The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>^Well, you didn't specify what officer position, but yeah I think treasurer, secretary, VP, and president are the ones that matter.</p>

<p>asian female
middle class
california permanent resident
3.55 unweighted gpa =(</p>

<p>senior schedule-
AP calc BC
AP US Gov't
AP English Lit
AP Stats
honors spanish 3
honors economics</p>

<p>SAT I- 2000
SAT II math- 690
history-600 =(</p>

(10, 11 12)
key club
JV tennis</p>

<p>chances for
UCB =(

<p>Not enough information about your SAT. Does your UW=W=UC GPA? If not, and in the offchance that your nonAs were all from freshman year, then you still have a shot at UCLA/UCB/UCSD. Otherwise,
UCSD: Slight Reach/Reach
UCI/UCD: High Match/Match</p>

<p>sorry about that
my UC gpa is 3.85
weighted, i think, would be about 3.9-4.0</p>


<p>If that's the case, I would put UCSD towards a high match/match and UCB/UCLA as Slight Reach/Reach</p>

<p>people always forget to read my posts!!
ok, now that everything is finalized, can you guys give me my chances for the following UCs? Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>UCB: Biochemisty/ Molecular Biology Major
UCLA: Biochemistry
UCSD: Bioengineering: Premedical (Revelle)
UCI: Biomedical Engineering: Premed
UCSB: Biochemistry
UCR: Biochemistry (Already guaranteed through Highlander Scholar Program)</p>


<p>Rank 3/656 in a rural high school (not too competitive) I took the hardest course load possible. Also, I am ELC.
UC GPA: 4.27
SAT:CR 650 W 670 M 760= Total of 2080
SAT II: Math II 730
Korean 760
College Board's AP Scholar with Honor
Altar Boy
COSMOS Bioengineering
(that's all; I had limited opportunities due to the combination of my rural surroundings and lack of transportation. I explained this in my essay.)</p>

<p>I doubt you have an issue getting into any UCs with your GPA and SAT. That with ELC would seemingly predict some sort of scholarship at Irvine/SB/possibly Davis.</p>

<p>thank you peppers!</p>

<p>My high school GPA is 3.96 UW, how do you calculate UC GPA? do you know what it would be weighted in the UC system?
Rank: 18/660 UW rank</p>

<p>9th grade coursework:
Social studies Honors - A, A, A, A
English Honors - A, B, A, A
Geometry Honors - A, A, A, A
Biology Honors - A, A, A, A
Spanish 2 - A, A, A, A
Social Dance - A, A, No course, No course</p>

<p>10th grade coursework
AP American History - A, A, A, A
English 3-4 Honors - A, A, A, A
Competitive Speaking - A, A, A, A
Intermediate Alegreba Honors - A, A, A, A
Chemistry 1-2 Honors - A, A, A, A
Spanish 3- A, B, A, A
AP Art History - A, A, A, A</p>

<p>11th grade coursework
IB European History HL1 - A, A, A, A
IB English HL1- A, A, A, A
Pre Calc - A, A, A, A
IB Chemistry SL - A, A, B, A
IB Biology HL1 - A, A, A, A
Spanish 4 - A, A, A, A
Concurrent Computer Tech - A, A, No course, No course</p>

<p>12th grade coursework
AP US Government - A
IB European History HL2 - A
Debate 5-6 - A
IB English HL2 - B
IB Mathemathics (Calc) -A
AP Physics 3-4B - A
AP Spanish - A</p>

<p>Test Scores - This is where it gets ugly</p>

<p>ACT - 1st time
31 Composite
26 English
33 Math
36 Reading
27 Science</p>

<p>ACT - 2nd time
32 Composite
28 English
32 Math
32 Reading
34 Science</p>

<p>So 33 composite superscored, do they superscore?</p>

2000 Total
740 Math
660 CR
600 W</p>

<p>Subject Tests
610 - Literature
640 - Math IIC
640 - US History</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities
Debate 10-11th grade 22 hrs/wk 28 wks/yr Debate Captain
Model UN 9-12th grade 15 hrs/wk 12 wks/yr Captain
MESA 9-12th grade 8hrs/wk 38 wks/yr
Key Club 10-12th grade 5hrs/wk 20wks/yr
DECA 10-12th grade 8 hrs/wk 15wks/yr</p>

