The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>My primary concerns: 1) my extracurriculars are not very strong, 2) my courseload may not be as competitive as I previously thought, and 3) I may not stand out as prominently as I would like to from other applicants who share my GPA rank. </p>

<p>UC GPA: 4.37 (not entirely sure if I calculated this correctly)
Unweighted: 3.98
Weighted: 4.3-4.45</p>

<p>Courses (I am only mentioning honors and AP; all of my other classes are college-prep level): </p>

<p>9th grade
Honors World Civilizations I: A
Honors English I: A</p>

<p>10th grade
A.P. European History: A
Honors American Literature: A</p>

<p>11th grade
Honors Chemistry: A/A-
A.P. U.S. History: A
A. P. English Language: A </p>

<p>12th grade
A.P. Calculus AB: Currently an A-
A.P. English Literature: Currently an A
A.P. U.S Government (a spring semester course only)</p>

<p>Scored a 5 on all three AP exams to date.</p>

<p>SAT (I took it once): 2190
CR: 760
Math: 630
Writing: 800</p>

<p>SAT Subject:
U.S. History: 750
Literature: 730 (on the 2nd sitting) </p>

School newspaper since 9th grade (Opinions Editor, Editor-in-Chief)
Tutoring middle school students as a member of CSF since 10th grade
Campus writing center tutor since 11th grade
Volunteered to help the visually disabled for two summers (approx. 8 hrs/wk the first summer and 15 hrs/wk this past summer)</p>

<p>Personal statements:
For prompt #1: I seek to forge a new path that differs from the one my mother took.
For prompt #2: Discussing a novel I am working on and my identity as a writer</p>

Asian middle class CA resident
Class rank: Top quintile. According to the UC application site, I am ELC eligible within my high school.
Commended Student for the PSAT/NMQT
AP Scholar</p>

<p>UCR: Declared-English; Alternate-Economics
UCSB: Declared-English; Alternate-Economics
UCI: Declared-English; Alternate-Economics
UCSD: Declared-English; Alternate-Economics
UCLA: Declared-English; Alternate-Economics
UCB: Declared-English</p>

<p>Thank you for your feedback!</p>

<p>alwaysawriter, even without extracurriculars, your grades are awesome. I wouldn’t say you have very much to worry about. And also, your extracurriculars actually aren’t very bad.</p>

<p>I am an Indian (intn’l Student) in grade 11.
Will be starting 12th Grade in March 2013.</p>

<p>Have a good academic record, top of my class, 10.0 CGPA in class 10 boards. straight A+(s) so far.</p>

<p>My first term percentage in 11th was 83%, it dipped but it does for most students, neverthless I was top off my class. Will this go against me?</p>

<p>Plan to take the SAT in May, have been preparing for them, expect a good score 2100+ (this will be my first attempt…maybe my estimates are off)</p>

<p>Have some extracurriculars : Asst Head boy of school, will run for head boy next year
chief-Editor of school magazine
Have won two national level quizzes in grade 9 and 10. Plus several inter-school, state-level quizzes
Have also won several debates, declamations, essay writing contests, both inter-school and intra-school competitions.</p>

<p>Have been involved in organizing several competitions, cultural events in school, have exhibited leadership and organisational capabilities. </p>

<p>My teachers will give me good letters of rec.</p>

<p>I know my profile isn’t stellar.</p>

<p>Intend to study subjects like mol biology, biochem, chem-bio engineering, biotech, or genetics.</p>

<p>Thefollowing are my preferred universities:</p>


<p>UC Davis</p>

<p>UC San Diego</p>

<p>and ofcourse, the other UC’s too…rate my chances thanks.</p>

<p>I will be applying for financial aid. Could someone tell me how will that impact my chances and what is UC policy when it comes to giving finacial aid to intn’ls</p>

<p>Personal Qualities: Well I take initiative, have been academically inclined and diligent and hard working. I love science and intend to pursue a career in research and academia.</p>

<p>Thanks to anyone who replies, appreciate it!</p>

<p>I got into UCSB and UCSC, but I got rejected from UCSD. Maybe because I’m from SD. I’m waiting for UCB results, but I don’t know if I’ll get in. I hope my ethnicity helps me out.</p>

