The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Current Grade: 11
GPA Unweighted: 3.97
GPA Weighted: 4.23 (this is including every semester since freshman year until first semester of junior year)
UC GPA: 4.44
Ethnicity: White (Iranian-American if that makes any difference…)
Gender: F</p>

<p>IN STATE</p>

<p>SAT I: will take in March!
PSAT - Sophomore: 198
PSAT - Junior: 218 (76 CR, 70 M, 72 W)
SAT II: Math II - 700, Bio M - 760</p>



<p>Algebra 2 - A/A
Chemistry - A/A
English 9 - A/A
World Cultures/Media - A/A
Spanish 1 - A/A
P.E. - A/A
Health (online) - A</p>


<p>AP Bio - A/A
AP Euro - A/A
Honors English 10 - A/A
Honors Spanish 2 - A/A
Math Analysis - A/A
P.E. - A/A</p>

<p>Junior: </p>

<p>AP Calc BC - B/?
AP Enviro - A/?
AP Lang - A/?
AP US History - A/?
Honors Physics - A/?
Honors Spanish 3 - A/?</p>

<p>Senior (prospective):</p>

<p>AP Stats
AP Physics C
AP Lit
AP Gov/Honors Econ
AP Spanish Lang

<p>AP Exams:</p>

<p>AP Bio - 4
AP Euro - 5</p>


<p>Founder and President of Charitable Hearts (non-profit organization assisting relief efforts in times of natural disaster) since junior year
Co-President of Human Rights Watch Student Task Force chapter since junior year
Animator (basically a teacher) of a children’s (religious-ish) group since sophomore year
Member of WonderWomen club (raising awareness for women’s rights) since sophomore year
Member of Shelter Helpers (community service related to animals) since sophomore year
Member of Best Buddies (providing companionship for our school’s disabled students) since freshman year
Peer volunteer tutor for math, science, English, history, and Spanish since freshman year</p>

<p>My stats are up there ^^</p>

<p>@ExistentialFear: If your essays were okay, you shouldn’t have any problems getting in.</p>

<p>Schools: UCLA, UCB, UCSD</p>

<p>UCSD and UCLA-Computer Science and Engineering
UCB-Electrical Engineering</p>

<p>Current grade: 11th
GPA Unweighted: 3.86
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: M</p>


<p>UC GPA: unknown… can someone calculate it for me? please?</p>

<p>SAT I (2013 June): 2130: Reading: 650, Math: 790, Writing: 690</p>

<p>(2013 PSAT for NMSQT was 216 with Reading: 71, Math: 78, Writing: 67)</p>

<p>Will take SAT II’s this year: Math 2 and Physics. Expect to get 700+ for both, high 700 for math and mid-high for physics.</p>

<p>Freshman year (at IB public high school):</p>

<p>Honors Geometry - A (took it in summer between 8th and 9th)
Chinese I - A
Chinese II - A
Honors Biology - A
Honors Pre-Calc - A
Honors English 9 - A
Honors Earth/Environmental Science - A
PE - A
Honors Civics/Economics - A</p>

<p>End of freshman year rank: 1/300 something</p>

<p>Sophomore year (applied to top 20 high school in the nation and got in. This is where I currently attend high school as well):</p>

<p>Honors World History - A (Took it in the summer between 9th and 10th)
AP US History - B
AP Calc AB - B (I normally would have gotten a A, but I was so overwhelmed by the work because my old high school didn’t give that much homework and when I transferred, I was immediately hit with 6+ hours of work a day.)
AP English Language and Composition - B
AP Calc BC - A
AP Music Theory - A
AP Physic B - A
Honors Turning Points in American History - A
Advanced PE - A</p>

<p>New school does not rank since it is ultra competitive.</p>

<p>AP Exams:
AP Calc BC - 5 (Calc AB Subscore: 5)
AP US History - 4
AP English Language and Composition - 4
AP Physics B - 5
AP Music Theory - 4</p>

<p>Junior year:</p>

<p>I started taking classes at a private college nearby (part of new high school’s program since it is an early college program).</p>

<p>College equivalent Chemistry - A
College equivalent Computer Programming/Computer Science - A
College equivalent English - A
College eqivalent Psychology - A</p>


<p>Tech Lead with state public online school (state funded program that allows kids to take some online classes that aren’t available at their high school) so I deal with creating interactive programs and problem sets and finding resources for students to use to get some extra practice.</p>

