The Official PSAT For Saturday October 21, 2006

<p>it was explained earlier in the thread, just looked back</p>

<p>For the humorous/earnest one (about the hikers), one answer was also conversational/scholarly. What's wrong with that? I thought both options worked...</p>

<p>And in the first hiker passage, one question asked why he included the quote "Sounds neat! Let's do it!" One of the options was because of his eagerness to learn about the natural world... but I don't think that was the right answer. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>OO....thats actually not that hard..i mad e it too difficult....this sux...i got 3 wrong on the grid-ins and one was because i for go that stupid triangle rule that we learned in sixth grade that i read up on LAST NIGHT....jeez..well...there goes national merit</p>

<p>contumacious, I don't know why I did this, but I think I screwed that question over.
I put conversational/formal or whatever, don't laugh. :(
I left it blank and went back when I had like a few secs left and bubbled that in.</p>

And in the first hiker passage, one question asked why he included the quote "Sounds neat! Let's do it!" One of the options was because of his eagerness to learn about the natural world... but I don't think that was the right answer. Any thoughts?


<p>I think the answer was "blithe approach to an arduous task".</p>

<p>contumacious, i put that one. I now get a feeling that is it?</p>

<p>haha, I put conversational/scholarly, too. @#$&^! I'm so mad at myself. There goes the 240 I was shooting for :(</p>

<p>the answer was not euphemism lol for the sentence completion</p>

<p>it was ORATION </p>

<p>explicit means clear and to the point
oration menas fancy language</p>

<p>who agrees

<p>snowia-- awwwwesome, that's what I put.</p>

<p>innoc3ntboy12-- what was the rest of the sentence? I don't remember. I just remember that I put euphemism >_<</p>

<p>do you guys remember what u put on that korean reading. what was that legacy question</p>

<p>explicit means clear and to the point </p>

<p>euphemism- the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt</p>

<p>although contemporaries speak explicity, people still engage int he practice of oration</p>


<p>One entry found for explicit.
Main Entry: ex·plic·it
Pronunciation: ik-'spli-s&t
Function: adjective
Etymology: French or Medieval Latin; French explicite, from Medieval Latin explicitus, from Latin, past participle of explicare
1 a : fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity : leaving no question as to meaning or intent <explicit instructions=""> b : open in the depiction of nudity or sexuality <explicit books="" and="" films="">
2 : fully developed or formulated <an explicit="" plan=""> <an explicit="" notion="" of="" our="" objective="">
3 : unambiguous in expression <was very="" explicit="" on="" how="" we="" are="" to="" behave=""></was></an></an></explicit></explicit></p>

Pronunciation: 'yü-f&-"mi-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek euphEmismos, from euphEmos auspicious, sounding good, from eu- + phEmE speech, from phanai to speak -- more at BAN
: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant; also : the expression so substituted </p>

Pronunciation: &-'rA-sh&n, o-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin oration-, oratio speech, oration, from orare to plead, speak, pray; akin to Hittite ariya- to consult an oracle and perhaps to Greek ara prayer
: an elaborate discourse delivered in a formal and dignified manner</p>

<p>Talking explicitly and using euphemisms is a better contrast.</p>

And in the first hiker passage, one question asked why he included the quote "Sounds neat! Let's do it!" One of the options was because of his eagerness to learn about the natural world... but I don't think that was the right answer. Any thoughts?


<p>i thoughgt it was the blithe approach to an arduaous task....</p>

<p>does how other people do in your state affect your score?</p>

<p>i am positive it is oration a euphemism is not exactly vague</p>

<p>and what does something offensive have to do with being explicit</p>

<p>um...i don't think so innocentboy. formal language doesn't imply unclear language... also, a euphemism uses unclear language because it masks the true meaning of something by replacing it with more mild language. that seems like it would fit in pretty well to contradict "explicit" language</p>

<p>plus it was one of the last questions, it couldn't be an easy answer such as oration</p>

<p>legacy question - </p>

<p>i put it was impt to know one's legacy as in..</p>

<p>to know a deeper sense of self-awareness or smth</p>

<p>oh yea, it's euphemism, not oration.</p>

<p>wow there goes my 240 god</p>

<p>that's what i put. I'm pretty sure that's the right one (kevster)</p>