California Public School
Low-income. <25k</p>

<p>2300 SAT
34 ACT</p>

<p>UW GPA: 3.97. (B in 2nd sem of Euro. Otherwise all A’s through Jr year.)
UC GPA: 4.75</p>

English Hon*
Accel Geometry
Spanish II
Track and field </p>

AP Chem*
AP Euro*
Span 3
English Hon*
Alg 2/Trig</p>

AP Bio*
AP Comp Sci A*
Adv Choir (Sec. Leader)*
AP Spanish 4*
AP English 3 (Language)*
Pre-calc Hon.*</p>

<p>Projected Senior year:
AP Gov/Econ*
AP Psych*
AP English 4(Lit)*
AP Calc BC*
AP Physics*
Adv Choir*</p>

<p>Released Sat ii/AP Exam Scores:
Euro: 4
Chem: 5
Chem Sat: 750</p>

2 Yr. NHS (Secretary)
3 Yr. Make a Diff. (Activities Commisioner)
1 Yr. Kiwanis (Member)
3 Yr. Choir Board (Librarian & Publicist)
1 Yr. USNCO Local and National Exam. Didn’t qualify top 150.
1 Yr. Track and field JV.
5 Yr. Help teach karate at local studio and boys and girls clubs. ~10h a week.
2 Yr. Volunteer at local hospital on sundays. ~5h Week.
2 Yr. Senate (Posters and publicizing school events. Kind of a jr. Student Gov)</p>

<p>My worries are GPA. :/</p>

<p>======= Background:

  • First-generation female, Chinese student
  • Dad: Associate’s Degree, Mom: HS Degree
  • Divorced parents a few months ago
  • Bankruptcy + $20k income (3 people)
  • Class of 650
  • Everyone takes an AP class or five</p>

<p>======= Schools:
Major - Computer Science | Minor - Design (if possible)

<p>======= GPA
UW: 3.74
W: 4.22</p>

<p>======= APs:
World History - 4</p>

Calculus AB - 5
U.S. History - 4
English Literature and Composition - 4</p>

Calculus BC
Economics: Macroeconomics
Economics: Microeconomics (maybe)
U.S. Government and Politics
Physics B</p>

<p>======= SAT I
680 - 620 - 620 = 1920
720 - 710 - 710 = 2140</p>

<p>======= SAT II
Math II - Not taken yet (expecting 700+)
Physics - Not taken yet (expecting 700+)</p>

<p>======= Extracurricular Activities
Ballet (9 years)
I have danced ballet for 9 years, and I have been part of 23 performances total. This year I will be part of a duet, which is a great honor.</p>

<p>Computer graphics (9 years)
Digital artist; this was a hobby that became a job</p>

<p>Ambassador (Girls Who Code) (12)
I teach computer science to girls in two-hour-long weekly meetings at the public library. I also organize field trips to tech companies like eBay and Twitter. </p>

<p>Worked on a school mural (12)
With Photoshop, I helped design, create, and modify mockups for the school’s new painted mural. I am also part of the painting team.</p>

<p>Ran a informal study (10)
I polled 554 members of a gaming community to see if those who chose to play a certain character type were inclined to play another specific type. (They were.)</p>

<p>======= Community Service
CSF - 3 years
Key Club - 3 years
Organizer + graphic designer for hackathon at Paypal this February-- got $10,000 in prizes to give out.
Library - 1 summer</p>

<p>======= Work Experience
Graphic Design - 3 years paid
Web developer - 1 year paid</p>

<p>I use my money to buy EVERYTHING except shelter and food; this includes dance classes, school supplies, events like prom, clothes, tests, computers, and college application fees. My dad can literally afford nothing besides that.</p>

<p>Hello, I have already submitted my application and was wondering what my chances are (UCLA is my top school):</p>

UCLA: Math/Econ
UCB: Undeclared (Pre Business)
UCSB: Electrical Engineering
UCSD: Electrical Engineering
UCD: Electrical Engineering</p>

<p>Ethnicity: White (Persian)
Gender: Male
Live in Northern California</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.2
Un-Weighted GPA: 3.85
Qualified for ELC (Top 9%) according to my UC application page</p>

<p>SAT: 2020 (740 M, 680 CR, 600 W)
SAT Subject Tests: Biology:690 Math II: 690</p>

