. NMH no longer offers AP branded classes, but instead offers their own advanced classes (denoted by the “5” or “6” in the course catalog #). This does not seem to pose any problem whatsoever with college admissions as NMH’s matriculation over the last few years is extremely impressive. We have enjoyed our relationship with her advisor. My daughter reports the food and the new student coffee shop are great.

Williston Northampton is close by, and we toured that as well. It’s a different campus than NMH. NMH is very rural and insulated from the surrounding community whereas WNH is more in-town.


Happy to provide perspective on Williston! My son attends, 10th grade boarder in his 1st year.
We also didn’t get to really visit until he was accepted due to Covid restrictions and an unfortunately times winter storm on the date of his interview!

We LOVE Williston. It’s a fantastic campus, compact without being cloistered and is adjacent to Easthampton main streets so it feels like part of the town.

Teachers and advisory support has been incredible. Academics are definitely rigorous but not cut-throat. Students are pushed, expectations are high but there is plenty of support in terms of help, office hours for teachers and student tutoring. Athletic/afternoon program has an option for every kid. Some teams are very competitive and your kid might end up on a thirds outside of a main sport, but fear not- it’s a blast! There are also amazing arts/performance opportunities as well.

My son has loved his dorm experience, it truly feels like a family to him. He says that everyone on campus is nice, he talks to anyone and everyone! The community is really
special at Williston- distinctive in my option.

Your kid has lots of amazing schools to chose from, keep mining the boards for perspective and go to every digital RE-visit event you/they can.

Feel free to reach out if you have Williston specific questions. Go Wildcats!



Second all that @Class2025Parent wrote above - my D26 is a 9th grader boarder at WNS and it has been fantastic experience - being in town is nice touch that adds to experience. WNS does have a lot more day students than NMH. There are super smart and competitive kids in every school - never fear!

My D24 is a boarder at Mercersburg (came in as a new 11th grader this yr) and this set up is similar to NMH (remote / nothing in the town itself etc). She chose Mburg over NMH and 2 others for her BS experience. And had she chosen NMH - MY life would have been much easier as both girls would be close to each other :slight_smile:

And similar to Classparent25 - covid prevented us from visiting ANY of the boarding schools (and colleges as i have a D22 also) - all 3 went to schools sight unseen by any of us


Thank you so much for your response! Does your daughter find that most students stay on campus on the weekends? How does she find the workload? Are students up all night trying to complete hw and study?

Thank you for your detailed response!

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Thank you so much for your response! Do a lot of students leave campus on the weekends? How is the workload for your student?

Yes, most students stay on campus for the weekends. It seems like there are dances every month, as well as student plays, concerts and the campus “olympics.” One of the more unique events is a a student play one-act festival that ran for 3 nights and was well attended.

I think she would say the workload can be intense, but manageable. She really, really enjoys the NMH schedule because it allows/encourages a deeper dive in 3-4 subjects at a time as opposed to a shallower dive in 6-7, and the culture is very collaborative, not competitive. She reports some late nights for sure, but NMH is pretty clear they don’t want students doing that. They turn the wifi off at midnight.


I do think a few local MA students go home on weekends (esp in the winter) but there arw plenty of kids who remain and many of the day students come to hang out etx

Workload has been fine - totally manageable
D26 takes a few honors and one higher level language class

There is ample time with study halls and free periods to do all your work

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Where are decisions posted? Are they added to one’s entry on the results page as that would be nice to see?

Not ready to update. Was hoping more for inspiration.

Here you go!

I can’t recall the thread title but each year there’s also been a condensed version where everyone posts only:

…and the instruction is for each poster to insert themselves in alphabetical order in the list of posters

Here you go

That’s the one thanks!

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