The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>^^(they look at both Regular GPA and Univ. GPA equally)</p>

<p>I’m a white female from SoCal</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 4.0
Univ. GPA: 4.33+
ACT composite: 31
SAT: yet to be taken :slight_smile:
AP American History (4)
SAT II: 720
top 5% of a graduating class of 1,500
200 service hours
2 years #1 singles on JV tennis
extra curriculars: piano, 3 clubs (officer in one), self-published a class book 2009,</p>

<p>Taking this and next year:
AP Biology
AP European History
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus
AP English Language
AP English Composition
AP Spanish Language
AP Studio Art
Biomedical Research Class</p>

<p>I’m looking into going Pre-Med
Can you chance me on UCLA and Berkeley?</p>

<p>neekzg: They look at your UC GPA, however they will acknowledge that you took more challenging coursework. </p>

<p>sprtstallion07: Great GPA, decent test scores, good community service, not-so-good ECs. What they primarily want to see in ECs is leadership and/or some sort of passion that you followed. I’m not exactly sure what a class book 2009 is, but if you wrote a great essay on how meaningful it is or something, then that would work.</p>

<p>I think you have a fair chance for UCLA and Berkeley.</p>

<p>Gender: Female
Location: Colorado
Cumulative GPA: 3.2
Top 30-40% out of 500?
Classes taken or currently taking:
Honors Civics
Honors Geography
Honors English I & II
Honors Biology
Honors U.S. History
AP U.S. History*
AP Language Composition*
Four years of Spanish
Algebra I and II*

<p>Next Years Class Line-up:
AP World History
AP Literacy
AP Statistics
Honors English 12
(*classes currently being taken)</p>

<p>PLAN (pre-ACT, will be taking the real test in April)–25, also planning on receiving a much higher score on actual test
Taking SAT in June as well as SAT II sometime within the year.
Am top 1% in Writing/Reading in Colorado.</p>

<p>Hoping to major in English and/or Communications</p>

<p>I have been involved in Colorguard and Winterguard for three years and am currently captain.
Hoping to start a reading assistance programs in Denver public schools where the reading scores are lower.</p>

<p>Teachers usually describe me as quite, strong work ethics, and someone that takes receiving an education seriously</p>

<p>My first choice is California State University Long Beach.
I would love to attend UCSB, UCI, or SDSU. Let me know if I’m out of my league or not.</p>

<p>Chinese female
CA resident
GPA: 4.01 W, 3.83 UW, 4.04 UC GPA
Top 10% of class, maybe top 5%?
ACT: 33
Subject test: Math 800, Physics 700, Chemistry (unknown)
APs: AP Calculus BC , AP Physics B , AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Macroecon, AP Gov, (and took multivariable calculus at local college)
EC: Qualified for AIME in sophomore year, president of a few clubs, playing viola for 5 yrs in youth orchestra and quartet, wrestling/jiu jitsu for 5 years, about 100 hrs of volunteering, going to spend a summer in a lab of a doc at Stanford</p>

<p>What are my chances for UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSB, UCSC?</p>

<p>And counting I get accepted into these schools, which one should I attend? I don’t think I’m crazy smart and I’m planning to apply to MD/PT school afterwards, so where would I not receive CRAZY competition? I don’t want to study 24/7, I want to be able to have some free time and keep practicing jiu jitsu.</p>

<p>Caucasian Female
CA resident
GPA: 3.19 UC GPA
SAT: 1740
Subject test: Lit :640 US History: 490
APs: AP Language and Composition, senior year I’m taking AP Gov, AP lit, Farsi for 3 quarters at a community college
EC: 4 years of work experience, headed many fundraisers, 150+ volunteer hours, softball for 2 years, varsity water polo for one year, played piano for 5 years, </p>

<p>My essays are pretty kickass</p>

<p>I’m applying to UCSC, UCD, UCSB, and UCLA (<- for art, it’s a completely diff process)</p>

<p>don’t suggest UCM and UCR because my parents wouldn’t allow me to apply to either or to any CSU’s. Don’t ask why it’s just their mentality.

