The Official UC Chance Thread


<p>UCLA: Slight reach, all other UCs: Match or greater</p>


<p>OSU! </p>

<p>Cal/UCLA: Reaches
UCSD: Slight reach
All others: Match or greater</p>

<p>currently between junior and senior year, Chinese-Filipino male, in-state, upper middle class, good high school (API above 840), kinda lacking in extracurricular activities</p>

<p>UC GPA 4.19</p>

<p>10th grade
Mod Wind Ens (second-tier jazz band)-A
Precalculus- A
Spanish 5-6 - A
Mod Wld Hist/Contemp Wld Studies- A
English AS 3-4 - B/B+
Adv Band (Symphonic Band) - A
Yearbook- A</p>

<p>11th grade
Sci Research - A-/A
English CP 5-6 - A
AP Biology- A
Adv Band (Symphonic Band)- A
AP Calculus BC - B/B+
AP Music Theory- A-/A+
Spanish 7-8 H -A
AP US History- A</p>

<p>Currently waiting for AP scores
Expected 5 for AP Bio and APUSH, probably a 4 (definite 3+, maybe 5) for Calc BC, no idea for Music Theory </p>

<p>SAT I (retaking soon)
CR 730 + M 660 + W 610/8 = 2000</p>

Biology E 800
US History 750
Math 2 (plan to take)</p>

<p>12th grade planed courses
English 7-8 CP
AP Physics B
Adv. Band (Wind Ensemble, school’s top band)
Multivariable Calculus H
Choir 1-2 (Men’s choir/Concert Choir)
AP Spanish Language
AP Gov/ Econ H</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (current, as of end of junior year. kinda weak)
1 yr math club
1 yr student council
1.5 yrs speech club (we have yet to compete)
1 yr yearbook
2.5 yrs taekwondo (I quit, lost interest)
6 yrs trumpet
7 wks volunteer weekly tutoring - 5hrs (I volunteered late in school year, assigned student sick twice, so only 5 of 7 wks)</p>

<p>undecided between biology, business/econ, and engineering for all UCs</p>

<p>I am new to this and i dont know how it works
Can someone chance me? Thanks!!
I am an exchange student from Mexico studying in CA for this and nextyear and i would like to go to UC BERKELEY for enviornmental enginneer
GPA 3.92
Algebra 2/Trig B+
World Civ A
Biology A
Dance A
French 1 A
Textiles A
English Honors A
I am fluent in Spanish and English and learning French
What classes/clubs should i join next year to raise my chances??
what are my chances?

<p>I am new to this and i dont know how it works
Can someone chance me? Thanks!!
I am an exchange student from Mexico studying in CA for this and nextyear and i would like to go to UC BERKELEY for enviornmental enginneer
GPA 3.92
Algebra 2/Trig B+
World Civ A
Biology A
Dance A
French 1 A
Textiles A
English Honors A
I am fluent in Spanish and English and learning French
What classes/clubs should i join next year to raise my chances??
what are my chances?

<p>My major is going to be Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or EECS
I am a male at a competitive local high school. I am a Rising Senior/Junior.</p>

-Cumulative GPA (Unweighted):3.7
-Cumulative Weighted GPA: 4.3 or 4.4 (not sure)
-UC GPA: 4.1 (capped at 8 classes)

  • Taking the most difficult classes offered at school
  • Doing the full IB Diploma programme
  • Have taken IB Physics & IB Economics
  • Extended Essay (Research Paper) to be done in Computer Science
  • Upward trend in grades since freshmen year
  • Taken AP Calculus AB (Only AP offered at school due to IB Programme)
  • Taking Calculus II at a local CC
  • Have taken computer courses at CC in past summers
  • Taken 2 years of Physics (higher difficulty levels)
  • Senior Year I am taking 5 IB Courses (3 Higher level & 2 Standard Level) as well as an Honours Course
  • Possibly taking Calculus III at a CC during the school year</p>