<p>Community Service
American Red Cross 11-12th grade 15hrs/wk 12wks/yr</p>

<p>Work Experience
Telephone Surveyor 10-12th grade 27 hrs/wk Jun 2006-Aug 2007</p>

<p>Chances for an OOS applicant for UCB, UCLA, UCI, UCD</p>

<p>UC's don't superscorebut I think a 32 composite is pretty good for all the UC's..</p>

<p>China, you're in everywhere, I'd guess.</p>

<p>Jason Lee, you too.</p>

<p>Which UCs could I get into?</p>


<p>I am from Boston, MA and currently a junior in high school.</p>

-I have a weighted 96 GPA (Out of a possible 120, highest in my class is a 117)
-I am currently taking 2 AP classes with intention of taking 3 more next year
-I recieved a 155 on my PSAT and hope for a 1650 on my SATs (low but I am horrible at tests wah)
-Top 40% class but hope to be top 30% by the end of this school year.</p>

-Amnesty International (9-current)
-Model UN (10-current, also won many awards at confrences and vice president this year. Will be president of club next year)
-Junior State of America (10-current, vice president this year, president next year)
-Student Council (9- current)
-Mock Trial (10-current)
-Mentor program for freshman (10-current)
-School Orchestra (9-10)
-JVA Soccer(9)
-JV Winter Track (9)
-Girl Scouts (2nd grade- current, president of troop this and next year, Completed Bronze and Gold Award as well.)
-Soccer Coach of town U6 soccer (9-current)</p>

<p>-I have a lot of community service hours but have never counted them up to be honest. Service isn't about logging my every move I just do it becuase I love it.</p>

<p>-I have also been on 6 service trips around the world. I have done things like Habitat for Humanity in South Africa and helped out at AIDS orphanges in Trinidad. All of these were with my chuch and other Christian groups.</p>

<p>-I know I am not the strongest student but I have a low GPA becuase I slacked off the first year or so in high school. I have gotten better. I also think I have pretty good extra c's so hopefully colleges will value those as well?</p>

<p>-I plan to major in Pol. Sci.</p>

<p>I wouldn't look above Merced or Riverside if I were you. Maybe Santa Cruz if you're lucky. Low SATs are fine if you have a great GPA, or the opposite to a lesser degree, but your grades and your test scores are both below average for all but those two schools.</p>

<p>^I would agree to some extent. I have no idea what a 90/120 is on our curve, but that is probably not a level that would be considered competitive. Still, consider that you still have options. As a junior, your UC GPA is only your sophomore year grades as of now. Do well in junior year, and you may well see your GPA go up, at least with respect to the UCs. Your tests can also improve since you probably haven't taken your SATs yet. Being a bad test taker cannot be used as an excuse in your case, since your GPA isn't supporting the argument that you're an overall excellent student. If you could bring that up to a 1900, and assuming that your UC GPA approaches a 3.7, you might be able to consider Irvine/SB/Davis. If you do better than that, well, the top tier is still marginally within reach.</p>

<p>LL34, If you don't mind my asking what makes it worth 00S tuition to go to "any" UC? I mean, I might understand certain ones for certain things but are they ALL worth it?</p>

<p>PS: congrats on the Gold Award!</p>

<p>I wouldn't apply to all of them,, just wondering which ones I might have a shot at (which right now is looking like none haha)</p>

<p>W GPA: 3.39
UW GPA: 2.68
UC GPA: 3.24
Class Rank:131/652</p>

<p>California resident/Asian
1st generation college student
Low Income family
After this year 17 semesters of AP courses
GPA improvement from sophomore to junior year (3.0-->3.6)</p>

<p>Intended Majors
Davis: Economics/Political Science </p>

<p>Irvine: Economics/Political Science </p>

<p>Los Angeles: Economics (Pre)/Political Science (Pre) </p>

<p>Riverside: Business Economics/Economics </p>

<p>San Diego: Economics/Political Science
John Muir:1, Earl Warren:2, Sixth College:3, Eleanor Roosevelt:4, Thurgood Marshall:5, Revelle:6 </p>

<p>Santa Barbara: Economics/Political Science </p>

<p>Santa Cruz: Business Mgmt/Economics Economics</p>

<p>Cal Poly SLO: Business Economics/Economics </p>

<p>Freshman Year
Algebra I: A C
English: A A
Debate: B A
Spanish: A B
Pathways/Heath & Safety: B B
PE: A A</p>