<p>with ur SAT and GPA. I’d recommend u to retake the SATs and score above 2000+ if you want a decent shot at the mid tier UC and higher. UCSC is a reach for you right now :(. So a 2000+ SAT I should make it a target :).</p>

<p>CA resident
First Generation American
GPA: UW, UC, W around 3.9 (only 2 AP’s 2 Honnors)
Top 11% of class
ACT: 24
Subject test: Math 680, Chemistry 640
APs: AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, Accounting(Not AP but looks good for business)
EC: AVID 5 Years, Started my Own business buying an selling music equipment, band all 4 years, volunteered at local hospital and church (total of 300 hours). </p>

<p>What are my chances for UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSB, UCSC?</p>

<p>Thanks in Advance!</p>

<p>@ Shibykin, I’m a senior, I can’t retake SAT’s</p>

<p>CA Resident
GPA - UW I think 3.9+ (only one B), UC GPA ~ 4.3 (I forget my regular W GPA)
Took 7 semesters of AP courses from Soph to Junior year (6 semesters Jr yr), then 7 more semesters Sr year but that doesn’t even matter lol
EC - only about 80-90 Hours of Community Service (most from helping 3rd grade Sunday school classes), played football for two years, in clubs like Interact and Key Club for at least a year each (ECs are my weak point)
Top 3-4% of Class of I believe 650
Subject Tests - Physics - 750, US H - 720 (I made a mistake using Score Choice on this lol)
SAT I - 2130 (730 CR, 700 M, 700 W)
AP Tests - Physics - 3, US H - 4, Calc BC - 5 (5 on AB subscore)
ELC as well</p>

<p>I’m bored and feeling down after being rejected by UCLA so I wanted to see my chances at UCSD (still haven’t gotten a call :() and maybe Cal, although that’s likely way out of my league</p>

<p>spacedog, UCSD uses the point system. Why don’t you give it a try to see what you get.</p>

<p>Ah yea I forgot about that, is there a link to help calculate it? I read that people give themselves too many points too often tho</p>


<p>[UC</a> San Diego Comprehensive Review Admission Process: Freshman Selection, Fall 2010](<a href=“]UC”></p>

<p>Selection process
Drawing upon the broad guidelines established by the Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS), the UCSD Faculty Committee on Undergraduate Admissions has approved the following procedures for freshman selection which are implemented by the Office of Admissions and Relations with Schools.</p>

<p>Step I: Academic review Maximum Consideration
Uncapped Grade Point Average (GPA) 4,500
Scores of all required exams 3,200
Number of “a-g” courses beyond the minimum 500 </p>

<p>Step II: Additional academic factors<br>
Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) 300
Educational environment 300 </p>

<p>Step III: Socioeconomic factors<br>
Low family income 300
First generation college attendance 300 </p>

<p>Step IV: Personal characteristics and achievement factors<br>
Demonstrated leadership 300
Special talents/ achievements/ awards 300
Community and volunteer service 300
Participation in academic development preparation programs 300
Special circumstances/ personal challenges 500</p>

<p>I’m an oos student.</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted- 3.85 as of now on a A= 4 B=3… scale. It would go up to a 3.87-3.89 by the time I applied if I maintained my grades. This isn’t on the UC scale. It’s either a 4.05 or 4.18 on the UC scale. I don’t know whether to count 2 semesters of 3 AP classes as 6 extra points or 3 extra points. If I count it for 6 extra points then its a 4.18.</p>

Overall- 2250
Composite- 1560
CR- 790
M- 770
CW- 690</p>

<p>Award: National Merit Commended</p>

9/118- top 10%</p>


  1. First Robotics Competition (nationwide robotics competition) [2 years by graduation 1 when I apply]
  2. Debate Club (school’s debate club, we frequently hold in school debates. This isn’t just a grocery list ec, because its given me a time to discuss current events and see how my peers feel. I could defend in my essay) [2 years by graduation 1 when I apply]
  3. NHS
  4. Job Shadowing Professionals In Their Work Environments (40+ Hours by graduation, explained below)
  5. YES Camp (spent a week in this camp hosted by the international Art Of Living Foundation learning leadership qualities)
    I might be getting a part time job tutoring kids.</p>


