The Official UC Chance Thread

Your UC GPA/SAT suggest you’d be a strong candidate for UCSC, UCR and UCM, The others will be a stretch.

Look into SDSU, a very good school and another viable option. Privates like USD and LMU may award you enough of a tuition break to make them compelling.

Good luck

Hispanic First Generation Male
I am in state
Ranked Top 50% in School
Weighted GPA: 3.68
Unweighted GPA: 3.39
UC GPA: 3.9
SAT Score: 1850
EC’s: Band Program (4 years), Link Crew (2 years), 2 Clubs
Volunteer Activity: Over 300 Hours as Summer School tutor, assistant Office Manager
Sports: Martial Arts outside of School, Swimming 9th-10th grade, Cross Country 9th grade
9 AP/Honors Classes total
Senior Year Classes:
AP English
AP Gov/Econ
Jazz Ensemble
Wind Ensemble
Social Teaching

Majors that I want to do:
Electrical Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

I want to get into schools like UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Irvine. I might apply to UC Davis, but only depending on my chances into the other schools. Other schools I’m looking at include both Cal Poly’s, San Diego State, USF, and more. But what are my chances to get into these UC’s?

Both your GPA and SAT are pretty well below ‘average’ for SB, D and CPSLO but, you aren’t totally out of range so go ahead and apply - just understand, they are both unlikely. You are a much stronger candidate. UCSC and UCR.

SDSU and USF are layups…

Good luck

What about Irvine? That’s the UC that I would really like to get into. Thank you!

I’ve put together statements that the UC rep felt were very well written. I am a reentry student with a 4.0 GPA top of my class at my CC, however my poorer past academics lower my overall GPA to a 3.1. I am in a few clubs for good grades and my major which is psychology, and volunteer in a relevant and good cause related to my major and have some work experience in mental health.

Please chance for

Thank you, will update results, am really aiming for UCI.

Please Chance Me for UCI, UCSB, UCB, UCLA and UCSD
Major: Chemistry
Asian, Male, First generation, immigrant

U/W GPA: 3.85
UC GPA: 4.15
Rank: Top 4% (out of 489) *School is 80% Asians, best in the area)

AP classes that I have took with AP test scores:
Physics 1 (4)
Calculus BC (5)

AP classes currently taking
AP Civics
AP Chemistry
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics

CSF (3 years)
Key Club (3 years)
After school teacher assistant (3 years)

Leadership position
CSF (Treasurer)
Key Club (Historian, Division News Editor)

JV Tennis ( 3 years)

SAT (second time): 1970 (Math: 710, CR: 600, Writing: 660) (9 on essay)
SAT (first time): 1910 (Math: 690, CR: 610, Writing: 610) (8 on essay)
SAT Subject Test Math 2: 760

ACT Composite 27

Community Service 160+ hours

I’m not a good test taker, but I tried really hard in school. English is not my first language either. I’ve came here for 5 years and by laws I’m legally a US citizen.

My top choice: LA, Berkeley, San Diego, Santa Barbara, Irvine.

I’m an international student from Nigeria, UCLA is my top choice
School type: Private, boarding (British/Nigerian curriculum)
My current GPA: 3.5
I don’t know my UC GPA
I’m about to take my SATs
IGCSE: Math, english, biology, physics, chemistry, ict
WAEC: english, math, biology, physics, chemistry, computer studies, data processing, french, music, civic education, economics
My school doesn’t offer AP or Honors classes but our classes are just as rigorous

Senior course load: Calculus, Advanced Algebra and Statistics, Advanced Trig, Advanced Geometry, English, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Civic Education, Data Processing, Computer studies, Music, Economics, french

Extracurricular: Drama club (coordinator)-6 years; Track and field events and soccer (captain)- 4 years; Student government ( Marshall&Prefect)- 3 years; Chapel and school choir(leader)- 4 years; violin (8 years); piano (3 years)

Community Service: Girl Guides Association of Nigeria (4 years); Alter nurse at church ( 1 year); Sunday school teacher(1 year); tutor(4 years)

Work experience: Nurse Assistant (2 years); Babysitter(4 years); teacher’s assistant(2 years) [ i have limited work experience because it’s extremely difficult for a secondary school student to get a job due to the unemployment issue in my country]

Awards: Academic Merit award (9th, 10th); ABRSM Merit Award (11th, 12th); Best results in National exam (9th)

Intended major: 1st choice psychology, 2nd choice pediatrics

I’ve been told my first essay is a nine and second is an eight, so i’m working on them for a ten out of ten

Please chance me for UCLA, Berkeley, UCSD, UIUC, SDSU


UCSD-High Match/Low Reach
UCSB-High Match

Having over a 4.00 UC GPA gives you a good shot at San Diego, Santa Barbara & Irvine. Just apply and hope for the best with Cal Berkeley and UCLA.