<p>SAT: 800 Math, 740 CR, 710 Writing
ACT: 33 (Projected)</p>


  • Participated in Speech & Debate for four years, taken up leadership positions and won awards (Regional & out of town)
  • Member of FBLA (Qualified to states but unable to attend)
  • Went to the World Championships in Robotics and won the award for best programming
  • Treasurer of Robotics Team
  • Member of Moot Court (I am consistently top 16 in the national competition)
  • Member of the Academic Decathlon team (Used to be treasurer)
  • CSF/NHS member
  • Volunteer/Intern at a local organisation that builds new computers and donates them to low income families
  • Been on the Varsity Boys Golf Team for four years
  • Learning Tabla (Indian Instrument)
  • Have learnt some programming languages on my own but no accredidations
  • Youth Commissioner in the local city government committee</p>

<p>Unique Characterisitics:

  • Not much here except
  • Fluent in five languages (English, Hindi, Kannada (South Indian), Sanskrit, and Japanese</p>

<p>Chance for all the UCs please~ </p>

<p>I just want to know where I stand! </p>


<p>@ravr12: You need to provide information about your ecs and sats too. There is too little information to chance you.</p>

<p>@robodebate12: You’ll probably get into all of them.</p>

<p>I am officially ready for college applications!! Here is everything about me. My grades show an upward trend, and so do my ap/sat II scores.</p>

<p>I am a White, Male, Junior, at a competitive High School in Northern California.</p>

Adv. Geography B/B
Adv. LA I A-/B
Adv. Geometry B/A-
Biology A-/A+
Spanish I B+/A-
Theater Arts I A+/A+
Physical Education A-/A
ASB A+/A+</p>

AP World History** A/A
Algebra II A-/B+
Conceptual Physics A-/A-
Spanish II B+/A-
Theater Arts II/III A/A+
Theater Dance II Partners A+/A+
Digital Art A-/A-</p>

AP US History** A/A
Honors LA III** B/A
Pre Calc/Trig C/B
AP Biology** A-/A
Honors Spanish III** B-/B-
Adv. Digital Art A/A
AP Psychology** A/A
Publications Production Manager (yearbook staff just not in right class due to schedule.) A/A</p>

<p>Senior PLANNED:
AP Stats**
AP Econ (Macro?)**
AP Enviro sci.**
LA 4
Publication 3/4 (yearbook design editor)
Theater 4</p>


<p>W UC GPA: 4.0 (10-11 - 8 semesters capped)
UW UC GPA: 3.75 (10-11)
W Cal poly GPA: 3.9 (9-11 - 8 semesters capped)</p>

<p>SAT: 1920 (only taken once, plan to take again and bring up to 2050?)
SAT II Biology: 710
SAT II US History: 700
SAT II World History: 610 (Sophmore year)</p>

<p>AP World: 4 (Soph.)
AP US: 4
AP Bio: 5
AP Psych: 5</p>

<p>Now for activities, here is the list: (Do I need any more academic type clubs?)</p>

<p>• 500+ Community Service hours
• CSF (4 Year member)
• NHS (Member since Sophomore year)
• Key Club (Member since Freshman year)
• Sudan Club (founding member)
• Interact club (4 Year member, VP Junior Year)-Planned many projects
• Drama Club (Soph/jun. -Representative)
• Yearbook Design Editor (Senior year) (includes doing many summer workshops)
• Water Polo (JV 2 years)
• Swim Team (all 4 years, JV and Varsity)
• The Winter Musicals (all years) (Fall play Jun/senior year)
• LINK Leader (Freshman Orientation) (2 years)
• A-Team (Setting up and organizing Freshman orientation) (Sophomore year)
• Acting and Backstaging for several shows at local community theater
• 2 Year Camp counselor for Summer acting camp.
• Eagle scout (Project relates to Biology major)
• Recreational Swim Team (Summers since 9 years old)
• Summer lifeguard & swim instructor for City Aquatics(Began year before Sophomore)</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Asian male junior
GPA weighted 4.33
GPA unweighted 3.97
Rank 16/(several hundred)</p>

<p>SAT I Math: 760
SAT I Critical Reading: 680
SAT I Writing: 760</p>

<p>Total 2200</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2 : 770
SAT II physics: 740</p>

<p>AP Calc AB- 5
AP World History- 3
AP Calc Bc- 5
AP Physics- 4</p>

<p>Schedule Senior Year
English 4 Ap
Spanish 4 Ap
Statistics Ap
Chemistry Ap
Econ + Gov</p>