  1. Reagan Wells Ranch Community Service (spent a week of my summer rebuilding a ranch for the International Human Rights Organization)
  2. Interact Club (part of the national rotary organization, does service projects: 2 local and 1 international)
  3. Community Service Club
  4. Children’s Hospital Community Service (spend a month of my summer, its like a part time job nearly, need a uniform, 5 days a week, and you have to go through an application rpocess and be recommended)</p>

<p>The school I go too is a part of the New Tech foundation. They emphasize a new type of approach where students are familiarized with an authentic work environment. Our work centers heavily around presentations, professionalism, becoming acquainted with the uses of technology in today’s world, and of course normal high school content. I took one ap class freshmen year and the rest honors. I took all honors classes sophmore year and now 3 aps and the rest honors junior year. Depending on how many APs are provided during my senior year, I will have atleast 4 AP classes done by the time I graduate. When I graduate, I will also have 40+ hours of experience shadowing people in their jobs. This program was implemented to give us a visual view of the real world.</p>

<p>The New Tech School was opened in my district when I was going to be a sophmore, so I will be a part of its first graduating class. I wasn’t involved in any major clubs over at the other high school during my freshman year, and when I went to New Tech. there weren’t many clubs. I’ve gotten involved in ec’s mostly in junior year, because the opportunities have presented themselves.</p>

<p>I have the scores and the grades, but so do a lot of other kids. My extracurriculars aren’t numerous, but I can speak for them. They do take up a decent amount of time. My big thing is volunteering. I don’t have several different things, but everything that I do have is solid. I can talk about how they have influenced me. Overall though, I know my ec’s don’t rank up to other peoples. So how do my prospects look for Berkeley and UCLA?</p>

<p>Your chances look strong for Cal and UCLA. Its a bit harder to get in as an OOS student, but you meet their average GPA and have an above average SAT1. Solid EC’s as well considering your academics.</p>

<p>I’m a rising junior, please chance me for every UC except for UCB, UCLA, and UCSD!</p>

<p>Intended major: Political Science</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.69. </p>

<p>High School: In-state, VERY competitive, and one of the top 10 feeder schools to UCSD and UCI.</p>

<p>SAT: 1600 (M+CR) / 2350 (all in one sitting)</p>

<p>SAT IIs- World History: 800, Math 2: 710, Bio E: 800 </p>

<p>AP: Psych, English Lang and Comp, Comp Sci, World History, US History- All 5s, (self studied Psych and World History) </p>

<p>I worked hard on my personal statements, my AP English Lang teacher liked it, as did my AP English Lit teacher, and my Honors Chem teacher (who has an MFA in Literature). </p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Environmental Science
AP English Lit
AP Art History
AP Calc AB/Calc C Honors
AP Gov
Spanish 3</p>

<p>ECs and Achievements:</p>

<p>Captain of Quiz Bowl Team (I share the title with another individual, but I do most of the organization of tournaments that we host or attend.)</p>

<p>Constitution Team co-captain</p>

<p>Vice President of the Young Republicans</p>

<p>I regularly volunteer at a nonprofit for veterans of the Iraq War, approx. 350 hours in. </p>

<p>FBLA Treasurer</p>

<p>applying to Davis, Berkeley, LA, SD, SB, Irvine</p>

<p>Also, if you’re familiar with NYU or USC, please chance me for them as well.</p>

<p>HS graduation year: 2011
Public High School</p>

<p>UWGPA: 3.67 (went up due to last semester grades, probably around 3.74)
UCWGPA: 4.11-4.18 (not sure if my extra class is a-g)
Class rank: 21/~475 (probably has gone up, but might not be ELC)</p>

