The Official UC Chance Thread


<p>African American female from upstate NY
Pretty good public school (ranks 146 out of the 900 in New York State)</p>

<p>UC GPA 3.6 (would be higher is UC schools approved honors courses from NY)</p>

<p>ACT: 31</p>

Biology- 700
Physics- 620
US History- 600</p>

<p>Past honors/AP classes:
AP Physics- 4
AP US History- 4
Latin 4 University (earned college credit)
Spanish 4 Honors
Biology Honors</p>

<p>This year:
-College credit for Medical Terminology
No AP Classes this year due to a special academic program (New Visions Health Careers Exploration):
Participating in a selective program for seniors in my county who are interested in a career in medicine. 13 kids are accepted out of my entire county. The course load is VERY intense. 3 days out of the week are spent shadowing doctors to gain clinical experience.</p>

Outstanding Participant for National Achievement Scholarship (top 3% of black scorers on PSAT)
Completed LeaderSpark program
2 years in a row Cum Laude Award for achievement on National Latin Exam</p>

Various leadership roles in ECs (drama club, school magazine, etc)
Part-time job during school year (full-time in summer) </p>

<p>My personal statements were really good. One discussed my competitive medical program for senior year and the other discussed living with a disabled parent.</p>

<p>White Male, Dutch ancestry.
California (3rd Generation) Resident
Attending Private School in San Diego, CA</p>

<p>Major: Biomedical Engineering
Alt. Majors: General Engineering, Biochemistry, Biology…</p>

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.96 (One B in sophomore math)
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.29 (What CSU System Uses)
Fully Weighted GPA: 4.46 (UC GPA)</p>

<p>SAT I
Overall: 2200
Composite: 1470
Math: 730
Critical Reading: 740
Writing: 730</p>

Chemistry: 600 (Took honors chem two years ago and haven’t touched since…)
Math Level II: 790</p>

Composite: 33 (33.5 => 34 if you super score)
English: 35
Math: 31
Reading: 34 (35 if you super score)
Science: 33
Writing: 31</p>

<p>PSAT: 2011 National Merit Commended Scholar</p>

<p>School didn’t offer APs, took UC and CSU transferable Community College courses instead.
11th Grade Fall
-Spanish 1: A
-Calculus 1: A</p>

<p>11th Grade Spring
-Spanish 2: A
-Calculus 2: A</p>

<p>11th Grade Summer
-Calculus 3: A</p>

<p>12th Grade Fall
-Linear Algebra: In Progress…Guaranteed an A
-Physics 1 (Mechanics and Heat): In Progress…Guaranteed an A</p>

<p>12 Grade Spring
-Differential Equations: Planned for Spring of Senior Year
-Physics 2 or 3 (Still deciding): Planned for Spring of Senior Year</p>

<p>Senior Year Course load
-Advanced Orchestra (7th year Violist)
-British Literature
-Competitive Forensics III (Lincoln-Douglas Debate)
-Differential Equations (College)
-Linear Algebra (College)
-Physics 1 - Mechanics and Heat (College)
-Physics 2 or 3 (College)
-U.S. Government</p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities

  • Member of School’s Speech and Debate Club (10, 11, 12)
  • Member of School’s Speech and Debate Team (10, 11, 12)
    -Traveled across California to 6-7 Statewide Tournaments every Spring
    -Qualified for National Tournament 2010 held in San Diego, CA
    -17th Ranked Lincoln-Douglas Debater in National Forensics League</p>

<li><p>Soloist Bass in School’s Patriotic Show Choir (9, 10, 11)
-Performed in Washington, DC (In front of multiple members of Congress + 2000 member audience), Marine Base Camp Pendleton, Navy Medical Center San Diego, Disneyland (CA), U.S.S. Midway (Raising Support for Soldier’s Families), and the Official U.S. Military Naturalization (Citizenship) Ceremony aboard the U.S.S. Midway for 800 new citizens.</p></li>
<li><p>Suzuki-Trained Violist for 7 years. (…9, 10, 11, 12)
-Member of Youth Orchestra (9, 10, 11)
-Violist in the Grossmont College Symphony Orchestra (12)
-Performed in front of the Chairperson of California’s Community Colleges
-Performed Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker” with the San Diego Ballet</p></li>
<li><p>Member of School’s Chapter of the Eta Sigma Alpha National Honor Society (11, 12)
-Elected Public Relations Chairperson (12)</p></li>
<li><p>Participated in Several Neurological Research Studies with Faculty of UCSD as a Subject. (9, 10, 11, 12)</p></li>