Soccer 5 years*
Swimming 7 years + Highschool 4 years varsity
volunteer coach for swim team over 2 summers
Piano 4 years*
Guitar 3 years*
Violin 2 years*
Dragonboat 1/2 a year
Dance (2 different teams) 1 year
Community service- over 300 hours
Science Olympiad- won 4th place in Sumo Bots
Tutored elementary school kids - 50 hours around
CSF 3 years
Key Club
Spanish Club
*before highschool</p>

<p>Please chance me for
All for either chemical engineering or bioengineering
UC Berkeley
UC San Diego
UC Irvine
UC Davis
San Jose State
Cal Poly</p>

<p>I’ve updated some stuff
currently between junior and senior year, Chinese-Filipino male, in-state, upper middle class, good high school (API above 840), kinda lacking in extracurricular activities</p>

<p>UC GPA 4.19</p>

<p>10th grade
Mod Wind Ens (second-tier jazz band)-A
Precalculus- A
Spanish 5-6 - A
Mod Wld Hist/Contemp Wld Studies- A
English AS 3-4 - B/B+
Adv Band (Symphonic Band) - A
Yearbook- A</p>

<p>11th grade
Sci Research - A-/A
English CP 5-6 - A
AP Biology- A
Adv Band (Symphonic Band)- A
AP Calculus BC - B/B+
AP Music Theory- A-/A+
Spanish 7-8 H -A
AP US History- A</p>

<p>AP scores
AP Biology - 5
AP Calc BC - 5 (AB subscore-5)
AP US Hist - 5
AP Music Theory - 3 (aural subscore-3, non aural subscore -4)</p>

<p>SAT I
CR 730 + M 660 + W 610/8 = 2000
CR 650 + M 760 + W 770/9 = 2180</p>

Biology E 800
US History 750
Math 2 (plan to take)</p>

<p>12th grade planed courses
English 7-8 CP
AP Physics B
Adv. Band (Wind Ensemble, school’s top band)
Multivariable Calculus H
Choir 1-2 (Men’s choir/Concert Choir)
AP Spanish Language
AP Gov / Econ H</p>

<p>Extracurriculars (current, kinda weak)
took a 2 week summer entrepreneurship class offered to GATE students
1 yr math club
1 yr student council
1.5 yrs speech club (we have yet to compete)
1 yr yearbook
2.5 yrs taekwondo (I quit, lost interest)
6 yrs trumpet
7 weeks volunteer weekly tutoring - 5hrs (I volunteered late in school year, assigned student sick twice, so only 5 of 7 wks)</p>

<p>undecided between biology, business/econ, and engineering for all UCs</p>

<p><strong>I will chance back</strong>
W GPA: 4.3 (4.51 w/o Freshmen year)
UC GPA: 4.47</p>

<p>SAT I: 2110
-Writing: 720 (10 on esssay)
-Math: 680
-Critical Reading: 710</p>

<p>SAT II’s:
-Math II: 780
-Bio: 730</p>

<p>AP Tests: AP Human Geography, Psych.</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule: AP Bio, AP Calc. BC, the rest of my classes are generic lit, history, relig. etc. but I am also going to be taking Russian 4 concurrently at the local community college.</p>

<p>I was born in Russia and moved here when I was four and will write something about this in my essay.</p>

Volunteered at adult day care for 200h
Head of the Future Doctors of America Club
Head of Math Club

Excellence in Biology award.
Excellence in Physical Science award.
Excellence in Algebra II award.
Excellence in Geometry award.
Excellence in Spanish III award.</p>

<p>I have also taken Pre-Calculus, Russian 2, and Russian 3 at the local community college.</p>

<p>I live in California.</p>

<p>Also, do I have any opportunities for merit based scholarships?</p>

<p>I think you have a pretty good chance at all uc’s your gpa is really good you should look at their website to see the average stats of last years applicants</p>

<p>Here are some quick stats though there not as impressive as most of the people here
Uc gpa 3.9
Weighted 4.21
Unweighted 3.5
Rank: 31 out of 570
Sat: cr 580 m 560 w 520
Sat 2: us history 650 math2 550
AP art history (4)
AP English Lang (3)
AP us history (3)
Senior schedule
AP calc
AP English lit
Music theory
AP euro
AP gov/Econ
Over 100hrs of volunteer work
Member of several clubs (mostly of community service)
Hispanic female first generation</p>