<p>Will have taken 4 APs and 5 Honors
3s on AP Bio and AP Lit</p>

<p>Extra Curricular Activities:</p>

<p>-ASB President (Senior year)
-ASB Secretary (Junior year)
-Class President (Sophomore year)
-Class President (Freshman year)
-Academy of Integrated Humanities and New Media (AIM) (Junior and Senior year): a two year film program that incorporates English, History, and a documentary class. Aside from learning in the classroom we get to go out and make documentaries on topics we find provocative and interesting.
-AIM Intern (Senior year): One of the 6 interns out of 80 students for the film program above
-Engineering Internship (Summer of 2013): I was able to design, prototype, and fabricate my own project.</p>

<p>Personal Statements: One of them is about how I have been a leader since I was young and what makes me want to continue to be a leader in the future (Stronger Essay). The other is about the film program I am in and how I have learned how to problem solve and think on my feet.</p>

UCB- High Match/Reach
UCLA- High Match/Reach
UCD- Low Match
UCI- Low Match

<p>Race: Afghan
Parents came as refugees with absolutely no formal education.</p>

<p>SAT I (cr-m-w):</p>

580-710-630 <----probably sending this one</p>

<p>WEIGHTED GPA: 3.0 <—My focusing issues are worse than you can imagine</p>

<p>Calculus AB: 5 (subscore)

<p>Wrote a moving Personal statement #1 and a meh #2</p>

<p>CHANCE ME (Computer Science B.S.)</p>

<p>San Diego
Santa Cruz
Berkeley (yeah…)</p>

<p>For what it’s worth, I’m president of the math club, 2 years track/field (freshman/sophomore), and about 250 hours of community service.</p>

<p>I am a white (middle eastern) California resident female from a somewhat highly acclaimed high school. My essay was about my mothers death and how it inspired me to become a strong committer and leader, and the second was about my contentness in robotics.</p>

<p>GPA Uwd: 3.66
GPA Wtd: 4.16
SAT: 1960 (M: 750, Wr: 650, CR: 560)
ACT: 28 (with a 34 on math)
AP: Spanish(3), Environmental Science(4), Physics B(4), Literature</p>

<p>I’ve been taking accelerated math courses through USC (Calculus I and Calculus II my 2nd sem junior and 1st sem senior year) and have a 3.5 GPA at the university
I also took US History over the summer there.</p>

<p>Awards: AP Scholar</p>

-Marching Band 4 years [Colorguard Captain (11/12)]
-Winterguard 4 years
-Piccolo 3 years
-Robotics (FRC and VEX) 3 years, Vice President (11/12)
-JSA 2 years
-Music Leadership Camp Summer 2013
-Cguard Camp Volunteer Summer 2012/2013
-Tutor 4 years</p>

<p>My chances for UC Berkeley(astrophysics), Davis(applied math), San Diego(applied math), and Santa Cruz(aerospace engineering cos why not)??</p>

<p>Schools: UCSD UCLA</p>

<p>Major: Chemical Engineering
Weighted GPA: 4.5
Unweighted GPA: 4.0</p>

<p>Freshman Classes:
English 1(H)
Algebra 2/Trig(H)
Medical Biology
Architectural Design
Spanish 1</p>

<p>Sophomore Classes:
English 2(H)
Ap Biology
Spanish 2
World History

<p>Junior Classes:
Spanish 3
Ap Calc AB
English 3 (H)
Ap US History

<p>Senior Classes:
AP Statistics
AP Calc BC-Independent study
AP Spanish and Language Culture
English 4/Speech
AP Government and US Politics
(I am going to take all four of the AP tests this year)</p>

<p>Test Scores ACT:
Composite - 33
Reading - 33
Math - 34
English - 28
Science - 35
Writing - 8</p>

<p>AP Scores
Calc AB - 5
Biology - 5
US History - 5</p>

<p>I did not take any SAT subject tests, because after taking the SAT I sided more with the ACT. Do you think this will largely affect my chances for these schools?</p>

I have about 400 hours of community service from volunteering at a preschool for children with autism, volunteering at a local gymnasium, unpaid tutoring, and helper at a local karate studio.
I have been working for almost two years now and work about 10 hrs/week during school and around 20 hrs/week over the summer.
Part of the NHS and Interact Club at school
I am an elite level gymnast and train about 8-10 hours/ week.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.205</p>