<p>Please Chance me for UCSD, UCLA, UCB, etc.</p>

<p>I would really appreciate any feedback, Thank You!</p>

<p>My son is at one of the top private high schools in the US, (we are California residents) and he has applied to:</p>


<p>UC GPA: 3.8
UW GPA: 3.75</p>

<p>ACT 33
SAT II – Literature 700
Math II 690</p>

<p>AP Macroeconomcs score of 5</p>

<p>Senior Year courses:
AP Calculus AB
AP Government
AP French
AP Environmental Sciences
Classical Novel (English class)
Computer Programming</p>

<p>National Merit Commended Scholar</p>

<p>Extracurriculars include substantial acting experience and he will graduate with a certificate in his school’s Theatre Conservatory program; he created a Summer Writing Program for 20 middle school students at two middle schools; officer in school’s community service organization; three years baseball (one year at varsity level); one year cross country team; rows crew in private club; debate team three years.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input!</p>


<p>definitely in at SB. The others are sort of a toss-up due to the low UC GPA, but he still has a decent chance due to high test scores/going to a competitive school.</p>

<p>Thanks,I will let him know!</p>

<p>GPA Weighted (UC GPA): 3.83
SAT I: 2060
SAT II: Chem: 600, Math: 710, Am. History: 640
AP tests: English Lan/Comp: 4, AP Am. History: 4</p>

Class Agape (volunteer program helping autistic patients): 3 years
Tennis Team: 4 years
Boy Scouts: 4 years
Red Cross Club (officer all years): 3 years
Violin Lessons: 2 years (was in high school orchestra for all 4 years)</p>

<p>Courses this year:
Adv Orchestra
AP Calc AB
AP Gov/Econ (our school has both included in one course)
AP Lit

<p>I am doing pretty good in my courses right now, so I may be able to obtain a good GPA at the end of 1st semester.</p>

<p>Also, I was wondering if UCs look at your composite score for SAT I because my composite is a 2120.</p>

<p>I’m applying to Berk, LA, SD, SB, Irvine, and Davis. What are my chances at getting into each of these UCs?</p>

<p>And as a last question, do UCs disregard Freshman and senior year GPAs?</p>

<p>Thanks a lot guys. I kinda wrote a lot, but thanks for bearing with me!</p>

<p>Sorry i forgot to add a few more details.</p>

<p>I’m Korean and a California resident.</p>

<p>And for all teh UCs I put Undecided under Letters and Sciences, but
for Davis (or it might’ve been Irvine) and LA, I put my major as business.</p>

<p>You look like a perfect match for UCI, SB, and D. One of those three should take you. SD is always hard to say because they have this systematic way of assigning points to parts of your application. Maybe you could get into LA/Cal with mind-blowing personal statements, although I wouldn’t hold my breath. </p>

<p>So overall:
UCI, SB, D: Match
LA/Cal: High Reach
SD: Low Reach</p>

<p>Note that if you put Business admin for UCI, its a very competitive major. That might affect your chances. To answer your other questions, UCs do not look at composite scores nor do they really look at freshman/senior grades. GL and congrats on getting through the apps :)</p>

<p>Major - Computer Engineering
UC GPA - 3.95
Ethnicity - Turkish</p>

<p>SAT 1
800 -650 -650 (2100) January 2010
770-690-700 (2190) October 2010
Retaking in December for 2200+
SAT II: 800 Math, 800 Physics</p>

<p>AP Tests
Comp Sci - 5
Physics B - 5
USH -4
Eng Lang -3</p>

<p>Educational Prep Programs:
UC Cosmos
Attended 1 month summer residential program at UC Irvine, took cource on Computer Solutions for Puzzles and Games.</p>

AP Scholar with Honors
CSF(California Scholarship Federation) Membership
National Honor Society Membership
National Merit Commended
Scholar Athlete - 3.5 GPA and Varsity Letter on the Wrestling Team </p>

<p>Volunteer: ~150 hours
Direct Relief International
Tutor (4 times a week, shift leader on Fridays)
Wrestling Team ( I hosted a website for them and help tournament setup)</p>

Wrestling - 4 year membership, varsity 2 years, CIF Qualifier, 3rd in League
Programming - MySQL management, network handling, C++ programming and debugging</p>


<p>Metehan, you have a good chance at all of the UCs. Your GPA is a bit low, but I’d say that only makes UCLA and UCB decent reaches, with UCSD as a high match. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Instate, applying undecided</p>

<p>School: Very esteemed college-prep boarding school in west. Our guidance counsellor is supposedly second best in the nation (don’t know how they rank, just what i’ve heard)
UC GPA: 4.08
UW GPA: 3.75</p>