UC Irvine-High Match/Low Reach
UC Santa Cruz-Match
UC Santa Barbara-Low Reach
UC Davis-Low Reach

Chance me for UCLA, UCB, UCSD, and UCSB?

Canadian Applicant from public school.
GPA: since our system is different, i would guess it’s around 3.7
Highest SAT: 2200 (previously: 2100,2060)
I’m currently waiting for my SAT 2 Math’s score

previously taken APs:
Chemistry (4)
Physics 1 (4)
Biology (4)
Calculus AB (5)

currently taken courses:
Physics 2 AP
Calculus BC AP
Macro/Microeconomics AP
English Literature AP

Previously taken grade 12 courses:
Pre calc 12
French 12
Chem 12 AP
Bio 12 AP
Calc AB AP
English Lit 12

Competitive Dance Club (audition based) : 4 years
World Vision club: 2 years
Grade Council: 2 years

volunteer work:
Camp Leader at Science Camp: 1 summer
Volunteer at festivals in the community: 1 summer
Volunteer at old people’s home: 1 year

Leadership positions:
World Vision: Vice Prez
Physics Club: Vice
G.A.I.N.: Marketing Director
Red Cross: senior member

I’m hoping to major in chemistry or chemical engineering

^ I calculated my UC GPA and it’s 4.00
However, I used and it asked for semester marks and my school uses the term system (3 report cards a year). Would that change anything?

Hi guys,

I an out of state applicant from Washington State. I applied to UCB, UCLA, UCD, UCI, UCSB, UCSD for chemical engineering.

Below are my stats

GPA is probably my weakest stat
CC GPA : 3.61 (currently, will be 3.7 or close to 3.7 by the end of this fall)

PREREQ GPA : 3.3 (will be 3.4-ish after this fall quarter)
I will be most likely to miss a biology course and a programming course (matlab), note:some UC don’t require these two.

Personal Statement should be my strongest part (I had 4 people look at it and they said it’s great).

Experiences, Volunteers, Jobs (should be great too but some jobs that I have done does not relate to my major)
-Math tutor for students with disabilities
-Expeditor, helping companies/sole proprietors in Indonesia to get goods from China (yes, for real, I am not originally from US).
-Grounds maintenance worker
-Store manager
-Multilingual. Speak 4 languages fluently almost on daily basis.

Please no need to remind me about the out of state tuition crap, I know it is expensive, if not then I wouldn’t have applied.

Also is it true that UCs don’t consider your cc grades in spring and winter quarter? I know that around January 2016 we have to update our fall 2015 grades, so it definitely matters, how about the winter and spring quater grades? anyone know?

Thank you guys! I will chance you back if you need to!

Chance me please!

OOS applicant from Nevada, applying to UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UCD, UCI, UCSB
White male

GPA (UW): 3.92
GPA (W): 4.54
UC GPA: 4.18

SAT I: 2190
SAT I Math: 730
SAT I CR: 710
SAT I Writing: 750

ACT Composite: 34
English: 36
Math: 32
Reading: 34
Science: 32
English/Writing: 33
Writing: 9

SAT II Biology E: 720
SAT II US History: 800
SAT II World History: 780

12th Grade Courses:
AP Calculus AB
AP Biology
AP Literature
AP US Government
Regular Psychology

Science Bowl 9th-12th grade (team captain 9th and 12th grade)
Internship at a biology lab at Stanford summer after 11th grade
FTC Robotics 11th-12th
Science Olympiad 9th-12th
~120 hrs volunteering (at children’s museum, library etc)
We the People (academic competition based on the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc)

I am undecided on a major, and I chose “Unspecified Letters and Science” for Berkeley and undeclared majors for most other campuses. I am sure, however, that I do not want to go into engineering.