<p>Summer: Geometry: B B</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
English: A A
Spanish: B B
Algebra 2: C C
Biology Honors: B B
AP World History: C C
Tennis: A A</p>

<p>Summer: Chemistry: B B</p>

<p>Junior Year
Spanish: A A
AP Art History: A B
AP Chemisty/ TA: C P
AP US History: B B
Trig/Pre-cal: C C
AP Language: B B</p>

<p>Senior Schedule
AP Government
AP Statistics
AP Literature
AP Physics
Spanish 7/8 (4th year)
Elementary Calculus</p>

<p>SAT:1740 (CR:530, M:600, W:610, Essay:9)
SAT IIs: Math II: 590, US History 480
ACT: 27 (E:26, M:30, R:24, S:26, Essay:10)</p>

<p>AP Tests
AP World History: 3
APLanguage: 3
AP US History: 2</p>

<p>Planned AP Tests
AP Government
AP Statistics
AP Literature
AP Physics</p>

Tennis (3 years)Captain for JV Tennis 1 yr and 1yr of Varsity - 900hrs
Debate (1 year) - 180 hrs
Key Club (3 years) - 108 hrs
Internship at Kron Communications (4 years) (Business related) - 416 hrs
Chinese Tutoring (4 years) - 416 hrs
Cultura Latina- Latin Culture Club (1 year) - 36 hrs</p>

MVP for JV Tennis (10th)
CSF - 1 semester</p>

<p>Essay were well written.
Prompt 1: I wrote about my family's financial situation during my junior year and my single parent working household. I also linked that to the business internship I had and worked at throughout high school.</p>

<p>Prompt 2: I wrote about my passion for tennis and my leadership postion during my years on the team.</p>

<p>Prompt 3: I wrote about being sick very often during my sophomore year and also the passing of my grandparents during that year and how it affected my grades. There was a lot of stress last year.</p>

Thanks in advance to all those who are chancing me. =)</p>

<p>UCLA/UCSD: Reach
UCD/UCI/UCSB: Slight Reach/High Match
CP SLO: High Match
UCSC/UCR: Match</p>

<p>Thanks a bunch Peppers. What would you think the percentage of slight reach/high match be because I'm really aiming for those mid-tiers.</p>

<p>OK guys, I need some input of whether or not you think I'll be accepted into UCI or not...
I've applied to UCI, UCB, UCLA, UCM, UCSD, UCR, and UCD, but UCI is my first choice. After crunching the numbers, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get in, but I'd like to hear it from some other familiar with the UC system.
I'm currently and in-state senior who's looking to get into Political Science (which doesn't look like a too competetive major).</p>

<p>UC GPA (10th-11th, the one that UC looks at): 3.93
AP Classes taken or in progress: 5 (two for 11th, three for 12th)
note- I did take 2 Honors courses in 10th, and two in 9th, but they're not "UC approved Honors courses", whatever that means. I'm not sure if they count.)</p>

<p>Test Scores:

Math: 570
US History: 710
Lit: 640</p>

<p>ACT: (Better UC score than the SATI, they take the higher)
Composite Score-26</p>

<p>AP Tests:
US History: 4
English Language: 3</p>

<p>Notable Extra Curricular/Awards:
VP and Pres of Science club 3 years
500 hours of Martial Arts
VP of Senior Class
Boy's State
Two years Student Government
One year Student Ambassadors
1st Place JPL invention challenge
Green Belt (Martial Arts)
League of Cities Student delegate</p>

<p>Volunteer Service Hours: +100 (Kind of scattered over many things)</p>

<p>College Applications essays: In my opinion pretty good, but I have one grammatical error despite the numerous checks. -_-</p>

<p>Things that might count against me:
-Have only taken two years foreign language. the second year is being taken now, in 12th. (UC requires 2, reccommends 3)
-A majority of my volunteer service is mostly in 12th, including half of my martial arts hours. (don't know if that's necessarily a bad thing)
-A-G Courses (by semester) taken over High School career only equals about 38, slightly short of the average admitted student to UCI (by the stats, it doesn't look like too big a factor in admission)
- One. Grammatical. Error. On an otherwise flawless application. -_-
(Also, I didn't have any special conditions)</p>

<p>I'm interested to have some input on what UC's I can expect to get into, specifically Irvine. Any thoughts? Thanks for your time. =D</p>