<p>SAT: 800 M, 790 W, 680 V; TOTAL: 2270</p>

<p>SAT II:
790 Math II
760 US History
670 Literature</p>

<p>AP Scores: Lang - 5, Calc AB - 5, US History - 4, Physics B - 2
also 4 more APs to come</p>

<p>Coursework other than A-G
-3 Courses at Montecito Fine Arts College: Animation 1, Drawing 1, Modeling 1</p>

-Claremont Presbyterian Church - 40hr
-Farmers Insurance Group Internship - 40hr
-Leroy Haynes Center for Troubled Youths - 20hr
-Prison Library Project - 40hr
-Academic Outreach Tutor - 24hr</p>

<p>Awards & Honors:
-All League Badminton Doubles
-AP Scholar
-National Merit Commended
-Piano Certificate of Merit Level 10 (when I just turned twelve)</p>

-Astronomy Club founder and president
-Chess Club founder and president 2 years
-Editor for School Newspaper
-Orientation Leader
-Varsity Badminton 3 years</p>

<p>Personal Statements:
-Pretty Strong (i think)
-1st essay: didn’t go to Chinese school despite mom’s urging as little kid, met grandparents for first time in 9 years and couldn’t communicate. learned chinese through music and subtitles on music videos. opened my eyes to the world
-2nd essay: met my dad for first time in 9 years. flashback me as a kid, how i had to make my advice and grow in absence of dad. interests: astronomy, chess, music that came out of it. personal quality: open mind and make most of any situation. flashback over, i’m with my dad and he’s successful but i’ve found my own path</p>

<p>Please chance me for Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UCD</p>


<p>Chance for UCSD, UCI, UCLA, UCB? Going in Liberal Arts/Undecided for all.</p>

<p>ACT- 34
French 680 (retaking in Dec)
Lit 700</p>

<p>UC GPA 4.16</p>

<p>Attended 3 different high schools, tiny business selling things online, avg ECs, avg essay</p>

<p>Hey. I’m Korean and I’m applying in-state
UC GPA (weighted): 4.00
UC GPA (unweighted): 3.67</p>

<p>SAT I: 550 CR (highest was 610, but I don’t thin they check composite), 760 Math, 750 Writing
SAT 2s: 710 Math 2c, 600 Chem, 640 US History</p>

<p>AP Exams: AP American History: 4, AP Lang: 4</p>

Class Agape (volunteer program helping autistic patients): 3 years <em>Received The President’s Service Award from this program for showing devout interest in voluntary service</em>
Tennis Team: 4 years
Boy Scouts: 4 years (still purseing Eagle Award…still have approx. a year to complete it)
Red Cross Club (officer all years): 3 years
Violin Private Lessons: 2 years (was in high school orchestra for all 4 years)
Math Club: 2 years
ROP courses taken: Photography and Culin Arts</p>

<p>Courses this year:
Adv Orchestra
AP Calc AB
AP Gov/Econ (our school has both included in one course)
AP Lit
AP Environ. Sci</p>

<p>Wrote a pretty good personal statement. I was mostly satisfied and others said it was good, but not extremely excellent and over the top.</p>

<p>Applying to Berk, LA, SD, SB, Irvine, Davis</p>

<p>So what would be my chances at these 6 UCs?

<p>Hey…Ya, there is probably another forum post like this one out there somewhere and I have no patience to search for it. BUT!
Here are my prominent scores for the SAT: 1690 (just took the Dec. 4th one and have yet to receive my scores)
SAT subject: lit (500), u.s. history (620)
GPA: 3.89 weighted by my school
Spanish Club VP
Psychology and Red Cross of America club member
church youth group for my whole entire life…well, basically my entire life
I help my friend’s band out with selling but I am not paid (I wouldn’t classify this as volunteering but working with merch could possibly be an EC?)
CJSF in 8th grade
CSF in 11th grade, I didn’t meet the deadline for my first semester of senior year but will sign up for second semester. I DID qualify for my first semester though, but I don’t have prove.
Volunteer hours: honestly, they are insufficient numbers but around 40 hrs.
I have awards such as honor roll and the the national high school scholars membership/award
out of my total hs years, I have taken 4 AP classes and 3 honors classes
I am around the top 10-12.5% of my class (this number has changed in my junior yr)</p>

<p>yes, I know my SAT score is pretty low for schools such as UCSC and UCSB, but I believe I have a chance :]</p>

<p>Rank my chances?
I’m out of state
I’m applying for UCSC, UCSB, UCLA, and UCB.</p>