<p>Math SAT: 610</p>

<p>Writing SAT: 600</p>

<p>Reading: 640</p>

<p>I didn’t take the biology SAT because of family issues on the day the test was scheduled. </p>

<p>Do I have any chances to get accepted to a UC under a biology major? </p>

<p>I have competed at national levels for debate teams and speaking competitions, I’m president of clubs, ive played sports all through high school, I’ve hosted a foreign exchange student, I’ve had five different jobs that I’ve kept for months some even for years, and over 700 hours of community service in high school.</p>

<p>@TJ2014: UCSD ChemE should be a solid match for you. Your AP scores are high enough to make up for not taking SAT Subject tests.</p>

<p>@Knockout135: What ethnicity are you? Have you taken any AP exams?</p>

<p>Schools: UCB, UCLA, UCSD</p>

<p>Major: Computer Science
Weighted GPA: 4.1
Unweighted GPA: 3.8</p>

<p>Freshman Classes:
English 1A
Algebra 2
Drama 1
Spanish 1</p>

<p>Sophomore Classes:
English 2A
AP World
Spanish 2

<p>Junior Classes:
Spanish 3
AP Calc AB
English 3
AP US History
AP Physics B</p>

<p>Senior Classes:
AP Eng Lang and Comp
AP Calc BC
AP Macro
AP Gov and Politics
Intro to Comp Sci</p>

<p>Test Scores SAT:
750 M
800 CR
800 W
2350 total</p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests:
800 Math 2
710 U.S. History</p>

<p>AP Scores
Calc AB - 5
US History - 5
Physics B - 4
World History - 3</p>

Debate Captain
1 year JV Football, 1 year varsity Football
About 250 hours volunteering through a math summer camp, NHS, and Friends of Children with Special Needs</p>

<p>Note: I’m applying to Comp Sci at Berkeley through the College of Letters & Sciences and NOT EECS.</p>

<p>Chance me!
Schools : Berkeley, LA, SD, Irvine, Davis
Major - computer science
Weighted - 4.3
AP - chem (5) psych and calc ab
(All I have in my school)</p>

<p>Sat (R,M,W)
Subject tests
Chem (790) math2 (800) physics (800)</p>

NHS (12th)
XC (11-12)
President of movie club
Volunteered in boys and girls club teaching youth how to use technology
Habitat for humanity
Photography club
International club</p>

<p>@jerrynomenon: What is your UC GPA? You shouldn’t have a problem getting into Irvine, Davis, and SD. For Berkeley, it depends on whether you applied as EECS and your GPA.</p>

9th in canada
Social studies 90 - B
Eng 2nd Lang A10 - B
Language arts B90 -C
Math 90 - A
Sciense 90 - B
Arts 90 - C</p>

History - A
English Honors - B
Geometery honors - A
Chem - A
Spanish honors - A</p>

History - A
English III - A
Pre cal honors - A
Physics honors - A
Spanish 2 honors - A</p>

<p>12th 1Q
English 4 honors - A
Ap calculus - A
Latin I honors - A
AP Psych - B</p>

<p>I have no idea how to calculate UC GPA…</p>

<p>@uclastudent and yes, I applied as EECS. How about ucla?</p>

<p>Weighted UC GPA: 4.33
Unweighted GPA: 4.00
SAT 2130: 690 Writing, 800 Math, 640 Reading
SAT II: 780 Math, 690 Physics, 770 Chinese Listening
ACT 33: 35 English, 36 Math, 29 Reading, 31 Science, Essay 8
AP: 4 on Calc AB, 4 on Physics B, 5 on Music Theory
Rank 17/400ish
Senior Year: AP Calc BC, AP Spanish 5, Honors Engineering, English, Gov, Jazz Band, Orchestra
Lots of music related ECs.
Intended Major: Computer Engineering/Science</p>

<p>Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego, Davis</p>

<p>@jerrynomenon: Berkeley and UCLA are probably out of reach because of freshman grades and few AP’s. Do people with your stats usually get in from your HS?</p>

<p>@Elucidaze: SD, Davis are matches. Berkeley, LA are high matches/low reaches.</p>