<p>Tutor in math, physics - tutored at least 250 hours.
Volunteered at local church
Volunteered with adult literacy program
Tennis - ranked in the state, varsity tennis for high school, won multiple tournaments
Chess - stopped in 10th grade, but placed highly in multiple state competitions, still play recreationally
Piano - played 10+ years, achieved highest level in Royal Conservatory of Music Exam, performed at retirement home</p>

<p>Science Olympiad member
Technological Student Association member and TREASURER
Performing Arts Club member and PRESIDENT
International Club member
Former Chess Club member and PRESIDENT at old high school</p>

<p>In National Honors Society since 10th grade.</p>

<p>Received Ronald Reagan Student Leader Award</p>

<p>Intern webdesigner at the college I’m taking classes at.</p>

<p>there are 'admitted freshman profiles’for each campus. For a short cut to get them all for each campus just use this link and change the ucb to ucsd or whatever in the url <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Please tell me what chance do i have for uc san diego chemical engineering undergrad. I am an international student form india</p>

<p>Sat scores CR-620, Math-680, Writing-630. </p>

<p>Subject test scores Physics 770, Chemistry 740, Math level 2 670.</p>

<p>High school grades: 91% in grade 10, 72% in grade 12. High school does not provide a rank</p>

<p>Extra curriculars.
School Nature club president
Science club vice-president
Voluntary community service
Religious community service
Computer programming course</p>

<p>Universities: UCLA, UCSD, UCI, UCD, UCSB, UCR
Major: ChemE alt major is physics if it matters
Race: Hispanic
Disabilities: ADD
UC GPA: 3.0 (Yay nothing like having one weak aspect ruin most of my chances)
GPA Breakdown: Soph 1: 3.0, Soph 2: 2.83, Junr 1: 2.93, Junr 2: 3.25 (work ethic changed halfway through semester, look at essay section)
ACT Scores: Highest- 31 (30 Reading, 34 Math, 30 English, 29 Science, 8 on Essay), other ACT- 30 (26 Reading, 29 Math, 29 English, 34 Science, 8 on Essay)
SAT: None
Subject Tests: Highest- 700 Physics, 690 Math 2
2 on AP Euro, I can guarantee a 5 on AP Physics B, and at least a 4 on Calculus</p>

<p>Senior Course Load with first semester grades:
World Fiction- C+ (79.95% :frowning: )
AP Calculus AB- B+
AP Physics B- A (doesn’t matter but I like bragging, I beat both the valedictorian and salutatorian in this class :slight_smile: )
Microeconomics- A
Government- A
Computer Graphics- A-
I also received an A- in a mandatory religion class that is a non a-g requirement</p>

<p>This semester is the same except I have Psychology instead of microeconomics and economics instead of government (all of these are 1 semester classes)</p>

<p>Wrote my Essay on how I changed from being lazy and shy to hardworking and outgoing, which helps explain my low GPA. Counselor said it was one of the best she has ever read and I edited it several times with the help of an English Teacher.</p>

<p>ECs and Community Service: 300 Hours of tutoring Physics, Chemistry and Chemistry Honors at another Public School
25 Hours as a private tutor for a middle school student
20 Hours at a local boys and girls club
1 year of Varsity football, explained I didn’t play my senior year because of a concussion
co-leader of my school’s new fitness club only for this year though cause it started this year</p>

<p>Award: Varsity Letter in Football</p>

<p>Note: My School does not offer AP Chemistry which is why I am not taking it, I also am required to take 7 classes a year as opposed to 6 and the 7th isn’t even an A-G requirement, I go to a private school where I am currently top 35% with a 3.24 (includes freshman and first semester of senior year), top 50% is I believe a low 2.8 or high 2.7 so ya grade inflation isn’t too big here, our valedictorian has a 4.5 and the max possible is a 4.8</p>

<p>Universities: UCSD, UCLA, UCB
Major: Earth sciences/geology
GPA: 5.0/6.0 (Norwegian scale) which translates to a 4.0
SAT: 1580…
TOEFL: 101</p>

<p>Course load:</p>

<p>9th grade (my last year of junior high):</p>

<p>Religion, lifestyles and ethics - A (5)
Social studies - A (5)
English (oral/written) - A/A (5/5)
Mathematics - A (5)
Natural sciences - A (5)
French I - A (6)
Norwegian (written/oral/2nd language) - A/A/A (5/5/5)
Arts and crafts - A (5)
Music - A (5)</p>