<p>My GPA is sketchy because my school doesn’t weight at all… but if UC weights the AP’s that I put in I have a 3.40 (counting freshman year, how forgiving are they exactly?) and a 3.79 (Soph, Jun, Sen).</p>

<p>Composite ACT score is 32:
Reading 36
MAth 34
Science 31
English 28</p>

<p>SAT total 1960 (I took it junior year, so it’s not as good as my ACT)
Crit Reading: 640
Math: 760
English: 560</p>

<p>I’m low income (I got a fee waiver and everything.)<br>
I have some essays that I think are strong, one of which focus’s on my diversity growing up with a lesbian mother.</p>

<p>uc gpa

<p>sat i 2040</p>

<p>sat ii us history 700
math 620</p>

<p>junior year took two ap’s
very competitive school in the us, so no elc</p>

<p>plenty of ec’s </p>


<p>any other info?</p>

<p>Wow. No one’s chancing but everyone’s putting their stats down</p>

<p>Chance for UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSC</p>

<p>ACT with Writing : Composite - 29 (UC score conversion to SAT is 1954)</p>

<p>SAT II : Math 2 - 710 , Literature - 640</p>

<p>AP Classes : AP Statistics - 4
AP Calculus AB - 4
AP English Language & Composition - retake
AP English Literature & Composition (senior yr)
AP Calculus BC (senior yr)
AP Physics C (senior yr)
AP Economics (senior yr)</p>

<p>UC GPA (weighted) : 3.82
UC GPA (unweighted) : 3.45
Rank (weighted) : 123/571
Rank (unweighted) : 157/571
Income Bracket : 13k - 17k
State : CA
Ethnicity: Asian</p>

<p>ECs : Volunteer - over 250 hours
Internship - Summer 2010 (125 hours)
Internship - Fall 2010 (120 hours)</p>

SAT I (by section): 1980
SAT IIs: Chemistry 740, Math II 610
ACT w/ Writing: 30
APs: Completed: Chemistry, Calculus AB, English Language
In Progress: Gov/Econ, Stats, Bio
IBs: None
GPA: 3.67 Calculated UC GPA
Rank: School does not rank
Other stats: 3 classes taken at a local community college (a total of 10 units)
Hours: 400 community service hours</p>

ECs: Martial Arts-10 years
Cross Country- 2 years
Habitat for Humanity- 4 years, CO-Pres. 1 year
Hospital Volunteer (over 200 hours)</p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: Taught Karate for 3 years
Currently working as a Tutor/Teacher at a learning center (for about four years now)
Currently working as a Restraunt Hostess as well </p>

State or Country: California
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian-Indian
Gender: Female</p>

<p>Other: My Freshman year gpa was a 2.3, it rose to a 4.1 by the end of junior year. This could either make or break me… I discussed this in my essay as well</p>


  1. Karate
  2. Hospital Volunteer
    THANKS SO MUCH! =]</p>

SAT I (breakdown): 1930 (590 Reading, 700 Math, 640 Writing
ACT: 29 composite, 29 english, 34 mathematics, 28 reading, 25 science, 27 english & writing
SAT II: 700 US History, 770 Math 2, 700 Physics B
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.42
Weighted GPA (Out of 5.0) 4.23
Rank: n/a
AP Exams: U.S. History (5), Physics B (4), English Language (4), European History (5), Computer Science B (4)</p>

<p>Senior Year Course Load:
AP English Literature
AP US Government
AP Economics
AP Calculus AB
AP Physics C E
AP Physics C E&M
AP French

<p>Major Awards: AP Scholar, Principal’s Honor Roll, National Honors Society, 2nd Place Database & Design FBLA Southern section competition, 1st place NJROTC corona softball tournament, Certificate of Merit - French IB SL
Extracurriculars: NJROTC (4 yrs), FBLA (11th grade), LEO Club (12th grade), JSA (12th grade), NHS (12th grade)
Job/Work Experience: 150 hour internship at an Emerson company subsidiary
Volunteer/Community service: NJROTC and LEO
Essays: I wrote about going to a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) seminar I went to for a week at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. I described my passion for engineering and how my trip increased that passion. For my second essay I wrote about a softball tournament I participated in for NJROTC and how we ended up winning it. In my optional essay I talked about my trip to England and France in 2006 and how it made me want to become fluent in French and to study abroad someday. </p>

<p>Teacher Recommendation: n/a</p>

Applied for Financial Aid? FAFSA
Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: Low
Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.): n/a</p>

<p>Accepted: Irvine and Merced
Rejected: UCLA
Waiting for decision: Berkeley, San Diego, Davis, Santa Barbara</p>