UC GPA: 4.04
Unweighted GPA: 3.75
Weighted (Uncapped) UC GPA: 4.18

Sophomore Year: Honors Chem, Honors English, Honors Precalc, Honors Euro History
Junior Year: AP Chem, AP English, AP Calc BC, APUSH, Spanish 3, and Econ+Psych 101 @ Community College
Senior Year: AP Statistics, AP Gov, AP English, AP Physics C, Multivariable Calc

BTW, I got a few Bs sophomore year, but only 1 B in AP Chem Junior year (really good upward trend)

California Resident

SAT Reasoning Scores: 2320; 750 CR, 800 W; 770 M

SAT Subject Test Math Level II: 800

Will apply Letters and Science; Most likely under Public Policy or something along those lines.
Cal Poly SLO
(Any other suggestions for schools?)

Eagle Scout
Scout of the Year
Dr. Bernard Harris STEM award
Library Intern (Organized Summer Reading Program)
Math Tutor (50+ volunteer hours)
Volunteered at a nonprofit childcare (150+ hours)
Member of a few clubs at school
Summer classes at UC Berkeley for the last two years
Community College Classes
NM commended
Blah, blah, blah a few other things

Can someone please chance me on these schools:
UCLA - Environmental Science
UCSB- Environmental Science
UCDavis- Environmental Policy and Planning
UC Santa Cruz- Environmental Science

First Generation Male Latino - good essay
low income

GPA - Weighted: 3.70 <-- UC GPA

SAT I Math: 480
SAT I Critical Reading: 650
SAT I Writing: 530
Total: 1650

AP Classes - 9 planned

AP Environmental Science- 3
AP Lang - 3
AP Psychology - 3
AP Human Geo - 3

12 grade Courses

AP Government
H Econ
AP Bio
AP Lit
AP Stats
Academic Decathlon

President of Key Club- 2 years with over 400 hours of community service
2 years LAUSD academic Decathlon
2 years Boys and Girls Club
2 years of Youth Group at church
2 years of volunteering at an animal shelter
Sales associate at Bridal Shop over summer

Chance me for UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI, and UCD?

UC W GPA: 4.22
UC UW GPA: 3.93
HS Weighted GPA: 4.247

CA Resident

SAT Reasoning Scores (by section): 2270–770 CR 740 Math 760 Writing (superscored:2310–770 780 760)
SAT II Scores: Math II 800, Bio M 730 (retaking next week)
ACT: 35 Composite (36 English, 34 M, 34 R, 34 S)
APs: 5 Calc BC, 5 APUSH, 4 AP Computer Science A, 4 APEURO, 4 AP Lang

Taking Advanced Computer Programming: Data Structures and Linear Algebra this year (each are 1 semester)

List a few of your most important ECs (a list of 20+ items is not needed):
2nd degree black belt in Taekwondo, went to tons of tournaments, assisted classes 3 days/week as member of Special Team of Role Models, on Demo Team, and much more
Secretary/Treasurer of Interact, which I’ve been in for all 4 years
Treasurer of Healing Humanity
Secretary of Investment Club
3 month internship at JibaSoft Inc. (a startup) as a tester of their software
Played on school basketball team in 10th and 11th, was starter/co-captain in 11th
National Merit Commended Scholar
AP Scholar with Distinction
National Youth Leadership Forum: Medicine (summer after 10th grade)
Went to Punjabi school at temple for 6 years
Received Discus Awards Finalist Scholarship

Thank you!

I’m a California senior.

UC Berkeley (Bioengineering?)
UCLA (Electrical Engineering)
UCSB (Electrical Engineering/Alt: Neuroscience)
UCSD (Bioengineering/Alt: Marine Biology)
UC Davis (Biomedical Engineering/Alt: Genetics)
UC Irvine (Biomedical Engineering/Alt: Pharmacy)

SAT I (breakdown): n/a
ACT (breakdown):
March // 33 C 35 E 34 R 29 M 33 S
September // 33 C 36 E 36 R 29 M 30 S
SAT II: n/a
GPA: 3.8 UW 3.9 W 4.03 UC (upward trend)
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): top 15% (9-12), top 10% (10-12)
AP (place score in parenthesis): World History (4), Biology (3), English Lang. and Comp (5), US History (5 - self study)
IB (place score in parenthesis): n/a
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calc AB, AP Micro, AP Macro, AP Environ Sci, Marching/Symphonic, Jazz Ensemble, Online US Government
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Nothing huge, my school doesn’t have any honor societies or something similar. Highest alternate & most quizzes completed in Academic Decathlon. Bronze Award for Girl Scouts.