<p>English oral exam - A (5)
Mathematics written exam - A (5)</p>

<p>10th grade:</p>

<p>Geography - A (5)
Social studies - A (5)
English - A (5)
Theoretical mathematics - A (5)
Natural science - A (5)
French II - no final grade (course runs over several years)
Norwegian (written/oral/2nd language) - no final grade</p>

<p>11th grade:</p>

<p>International English (oral/written) - A/A (5/5)
Mathematics for the social sciences 1 - A (5)
Chemistry 1 - A (5), self-study
French II - A (5)
Psychology 1 - A (5)
History 1 (world and Norwegian) - no final grade
Norwegian (written/oral/2nd language) - no final grade</p>

<p>Psychology 1 oral exam - A (5)</p>

<p>12th grade:</p>

<p>History 2 (world and Norwegian) - IP
Religion and ethics - IP
Mathematics for the social sciences 2 - IP
Biology 2 - IP
Chemistry 2 - IP
Norwegian (oral, written, 2nd language) - IP</p>

<li>3 written exams and one oral exam.</li>

<p>Note: in Norway we have a 1-6 grading scale, where 6 is the best and 2 is the lowest passing grade. Due to this, both 5 and 6 counts as A’s. I also have one full term (divided into two semesters, but only one final grade per year), and some courses that run over several years. There aren’t AP/honor courses or something similar either. </p>

<p>ECs and work:
Wind orchestra/school band (trumpet) - 10 years (long term commitment yay)
High school teater - 3 years
Student council - 1 year
Youth city council - 1 year
Babysitting - since feb 2013
Salesclerk - since aug 2013
Assistant at my fathers company - since june 2008</p>

<p>Additional notes:

  • I know that my SAT score is very low, but there is a reasonable explanation for that. My grandma died the day before I was supposed to take the test, and I was not able to reschedule the test due to work. My head was not in the right place to say the least. I did explain this in the additional comments section.
  • I will not be needing financial aid, due to Norwegian governmental funding.
  • With my course load, I’ll be able to study any subject in Norway besides engineering and architecture due to the fact that I don’t have physics or enough math.
  • I am a student at one of the best high schools in Norway (ranked #1 or #2, not sure). I don’t know if this will help me in any way though. </p>

<p>Wow this quickly became a very long post. I’m just anxiously waiting for March to come, and want to know if I should keep my hopes up, or if I should start to mentally prepare for those rejection letters… </p>

<p>I’m really nervous- would appreciate if someone could chance me…</p>

<p>I’ve applied to:
UC Davis
UC Santa Barbara
Cal Poly
University of San Diego </p>

<p>SAT-1930 (1320/1600)
GPA- 4.0 weighted, 3.8 non-weighted
Will have taken 8 APs
Kind of worried about math since 630 on math sat is low and got c in h pre calc and b in ap stats </p>

<p>Thank you so much! </p>

<p>Hey guys, I’d really appreciate some feedback!
Schools applied to: UCLA, UC Berkeley, USC, UNC Chapel Hill, Boston University, UT Austin (Admitted)</p>

<p>-American Indian and Caucasian Female
-UC Calculated Weighted GPA 3.83 (My HS only releases weighted grades but I just realized I reported my unweighted grades to UC and now I’m freaking out!)
-ACT 34 (34 English, 32 Math, 35 Science, 35 Reading)
-200+ hours community service
-Decent number of clubs
-A couple different awards for German (99th percentile on NATG exam and study trip award recipient in 10th grade)
-Good number of ECs (Soccer for 3 years, NCL, Girl Scouts)
-Strong Essay
-12 AP classes total
-I also reported some stuff about the summer camp I go to on there, just since it’s something I care a lot about! (Elected as tribe (team) leader 3x, received an outstanding camper award (big deal actually) from the counselors and staff)</p>

<p>This thread is like 90% people asking to be chanced and 10% actual replies. not a very good idea…</p>

