The Official UC Chance Thread

<p>Wow Asuka, I don't know about yours...</p>

<p>It seems like it's all over the place, so many AP's, yet low GPA. You lucked out in the ACT's 27 just might push you over the edge. </p>

<p>Your extra curriculars are pretty extensive also...</p>

<p>I'd say that you'll get into UCI and below. UCB UCSD and UCLA is a stretch, but anythings possible.</p>

<p>thanks for the chance merc4hire</p>

<p>Heh, take it with a grain of salt. :P</p>

<p>Checking the stats, your GPA and test scores will land you in UCR or UCM. But your voluenteer service and amount of AP's are amazing. I know people like yourself who have gone to the big name UC's with those factors. </p>

<p>I think it hinges on whether or not you successfully defended you case in your essay. If you did a good job, then the big UC's are within your reach. if not, then I'd say at least Irvine.</p>

<p>How do UCs calculate GPA? Is an A in an AP class worth 5.0 rather than the 4.0 awarded in a regular/honors course?</p>

<p>for the UC GPA, you only count your Sophomore and Junior year. Only count the A-G courses taken and an A in an AP is 5, B-4, C-3, D-1, F-0. You can only add up to 8 semesters of AP/Approved Honors courses though. So if you convert that to classes, 4 year-long classes.</p>

<p>Ya think I'll be able to get into Irvine?</p>

<p>^Match for Irvine. Your UC GPA is a big boost to your chances, but those test scores aren't ideal. Still, I know a lot more people with worse that got in. CC isn't a really good gauge of what your competition is.</p>

<p>Compared to me you have a really good shot of getting into Irvine. Maybe even SD</p>

<p>That's true. While my test scores aren't the greatest, the averages for UCI (specifically the ACT) match up pretty well. The SATI's aren't too far off the acceptance average either, but UC takes the better one, which in this case is the ACT. Lucky me. </p>

<p>I think the average admit had an ACT score of 26, which is what I have. That, and my highest SATII scores are 640 and 710 which aren't too bad either. Huh. Everything sounds about right then.</p>

<p>merc4hire, I know a lot of people who've gotten into Irvine with much lower stats than you (I live in Irvine so I hear of these things sometimes). Your UC GPA is a great help, your ACT score meets the avg, and your SAT II scores are decent as well. I say you're in.</p>

<p>I'm pretty much hopeless, or no?
My high school has 4,000+ biggest in northern cali i think</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.60
ACT: 21/Reading=18, Math:25
SATII's: 520(Math), 740(Korean)</p>

<p>Varsity Golf
A.S.B. Treasurer
Freshman Class Secretary
Sophomore Class Secretary
After school tutor
2 Part-time jobs
First generation</p>

<p>If my personal statements were legit, do you think Davis is completely a "no way"? thx</p>

<p>^You'll have a Slight Reach/Reach for Davis, although it doesn't completely rule you out since your UC GPA isn't that bad. Third tier UCs are matches.</p>

<p>@ Asuka - I don't understand why you would take so many APs/Honors if you can't excel in them. An A in an easier class is better than, well, a C in an AP class in your case.</p>

<p>Well I only got a C in World History and that was during my sophomore year. After that I retained B's and higher in the other APs I took during junior year. The only C I got in an AP class that year was chemistry because I had a horrible teacher who didn't actually teach at all. I had no other way to transfer to another teacher so I ended up dropping the class after 1st semester.</p>

<p>this this thread still chancing?</p>

<p>Yes, although to be honest it never was anything more than a "I'm going to make you feel better by saying you have a shot at this school" thread (btw I didn't do that when I chanced people!)</p>


<p>It's true. That's the reason I posted my stats on these forums! XD </p>

<p>Because I was going crazy over break with nothing to do but worry if I'm going to get into UCI three months from now. The positive feedback did much to reassure me, and on top of that I learned much about the acceptance process.
This thread fills the psychological need for paranoid seniors to find some sort of certainty.</p>

<p>I applied to Political Sciences and Government at UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UC San Diego.</p>

SAT I: 1760 (630 CR, 540 M, 590 W)
SAT IIs: US History 650, World History 670, Molecular Biology 680, Ecological Biology 680, Literature 550, Math II 600
GPA, Weighted and Unweighted: 4.00 uw, 4.51 w, 4.21 UC GPA (weighting system used officially by school for ranking)
Rank: 1/276 uw, 2/276 w -- ELC</p>

<p>APs (including this year's): Junior year: Biology (4), World History (4), Senior year: English Literature and Composition and Calculus AB (most APs taken out of anyone in school including valedictorian; maxed out on all APs considering I'm not language fluent for the other AP subjects and scheduling conflicts)
Senior Yr Courseload: Chinese 5/6 (Independent Study), Chemistry (school offers no honors or AP Chemistry), Drawing (graduating requirement due to UC system), AP Calculus AB, AP English Literature and Composition, American Democracy and Government/Economics (school offers no honors or AP Government or Economics) </p>

<p>ECs listed on app: Mock Trial 10-12 (Varsity Trial Attorney, Varsity Team Captain), Army JROTC 9-11 (Battalion Commander, Battalion Trainings and Operations Officer), School Newspaper 9-10 (Opinions Page Editor and Regular Contributor), Political Science Club 10 (will continue mock trial involvement, newspaper, and political science in college with political science as a major and law school in the future) </p>

<p>Job/Work Experience: Peer Educator and Facilitator at Diversity Works (2002-2005) and Summer Clerkship at Munger, Tolles & Olson under attorneys, partners, and paralegals.</p>

<p>Other stats (Awards, etc.): California Legislature Assembly Certificate of Recognition for Balboa JROTC Battalion Commander, University of San Francisco School of Law Street Law Completion Certificate, California Mock Trial San Francisco City and County Championship Team, Various JROTC awards, most notably: Superior Cadet Award, National Sojourners Award, Scottish Rites Award. </p>

<p>Essay 1: Mock trial and interest in law: jurisprudence and litigation
Essay 2: JROTC and how I matured because of it leadership-wise and socially.</p>

<p>The only school you have a chance at would be UCSD, and that's only because of your ELC. That must be quite an inflated grade system you have.</p>

<p>Being valedictorian and applying for CL&S boost your chances greatly (valedictorian more on the basis of UC GPA). 1760 leans on the low side of most applicants, but, come on, its CL&S and you have a 4.21. I would rate Berkeley and LA as high match/match, although they do have the very real possibility of rejecting you.</p>