Marching Band (Section leader 2 years, taught and graded students, extra hours put in, etc.),
Symphonic Band (Section leader 2 years),
Jazz Ensemble (Lead 1 year, receives awards at competition),
Academic Decathlon (Highest scoring alternate),
Service clubs (not too many hours filed in any one club),
Girl Scouts (10+ years, Bronze Award),
Robotics (1 year, it just started at my school)

Job/Work Experience: n/a

Volunteer/Community service: Girl Scouts

Summer Activities: Sugarloaf (music camp, got jazz award and a half scholarship), Biotechnology and various other classes at Sac State.

Essays: Personal statement about my rare disorder and how I was inspired by doctors to do medical research, how it affects me now, etc. Other essay about my experiences with failure in marching band and how I have grown through that group.
Teacher Rec: 2 English, 1 Science, 1 French (3 years).
Counselor Rec: She knows me well, so probably decent at least.
Additional Rec: n/a
Interview: n/a

Applied for Financial Aid?: n/a
State (if domestic applicant): CA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: large public, not super competitive or undercompetitive
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: 100k from one parent
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): My disease, I skipped mid year 6th grade

@Tanasta I’m not very familiar with transfer admissions but you seem to have a good chance at UCD, UCSB, UCI & UCSD.

UCB/UCLA:High Match
UCSD: Match

UCB/UCLA:Low Reach
UCSD:High Match

UCLA:High Reach
UC Santa Cruz:High Match/Low Reach.

UCB/UCLA:High Match

UCB: Reach
UCLA: Low Reach
UCSD: High Match

Chance me for UCLA, UCB, UCSD, and UCSB?

Canadian Applicant from public school.
GPA: since our system is different, i would guess it’s around 3.8
UC GPA: 4.0
Highest SAT: 2200 (previously: 2100,2060)
SAT MATH2: 770

previously taken APs:
Chemistry (4)
Physics 1 (4)
Biology (4)
Calculus AB (5)

currently taken courses:
Physics 2 AP
Calculus BC AP
Macro/Microeconomics AP
English Literature AP

Previously taken grade 12 courses:
Pre calc 12
French 12
Chem 12 AP
Bio 12 AP
Calc AB AP
English Lit 12

Competitive Dance Club (audition based) : 4 years
World Vision club: 2 years
Grade Council: 2 years

volunteer work:
Camp Leader at Science Camp: 1 summer
Volunteer at festivals in the community: 1 summer
Volunteer at old people’s home: 1 year

Leadership positions:
World Vision: Vice Prez
Physics Club: Vice
G.A.I.N.: Marketing Director
Red Cross: senior member

I’m hoping to major in chemistry or pharmaceutical sciences

Chance me, please?

UC Berkeley (Unspecified Letters & Sciences)
UCLA (Biochem, Alt: Lingusitics)
UCSD (Biochem/Molecular)
UC Davis (Food Science)

ACT (breakdown):
April // 31 C 35 E 30 R 26 M 31 S
GPA: 3.78 UW, school doesn’t have weighted GPAs
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
AP (place score in parenthesis): Macro (5), English Lang. and Comp (4)
IB (place score in parenthesis): Predicted scores - HL Bio (7), HL Mandarin (7), SL Math (6), SL Chem (6)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Micro, AP Lit, H2 Bio, H2 Mandarin, S2 Math, S2 Chem, Journalism
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): none

Volunteer/Community Service:
A million service clubs; can’t list all on the app obvi: H4H, Food of Love (cooking with orphans), Medical Mission Club (providing free medical screenings), Global Issues Network Conference, Animal Welfare Club President,

Job/Work Experience: Summer camp counsellor for 5 - 11 year olds for the past 3 years

Extracurriculars: School Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Indian Club President, 3 years of Varsity Track & Field, 3 years JV Soccer, 3 years JV Touch Rugby (don’t think I’ll include this), Investment Club

Summer Activities: Working at the summer camp ^

Essays: An experience I had in China + How my city has influenced me to want to start an NGO later in life
Teacher Rec: HL Bio teacher, AP Lang teacher
Counselor Rec: She’s new so I’ve only known her for 3 months, but we get along. It’ll be decent.
Additional Rec: n/a
Interview: n/a

Applied for Financial Aid?: n/a
Country (if international applicant): Indonesia
School Type: Private international school
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: 100k+
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): nothing really