[<em>] SAT I (breakdown): (1930) 590 CR, 590 W, 750 M
[</em>] ACT:
[<em>] SAT II: Math 2-800, Chem-620
[</em>] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.89
[<em>] UC GPA:
[</em>] Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 7/~450
[<em>] ELC?: Yes
[</em>] AP (place score in parenthesis): Chemistry (3) World History (4) US History, Physics B, Calculus BC, English Language
[<em>] IB (place score in parenthesis):
[</em>] Senior Year Course Load: Speech & Legal Reasoning, Economics, AP Government, AP Statistics, AP French, AP English Literature, AP Biology, DE Multivariable Calculus/Differential Equations (If I can get off the waitlist)
[<em>] Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Just local awards…
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[</em>] Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Speech and Debate (Treasurer), Model United Nations (Founder/President), Academic Decathlon (Captain), Cross Country (Varsity), Tennis, MESA, Mathletes and usual generic clubs- Key Club/CSF/NHS
[<em>] Job/Work Experience: Served as an intern to a non-profit organization
[</em>] Volunteer/Community service: American Cancer Society, Food Bank, Nursing Home
[<em>] Applied for Financial Aid?: Will
[</em>] State (if domestic applicant): California
[<em>] Country (if international applicant): United States
[</em>] School Type: Public
[<em>] Ethnicity: Chinese
[</em>] Gender: Male
[<em>] Income Bracket: 100k-120k
[</em>] Hooks (URM, first generation college, research, etc.): First Generation

<p>All the UCs excluding Riverside and Merced</p>

<p>I’m currently a junior and my top choice is UCSB</p>

<p>About myself:
Really low income family
Divorced parents (currently living with one)
Planning to get a job to help pay rent
I want to major in chemistry or chemical engineering</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.90</p>

going to take it in June, hoping to get +1800
what would I need to get in?</p>

going to take it in June, hoping to get +25
what would I need to get in?</p>

AP Chemistry B/B (probably got a 3)
Chemistry honors A/A
Math analysis honors B/A
US history honors A/A</p>

<p>SAT Chem:
550 (first try), 700 (second try)</p>

<p>Senior Classes:
AP Physics 1
AP Calculus AB
English 12 honors
Aerospace engineering
US government/Economics</p>

Volunteered at library for 52 hours
I plan to do more volunteering (around 200 hours)</p>

<p>I am going to be a high school senior when school starts and want to know my chances to getting into the UCs I will be apply to. Also give me suggestions on what I should do, or maybe should have done.</p>

<p>About Me:
Income 100,000+
Applying for Financial Aid (have two siblings)</p>

<p>UCs I’m Applying for:
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Santa Barbara
UC San Diego
UC Irvine
(All Computer Engineering/Computer Science Majors)</p>

<p>Soph/Junior GPA:
UW 3.91
UC 4.14
W 4.5</p>

Sophomore Year (1st Sem./2nd Sem.)
AP Calculus BC: B+/A
AP Biology: A/A
Acc. English: B+/B+
Multimedia Prod.: A/A
Japanese: A/A (College Course held at High School)
Journalism: A/A
World History: A/A</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Statistics: A/A
AP Physics: A/A
AP US History: A/A
English Honors: A/A
Digital Electronics: A/A
Journalism: A/A</p>

<p>Community College Courses (Quarter System):
Linear Algebra: A
General Psychology: A
Intro to Networking: A
Psychology-Human Development: A
Principles of Business: A
Software Engineering Methodologies: A
Obj. Oriented Programming in Java: A
Intermediate Software Design In Java: A
Advanced Data Structure/Algorithms in Java: A
Obj. Oriented Programming in C++: A
Intermediate Software Design in C++: A
Programming in Python: A</p>

<p>Adv. Data Structure/Algorithms in C++: Planned
English Composition and Reading: Planned
Principles of Microeconomics: Planned
E-Business (Online Business): Planned
Intro to Linux & Unix: Planned</p>

<p>Senior Year (Planned):
AP Lit:
AP Environmental Science
AP Computer Science
AP Gov/Econ
Math 73/78 (Multivariable Calculus/Differential Equations) (College Course Held at High School)

<p>SAT I:
Math: 800
Cumulative: 2300
(Might Retake)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Chinese w/ Listening: 760
Biology E: 790
Math Level II:790</p>

<p>AP Tests:
Chinese: 5
Biology: 4
Calculus BC: 5
US History: 5
Physics B: 4
Statistics: 5
Psychology: Planned
Macroeconomics: Planned
Microeconomics: Maybe
Environmental Science: Planned
US Government: Planned
Computer Science: Planned
English Lit: Planned</p>

<p>ACT: 34
(Might Retake)</p>

Varsity Tennis (4 years)
CSF (Senior year Treasurer)
Key Club
Robotics (Applied for Senior year Secretary)
Journalism Page Editor (Junior and Senior Year)
Journalism Business Manager (Senior Year)
150+ Volunteer Hours</p>