<p>SAT: 600 reading; 660 writing; 630 math
ACT: Comp 31; English 35; Math 35; reading 27; science 25; essay/english 31 (8 essay)
SAT II: 700 USH; 740 Math II</p>

<p>AP classes: AP English 11; APUSH; AP calc; AP Bio; AP Gov/econ; AP English 12; AP French IV
IB Classes: IB Chemistry
took all possible honors/ap/ib courses I could
Lit: 3; APUSH: 4</p>

<p>ECs: one year track; 2.5 years School newspaper (copy editor last year, section editor next year); one year mock trial (will join next year); will probably join one or two more clubs next year
Volunteer: 72 hours as an environmental camp counselor; 70 hours as a counselor in training for a local day camp; 80+ hours at humane society for animals; mentoring at Junior High</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Male/ Asian
Low income family
Lived in China for 11 years</p>

<p>HS graduation 2011
Very competitive High School
No Know class rank </p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.95-4.0
Unweighted GPA: 3.65-3.7
*both depend on another class
took 6 semesters of honor/AP courses 10th-11th</p>

<p>ACT 28
SAT II: US History 770 Chinese 800 (taking Math II later)</p>

<p>Senior year schedule
AP cal, AP Stat, Economy, English 4, Physics, Cross Country/ Track</p>

<p>ECs: 4 years of track, 3 years of cross country, 1 year of football, 3 years of Junior State s of America Club, 1 year of Robotic Club, 25 hours of volunteer at local track meets, 35 hours of volunteer at CB Smith Park</p>

<p>Awards: 3 years of CSF, 4 years of honor roll, 2 years varsity letter (track)</p>

<p>Applying to UCSB, UCI, UCD, UCSC, UCR</p>

High income family
California resident</p>

<p>Class rank: ~20/1000
Weighted GPA: 4.7
UW GPA: 3.83</p>

<p>SAT: 1980 (retaking)
SAT Math II: 710 (retaking)
SAT US: 650</p>

<p>By end of senior year, I will have taken about 15 AP classes/tests. So far passed 7 out of 8</p>

<p>Applying to UCSD, Berkeley, UCLA and maybe another one</p>

I am a senior in a regular high school in India. My heart is stuck on UCB, UCLA and UCD…
My stats are:</p>

<p>SAT I- 2230 (first sitting)… should i give it once more?
SAT II- 800, 800, 800 ((physics, Chem, Maths2)</p>

National Level Table tennis player
Head of school disciplinary society
member and leader of the school debate society
member of the school website editorial board
member and editor of school magazine
member of the school science club
volunteer work- loads</p>

<p>I maintain a decent percentage… top 5% always in a class of 300…</p>

<p>Can you pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee chance me??? I really want to come to California!!!
Thank you!!!</p>

<p>soph. grades: first semester
advanced algebra 2: A
soph. english: A
honors chem.: A-
PE : A
Spanish 2 : A
World History : A
gpa 4.17</p>

<p>second semester:
same execpt for a B in english
gpa 4.0</p>

<p>jr. grades: first semester
AP us history: A-
Pre-cal: B
honors physics: A
regular english: A-
Spanish 3 : A
Cisco networking: A
gpa 4.17</p>

<p>second semester
same except for B in honors physics (MY TEST AVERAGE WAS AN A!!! >( !!!)
gpa: 4.0</p>

<p>sr. schedule: AP Cal
AP Enivormental
film and lit
Spanish 4

<p>SAT score: only took once 1710
UC GPA: 4.1
SAT score: Math 2: 630
AP US history: 590
I’ll retake these in Nov.</p>

<p>Other stuff: I have a job at Jack in the Box
I’ve played volleyball 4 years straight
played football for 2 years
I did karate when younger and had a red-black belt
I was born in India so I had to learn English
I going to to hopefully do some community service my senior year</p>

<p>What are my chances???
Major:Biomedical Engineering: Premedical</p>