<p>Oh and nursing major (though applying as biology major for some uc’s)
Chance me for uci, ucr, ucla, ucsd, ucsb and ucd</p>

<p>Please chance me :)</p>

<p>Top 10% of class
Elc student
3.9 uw gpa. 4.3 weighted
Act 31 sat 1910 plan to retake to hopefully above 2000
Coxswain for crew 2 years
Girl scouts gold silver bronze award 11 years
National charity league 7 years
Started habitat for humanity club at my school president 2 years
Vice president pals club 2 years
Csf 4 years.<br>
Key club 4 years
Nshss 3 years
Worked with bone marrow organization helped host bone marrow drives
300 community service hours
Presidents volunteer award</p>

<p>UC gpa is 3.2 sat I 1660 (waiting on scores) sat II ushistory 650…idk where to apply</p>

<p>Top 9% (ELC)
UC GPA Weighted 10-11 =4.23
UC GPA UW 10-11 =3.63
Cal Poly W 9-11 =3.97</p>

<p>ACT Composite =32

US History=770</p>

<p>Honors Courses:
LA-1 H
Geometry H
Biology H
LA-2 H
Chemistry H
Alg 2/Trig H
Trig/Math Anal H
Spanish 3 H</p>

<p>AP - Test score:
European History - 4
US History - 5
Chemistry - 5
Language - 4
Computer Science A - 5</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
AP Physics
AP Calculus BS
AP Macroeconomics
AP US Government
Spanish 3 H
AP Literature</p>

8+ Years Ice Hockey (hockey coach @UCLA told me the team can help gain admission for the club team there)
Speech & Debate Senior Year</p>

Academic Achievement Award (High School Award Only)
CSF Member
AP Academic Scholar Award</p>

<p>Please chance for:
Cal Poly Slo</p>

<p>I go to the second best school in the best high school district in California. I’ve done pretty well in school, but I’ve always had trouble with standardized testing in math. This is especially troubling since I’d like to major in biomedical engineering. Since my AP scores are pretty good (I got a 4 on AP Calc AB as a junior) I’m wondering if I should bother sending my SAT II scores. Let me know.
What are my chances at UCSD, UCLA, UCI and UCD
Here are my stats:
SAT I (probably not sending) 1940
Critical Reading: 620
Math: 600
Writing: 720</p>

<p>ACT (sending): 30
English: 33
Math: 27
Reading: 31
Science: 29</p>

<p>Grades (AP Scores)
Freshman Year:
English 1 A/A
World History and Geography A+/A+ (Won an award from my teacher, each teacher is only allowed to give the award to one student that they teach out of all their classes)
French 1 A-/A
Geometry A-/A
PE 9 A-/A
Biology A/A
Concert Band B/A</p>

<p>Sophomore Year (My grandmother was dying which affected my second semester grades)
English 2 A-/B+
AP Euro A/A- (4)
French 3 A-/B+
Honors Algebra 2 Trig B/B
PE 10 A/A-
Chemistry A/A-
Symphonic Band A/A</p>

<p>Junior Year:
Honors English 3 B/B (Took the AP Composition Test got a 3)
US History A/A
Honors French 4 B/B+
AP Calc AB A-/A- (4)
AP Chemistry (3)
Wind Ensemble A/A</p>

<p>Senior Year so far:
AP English 4 B+
Economics (will be gov next semsester) A
AP French 5 A-
AP Calc BC A-
Physics A
Wind Ensemble B+ (I’m confused about this one…)</p>

<p>EC’s (not too great)
Teen Board at my Newspaper 1 year
NASA Inpsire OLC 1 year
Medicine Club (secretary) 2 years
Swimming (been on my rec team since I was 5) on JV for 3 years (people on varsity go to the olympic trials so I’m not even close)
Piano since I was 4
Peer Tutor about 200 hours (essay topic)
Volunteer at my cancer research center 100 hours
CSF every semester since freshman year
2 years in the advanced audition only band at my school
I participated in Sally Ride Science’s Toychallenge for 3 years (essay topic) </p>