<p>If you need any more info, just ask!</p>

<p>Could you guys chance me for each UC? I’d really appreciate it. Here is my profile:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.29 (10th-11th); 4.19 (9th-1st semester of 12th); 3.8 (unweighted, 9th-1st semester of 12th)
SAT: 1840 (640W, 640CR, 560M–I really suck at math)
SAT 2: 700 (Molecular Biology)</p>

<p>AP Exams: Psych-5, Euro History-4, English Lang-4, U.S. History-4, Calc AB-3, Chemistry-2</p>

<p>Class Rank: 23/725 (top 3%)</p>

<p>Senior Schedule: AP Bio, AP Physics, AP Gov, AP Stats, Dual Enrollment English, Academic Tutor, Tennis PE</p>

<p>Intended Major: Biology</p>

<p>Honors and Awards: AP Scholar with distinction, Presidential Service Award, Junior Honor Guard, Scholar Athlete, 2nd team all league (tennis), reached finals of CIF, medals in Science Olympiad Regionals: Material Science (1st), Cell Biology (2nd), Elastic Launch Glider (2nd)</p>

-Varsity Tennis (10th-12th; team captain 12th)
-Science Olympiad (10th-12th; VP 11th, President 12th)
-Link Crew (kinda like ASB, 11th-12th, Secretary 12th)
-Solar Army (11th-12th, VP 12th)
-Fitness and Nutrition Club (11th-12th, Treasurer 12th)</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
-NHS tutoring
-Volunteer at a hospital
-Tennis instructor
-Interact Club (VP 12th)
-Summer Reading Program for Kids.</p>

<p>Other things:
-Am a certified AVID tutor
-Did an internship at an automation company
-Am Asian Indian
-Dad went to UCSD, mom went to some college in India
-Am a California resident
-Wrote stellar essays</p>


<p>What are my chances at Mechanical engineering or civil engineering at UCSB, UCI, UCSC, UCSD and I guess UCLA</p>

<p>Junior in HS
OOS colorado had pretty difficult public school
Ranked in top 30 percent out of 480
UC gpa is 3.76 trying for 3.8+
SAT 1 taking in dec. projected 1850-1900
SAT 2s will be Math 2 and Chem</p>

President of science and engineering club
Treasurer of Veterans Heritage project club
Maybe going to start a Teenage Republicans Club and be President
STEM club
Junior regatta, sailing
Boy Scouts/ venture crew
Civil Air Patrol</p>

Lacrosse gonna be 4 years, 2 varsity letters
Football 3 years, 1 varsity letter because I couldn’t play this year due to injury
Wrestling 2 years, 1 varsity letter</p>

A total so far of about 25 hours trough church and Boy Scouts, trying to get up 100.</p>

Going to start a lawn care business this upcoming summer. No real jobs</p>

2 varsity letters in lacrosse
1 varsity letter in wrestling
1 varsity letter in football
Honor Roll rotary club </p>

Father attend Air Force Academy and mother attend colorado state. Father is an airline pilot and mother is artist.
Moved during my 10th to 11th grade summer, sucked
Dad deployed during school year 10th grade, sucked
I will not be applying for financial aid</p>

<p>Any others things I can do to increase my chances?</p>

<p>Thanks guys</p>

<p>how about making it a rule to chance someone before posting your own ■■■■ jeez this is ridiculous </p>

<p>Uc gpa 3.91 rigorous highschool
Ap courses/scores: u.s hist/3. Euro his/3
A lot of honors
Senior classes:ap gov ap physics ap calc bc ap comp sci. Eng12 marine bio
Ecs: normal(soccer,tutoring,job)
Cali resident
1st gen college student
None of my parents graduated hs
Low income
Sat: 1700 (I know it’s pathetic </p>

<p>Sat 2 in dec ( phys. Math2)</p>

<p>Chances at ucsb ucsc ucla for ee. (I know it’s highly impacted but I’m dedicated regardless what school I get into)
I really want ucsc!!!( I’m a bit of a pot head)</p>

<p>@Cal19er‌ </p>

<p>I’m not sure which UC specifically you want so I’ll just do all of them</p>

<p>UC Berkeley: High Reach
UCLA: High Reach
UCSD: Reach
UC Davis: Low Reach
UC Irvine: Low Reach
UC Santa Barbara: Low Reach
UC Santa Cruz: Match
UC Riverside: Match
UC Merced: Match</p>