<p>My SAT II Scores:
Lit: 630
Chem: 600
Math: 620
Sorry that this is so long!
Thank you sooo much for your time!</p>

<p>I’m applying to:</p>

Los Angeles
San Diego
Santa Barbara</p>

<p>All my majors were undeclared, undeclared-engineering, or undeclared-letters & science.</p>

<p>My UC GPA is 92/22 = 4.18 with the maximum allowed 8 semesters of AP/honors credit.
My main ECs were community service (around 240 hours) and cross country (about 840 hours). I’ve no major awards except being a NMSF. I never received any notification for ELC so I assume I didn’t make it.</p>

690 Reading, 770 Math, 800 Writing
2260 Total</p>

<p>SAT IIs:
710 Math Lv. 2, Chemistry 760, 720 Biology-Molecular</p>

Biology: taking this year.
Calculus AB: 4
Chemistry: 5
European History: taking this year.
Statistics: taking this year.
U.S. History: 3
World History: 5</p>

<p>Just based off of numbers, how likely am I to get into UCLA or UCSD? I checked my school’s naviance and it says I’m above average for the SAT but below average for GPA.</p>


<p>Campuses selected:
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Los Angeles
UC Riverside
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz</p>

<p>W UC GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>Campus Major/alt major
Berkeley: Environmental Sciences
Davis: Environmental Toxicology Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning
Irvine: Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering
Los Angeles: Environmental Science Earth and Environmental Science
Riverside: Environmental Sciences Chemistry
San Diego: Environmental Chemistry Environmental Systems (Environmental Policy)
Santa Barbara: Environmental Studies Earth Science (Geohydrology Emphasis)
Santa Cruz: Earth Sciences Environmental Studies/Economics</p>

<p>ACT w/ writing-- 29</p>

<p>9th grade:
History/Social Science Modern World History NH A/ A
English English 9 Honors NH Semester A A
Mathematics Geometry NH Semester A A
Language Other Than English Spanish 1 NH Semester A A
Visual and Performing Arts Intermediate Percussion Ensemble NH Semester A A</p>

<p>10th grade:
English English 10 Honors NH Semester B B
Mathematics Algebra 2 NH Semester B B
Laboratory Science Biology NH Semester A A
Laboratory Science Chemistry Honors HL Semester A A
Language Other Than English Spanish 2 NH Semester A A
Visual and Performing Arts Intermediate Percussion Ensemble NH Semester A A</p>

History/Social Science United States History Honors HL Semester A A
English English 11 NH Semester A A
Mathematics Math Analysis NH Semester B B
Laboratory Science AP Chemistry AP Semester A A
Language Other Than English Spanish 3 NH Semester A A
Visual and Performing Arts Intermediate Percussion Ensemble NH Semester A A</p>

<p>12th grade:
History/Social Science AP Government and Politics Comparative AP Semester IP PL
English English 12 British Literature NH Semester IP NO
English English 12 World Literature NH Semester NO PL
Mathematics Statistics NH Semester IP PL
Laboratory Science AP Environmental Science AP Semester IP PL
Visual and Performing Arts Advanced Percussion Ensemble NH Semester IP PL
Visual and Performing Arts Marching Band NH Semester IP NO</p>

<p>-attended summer environmental program at a university</p>

<p>Organization & Description
-Relay for Life Captain of team and official games committee
-Volunteered at botanical center
-worked as unpaid music teacher to underprivileged children at a home for abused and -neglected children<br>
-American Cancer Society Youth Council
-National Honor Society Member
-CSF four years</p>

<p>-passed Level 10 Advanced Level Piano–Music Teachers’ Association of California Certificate of Merit
-cultural youth club
-drumline 4 yrs
-Cancer Club officer/president 12th grade
-Architecture Club Treasurer
-Prom Committee </p>

<p>SAT 2
Spanish 550
Chemistry 640</p>

<p>AP Chemistry 2</p>

<p>Chance me!</p>

Apply to at least UC Riverside and UC Merced. Depending on your ECs, you could get into UC Irvine and UC Santa Cruz.</p>

<p>What are you interested in?</p>